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Hello~ class! How are you today? What’s the date today?

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Presentation on theme: "Hello~ class! How are you today? What’s the date today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello~ class! How are you today? What’s the date today?
How’s the weather outside?

2 Let’s sing <Que sera sera> 지난 시간에 배운 내용을 떠올리며 불러봅시다.

3 10. I’m Stronger than You 비교하는 표현을 듣고 이해하며, 부분적으로 따라 말할 수 있다. 그림 카드 놀이에 즐겁게 참여할 수 있다.

4 Activities >0< Activity 1 – Look and Listen Activity 2 – Listen and Repeat Activity 3 – Let’s Play

5 Look and Listen (p.80) What are they doing?

6 Look and Listen (p.80) dialog를 잘 보고 학습지 빈 칸을 채워 봅시다.
선생님이 들려주는 dialog 내용이 맞으면 O, 틀리면 X표를 해 봅시다.

7 1. Kevin is taller than Mike.
Look and Listen-Q 1. Kevin is taller than Mike. Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time. (X)

8 2. Mike is taller than his father.
Look and Listen-Q 2. Mike is taller than his father. Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time. (O)

9 3. Kevin is faster than Mike.
Look and Listen-Q 3. Kevin is faster than Mike. Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time. (O)

10 4. Mike is stronger than Kevin.
Look and Listen-Q 4. Mike is stronger than Kevin. Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time. (X)

11 4. Mike is stronger than Kevin.
Look and Listen-Q 4. Mike is stronger than Kevin. Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time. (X)

12 Listen and Repeat(1) 다음 대화의 내용을 잘 듣고 따라 말해 봅시다.

13 Let’s Practice with 무한도전~~!!!!
Just ask a few students how they are today? Don’t ask the whole class because there isn’t enough time.

14 Who is taller? Junha is taller than Hyoung-don

15 Who is stronger? Hodong is stronger than Jaesok

16 Who is smarter? Haha is smarter than Junha

17 Who is older? Myungsoo is older than Junha

18 Whose hair is longer? Hong chul’s hair is longer than Myung soo’s

19 “ Card game ” 1. 카드를 섞어서 5장씩 나눈다. 2. 가위바위보를 하여 순서를 정한다.
3. 첫 번째 사람은 아무거나 하나 문장을 말하며 낸다. 예를 들어 "I am stronger than you." 하면, 4. 두 번째 사람은 주어가 같거나, 비교급 표현이 같은 걸로 한 장을 말하며 낸다. "I am older than you." 5. 세 번째 사람도 마찬가지로 한 장을 말하며 낸다 "She is older than me.” 6. 문장을 제대로 읽지 못하면 카드를 내지 못한다. 7. 아무것도 같은 게 없으면 다음 차례로 넘어간다. 8. 카드를 먼저 다 내면 승!

20 The end <HOMEWORK> - 비교하는 표현이 나오는 문장 복습해 오기.

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