EDIRAK I. Osaka ad-hoc Meeting II. Boston Meeting 2005년 06월 16일

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Presentation on theme: "EDIRAK I. Osaka ad-hoc Meeting II. Boston Meeting 2005년 06월 16일"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDIRAK I. Osaka ad-hoc Meeting II. Boston Meeting 2005년 06월 16일
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 IEC TC110 / WG4 (PDP) 국제표준화 회의 결과 보고 I. Osaka ad-hoc Meeting II. Boston Meeting 2005년 06월 16일 보고자 오리온PDP 김 민 철 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

2 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 PDP 관련 IEC 규격 제정 현황 발행완료 진행중 Area Terminology & Letter symbols Measuring methods Sectional specification Essential ratings & Characteristics Reliability Blank detail specifications Panel & Module IEC /Ed. 1.0 Terminology and letter symbols Publication MRD : 2008 IEC / Ed. 1.0 Measuring methods - Optical Publicat ion MRD : 2007 IEC /Ed.1.0 Mechanical interface 110/XX/FDIS PL : Tolner- 네덜란드 IEC / Ed. 1.0 Environmental and mechanical endurance test methods 110 / 24/ CD PL : We 한국 IEC / Ed. 1.0 Measuring methods - Optoelectrical Publication MRD : 2007 IEC / Ed.1.0 Electrical interface 110/23/ NP-Approved PL : Park- 한국 IEC / Ed. 1.0 Measuring methods - Quality 110/52/CD P L : Yan-중국 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합 IEC / Ed Generic specification /23/NP -Approved PL : Matsuda 일본

3 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) 개요 ▣ 일시 : 년 02월24일 ~ 26일 ▣ 장소 : ESPEC Corp. Osaka ▣ 참가자 : 3개국(13명) 한국3명, 일본 8명 , 중국 2명 -한국측 참가자 박세광 교수(경북대) 김민철 차장 (오리온 PDP) 위성백 대리 (삼성 SDI) Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

4 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) 2. 회의 안건 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Confirmation of the agenda 3. Discussion of PDP standards -Part 2-3 Measuring methods(Quality) - CD draft P/ L : Dr. Xiaolin Yan (TCL) -Part 3-2 Electrical interface – NP draft P/ L : 박세광교수 (경북대학교) -Part 4 Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - 2CD draft P/ L : 위성백 (삼성SDI) -Part 5 : Generic specification – NP draft P/ L : Akihiro Matsuda (Matsushita) 4. Other business 5. Date and place of the next meeting Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

5 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▣ Part Measuring methods- Quality ▶ SCOPE a) Measuring method of cell defects b) Measuring method of image sticking c) Measuring method of luminance lifetime d) Measuring method of Panel luminous efficacy ▶ Major discussion point 5.1.5항 Specification of cell defects (정의, Symbol 변경, 타색 결함에 대한 항목 추가) A-zone 변경 5.2.4 항 Image sticking 측정 pattern 추가 5,4항 Power consumption 삭제 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

6 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▶ 5.1.5항 Specification of cell defects Defect luminance ratio of dark defects, X: A dark defect has a luminance which is darker than X% of the full screen white level luminance of each colour Defect luminance ratio of bright defects on black screen, Y: A bright defect has a luminance which is brighter than Y% of full white luminance. Defect luminance ratio of bright defects on full white screen, Z: A bright defect has a luminance which is brighter than Z% of the full white luminance Peak to peak luminance variation ratio of unstable cell : The peak to peak luminance variation of an unstable cell is greater than W% of the full screen white level luminance of each colour. 변경 후 Defect luminance ratio of dark defects, XR XG XB : A dark defect has a luminance which is darker than X% of the luminance of full screen R,G, and B respectively. Defect luminance ratio of bright defects on black screen, YR YG Y B : A bright defect has a luminance which is brighter than Y%of the luminance of full screen R,G,and B respectively Defect luminance ratio of bright defects on full white screen, ZR ZG ZB : A bright defect has a luminance which is brighter than Z%of the luminance of full screen R,G,and B respectively Defect luminance ratio of bright defects on other colour, VRG VRB VGR VGB VBR VBG : A bright defect of other colours has a luminance which is brighter than V% of the luminance of full screen R,G,and B respectively Peak to peak luminance variation ratio of unstable cell WR WG W B : The peak to peak luminance variation of an unstable cell is greater than W% of the full screen R,G,and B respectively Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

7 EDIRAK Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▶ A - Zone Example 변경
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▶ A - Zone Example 변경 : 50% - > 25% 0.71V 0.71H B-ZONE A-ZONE (50 %) H V 0.5V 0.5H B-ZONE A-ZONE (25 %) H V 국내 Module 업체의 요구에 따라 A- zone 영역 축소 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

8 EDIRAK Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka)
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▶ 항 Image sticking pattern 및 측정 Position(A 0 ~A 4 ) 추가 V/5 H/5 A0 A2 A3 A1 A4 Image sticking pattern Image sticking measurement position Image sticking coefficients for R , for example IS(R )=(1- *LA0(R ) / **La v(R )) × 100% *LA0 : 4% center area luminance for full screen red **La v : average luminance of 4 point around center area for full screen red Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

9 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▶ 5.4항 Power consumption 측정법 삭제 IEC “Measuring methods opto-electrical”에 있는 Module Power 측정법과 일부 중복이 되고 소비전력 측정방법에 대한 추가 논의가 필요하기 때문에 추후 CD Version에서 결정하기로 함. ▶5. 5항 luminance efficacy 측정법 현 Draft를 CD Version로 제출하고 , Address 전극접지 or Floating 여부, 측정 주파수, 측정 면적 등에 대해서는 추후 CD Version에서 수정 하기로 협의함 ▶전체 41개 Comment (editorial, technical)에 대하여 토의, 수정함. 금번 토의된 최종수정본을 4월15일까지 1st CD로 제출( Mr. Tanaka)하기로 함. Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

10 EDIRAK ▣ Part 3-2 Electrical interface Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka)
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▣ Part 3-2 Electrical interface   ▶ A.1.1 a)항 bit수가 증가(10bit->12bit)할 경우 Tx/Rx의 Group도 증가 여부 검토하여 수정 ▶ A.1.1 d)항 timing chart 간략하게 수정하기로 함 3/15일까지 수정하여 JAPAN NC 검토후 Boston 회의시 1st CD Version으로 결정 Image processing board PDP module LVDS Receiver (Serial/Parallel) LVDS Transmitter (Parallel/Serial) Tx/Rx0- Tx/Rx0+ Tx/Rx1- Tx/Rx1+ Tx/Rx2- Tx/Rx2+ Tx/Rx3- Tx/Rx3+ DCLK - R0-Rn G0-Gn B0-Bn VS HS DCLK DEN Function control signal DCLK + Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

11 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 ▶ A.1.1 d)항 timing chart Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) T VSYNC 1 2 3 480+ N t WV VH HSYNC 4 480 HV Vsync Hsync DCLK BLANK ( Period of valid data ) DATA WH HC CLK CH 852 WCLK2 WCLK1 SUB HB SUD hd d1 d2 d852 Shaded Area : Invalid WB 4.6 us 보다 커야함 . BPV BPH Shaded area Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

12 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▣ Part 4 Environmental and mechanical endurance test methods   ▶ 5항 Standard condition Drying condition과 Recovery condition - > IEC 참조하여 항목 및 내용 변경 5.1 Standard reference atmosphere 5.2 Standard atmosphere for refere measurements and test 5.3 Standard atmospheric conditions for measurements and test 5.4 Standard atmospheric conditions for assisted drying ▶ 6.1항 ~ 6. 5항의 각 시험항목에 대하여 하기 내용 추가 Testing procedures Intermediate measurement Recovery ▶ b) Chamber 내의 온도 변화율 변경 : not exceed ( 1℃/min ) -> ( 3℃/min) Table1 Level을 condition으로 변경하고 , Level 3는 삭제 ▶ 최종 수정본을 CDV Version으로 하고 5월 SID회의에서 확정하기로 협의 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

13 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) ▣ Part 4-5 Generic specification 3.1.4항 Formation of inspection lots 3.1.5항 Structurally similar device 3.1.6항 Subcontracting 3.1.7항 Incorporated components 3.1.8항 Validity of release Reference 규격 “ QC ” 을 참조로 하여 P/L주도로 토의 진행함. QC분야에 대해서는 대부부분의 참석자들이 전문지식이 부족한 상태이기 때문에 충분한 검토가 이루어지지 못하였슴 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

14 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 Ad-hoc Meeting (Osaka) 1. Next meeting ■ SID’ /27 ~ 5/29, Boston, MA, USA ■ TC 110 Meeting 9/24 ~9/26 , Amsterdam, Netherland ■ 기타 1)NRDC(Natural Resources Defense Council, 미국 천연자원협회)의 PDP 소비전력 관련 최신 보고서에 대한 JEITA, PDP부문의 대응 JEITA ,PDP부문 멤버들은 하기와 같은 대응 자료를 IEC TC110에공식적으로 송부하기로 함. [ 대응 자료 요약 ] NRDC의 측정조건 기준인 IEC 62087은 Average power consumption을 대상으로 하지않고 Maximum power consumption을 대상으로 한 것으로 측정방법의 오류가 있음,  PDP와 타 display의 평균 소비전력은 동일함. FPD의 소비전력 측정방법을 협의하고 있으며, 이를 IEC standard로 채택해 줄 것 을 요청하기로 함. Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

15 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) 개요 ▣ 일시 : 년 05월27일 ~ 29일 ▣ 장소 : Sheraton HTL , Boston ▣ 참가자 : 6개국(19명) ( 한국 6, 일본7, 중국1, 네덜란드1, 미국3, 프랑스1 ) - 한국측 참가자 박세광 교수(경북대), 이상근 연구관 (기술표준원) 최경철 교수 (KAIST), 김민철 차장(오리온PDP) 박헌건 책임(LG전자), 윤상진 선임(LG전자) Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

16 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) 2. 회의안건 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Confirmation of the agenda 3. Discussion of PDP standards - Part 4 Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - 2CD draft P/ L : 위성백 대리(삼성SDI) - Part 3-2 Electrical interface – NP draft P/ L : 박세광교수 (경북대학교) - Part 5 : Generic specification – NP draft P/ L : Akihiro Matsuda (Matsushita - Part 2-3 Measuring methods(Quality) - CD draft P/ L : Dr. Xiaolin Yan (TCL) 4. Other business 5. Date and place of the next meeting Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

17 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) ▣ Part 4 Environmental and mechanical endurance test methods   ▶ Osaka 회의시 수정된 사항에 대하여 각국 Member들에게 설명하고 CDV Version으로 확정함, 6/30 까지 Central office에 송부(Mr. Tanaka) National Page Paragraph Figure/Table Type Comments Proposed change KR/JP 3 Contents Editorial Delete ‘atmospheric’ Standard conditions 4 2 Be consistent with others Delete brackets and change the character style 5 Technical Refer to an Annex 8 6.1.3 Be consistentwith other standards Add ‘Testing procedures’ 6.1.4 Be consistent with other standards Add ‘Intermediate measurements’ 6.1.5 Add ‘Recovery’ 10 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 11 6.3.3 Add ‘PDP Installation’ 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.4.1 For more detail to damp heat operating conditions 12 6.4.2(b) Grammar Change the time to time Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

18 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) ▣ Part 4 Environmental and mechanical endurance test methods  National Page Paragraph Figure/Table Type Comments Proposed change KR/JP 12 6.4.2(b) Technical For more detail After the specified temperature and humidity has been reached 13 6.4.3 Be consistent with other standards Add ‘Testing procedures’ 6.4.4 Add ‘Recovery’ 6.5.2 Add ‘Test equipment’ 15 6.5.6 Add ‘Information to be given in the relevant specification’ 16 6.6.4 7 Change the contents. 19 Table1 Editorial Change Level to Condition Level 3 is not needed Delete ‘Level 3’ Niigata state Osaka state Comments 5 Standard atmospheric conditions 5 Standard conditions Subject was revised 5.1 Standard reference atmosphere Newly inserted 5.2 Standard atmospheric for referee measurements and tests 5.3 Standard atmospheric conditions for measurement and tests 5.1 Standard atmospheric conditions for assisted drying 5.4 Standard atmospheric conditions for assisted drying Duration of assisted drying was changed from 6h to 2h 5.2 Recovery conditions 5.5 Recovery conditions 5.6 Standard installation conditions 5.7 Standard measuring conditions 5.8 PDP module state It was originally under sub-clause of 6,7 5.9 Operating conditions Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

19 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) ▣ Part 3-2 Electrical interface  ▶ 금번회의 결과에 대하여 6/ 9일까지 Japan National Committee에서 Review. 9월경에 1st CD 제출 예정 구 분 변경 전 변경 후 Clause A 1.1 a) None NOTE m = (n+1)/2 -1. For 10 bits, n = 9 and m = 4. Clause A 1.1 Figure A.1 Tx/Rx4+ Tx/Rx4- Tx/Rxm+ Tx/Rxm- Table A.1 Rx IN4+ (or RE+) Rx IN4- (or RE-) B8, B9, G8, G9, R8, R9 Rx INn+ (or RE+) Rx INn- (or RE-) Bm-1, Bm, Gm-1, Gm, Rm, Rm Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

20 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 ▣ Part 5 Generic specification  ▶ 3.1항 에서 항 까지 29개의 comment에 대하여 협의 ▣ Part Measuring method – Quality ▶Osaka 회의시 언급된 Luminance lifetime 측정법에 대해 준비자료 발표 (Pioneer corporation, Uchidoi) 1) Acceleration method .Applied to accelerate the degradation phenomenon under accelerating conditions .Luminance input level is in proportion to the speed of luminance degradation (ex, normal input 12% white level, 60 % 경우 5배 시간 단축) . partial heating of panel have an affect on the degradation , but the affect is very complex and difficult to be simplified 2)Extrapolation method Applied to estimate the life time by using a degradation time formula L(t)=L0exp – √ ( t /τ ) t : operating time , L(t) :physical value of the degradation phenomena at time t, L0 :initial value of L(t), τ : constant .When the position of the folding and the slope are determined,the lifetime estimation may be applied TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

21 2)Extrapolation method
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) 1) Acceleration method 2)Extrapolation method 1.0 log (t) Relative luminance L(t)/L0 0.5 Acceleration factor Δ log t Increase of luminance input level Normal operating condition Acceleration condition Observed data Estimated degradation curve obtained under acceleration condition -0.3 √t log L(t) /L0 (L/L0 = 0.5) Luminance lifetime Folding Slope Extrapolation Observation ▶ 1), 2) 안을 혼합한 방식 검토 ▶ 각사에서 형광체의 degradation 자료를 수집하여 차기회의에서 계속 논의 하기로 함 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

22 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) ▣Other Business ▶ 신규 과제 제안 ( Korea) - 하기의 item 에 대하여 12월까지 Preliminary study 제안, 진행을 결정함. 12월 Meeting시 Draft 준비, 신규 과제로 채택 여부 결정키로 함. Subject Items Status Optical  Luminance (peak, full-white)  Dark room contrast ratio  Uniformity (luminance, color of white)  Color gamut Published Opto-electrical  Bright room contrast ratio  Power consumption  Module luminance efficacy Quality  Cell defect  Image sticking  Luminance lifetime  Luminance efficacy of panel Under discussion Quality II  Gray scale  Image streaking  Flicker  Acoustic noise and so on … Need Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

23 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston)  Gray scale - PDP module must emit light proportional to input gray scale - For different input grays, if the output of a module is the same or reversed, picture quality will be degraded. - So, the characteristics of input gray to output luminance should be checked.  To evaluate performance and compare with other modules, the standard method for measuring gray scale quality is necessary.  Image streaking - Generally, PDP module shows different luminance when pixels with the same gray level have different line load. The same gray level brighter - For the image streaking, any standard measuring method has not been made yet. - This phenomenon may distort picture information. Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

24 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston)  Flicker - Flicker is one of the most important factors in evaluating picture quality, particularly in 50Hz broadcasting area. - As the screen size of display is larger, the flicker becomes more serious. - PDP is supplied as a display with large screen size.  So, the standard measuring method must be made as soon as possible.  Acoustic noise - In PDP module, there are various acoustic noise sources : (1) generated between the front and the rear glasses. (2) induced by coils for energy recovery. (3) induced by transformers for AC to DC converter. and so on. - The acoustic noise may annoy people, especially in a silent night. - The amount of acoustic noise can be varied depending on measuring position and distance.  So, we need the standard measuring method for the acoustic noise. Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

25 Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea
【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) ▣Other Business ▶기존 규격에 대한 Maintenance cycle report IEC 61988의 PART 2-1 Measuring method – optical 과 Part 2-2 Measuring Method –opto electrical 에 대한 Maintenance 계획 토의 -> 1안) 각각 수정 , 2안) 2개 Combine + Panel Efficacy 추가 안중에서 2안) 으로 결정. P/L은 Pioneer 의 Mr. UCHIDOI 선임됨 ▶ Dr. Larry F. Weber : PDP TV와 LCD TV의 연간 소비 전력 측정법 제안 . JEITA 제안 방식 비교/ New test method 제안 -> LCD, OLED Member와 공유하에 충분한 토의후 진행하기로 함.  다음 회의시 추가 논의 ▣Next meeting 1) 9/24 ~ 9/26 IEC 회의 장소 : 네덜란드 Delft 2) 12/4 ~12/5 (IDW 12/6~9) 장소 : 일본,미정(Takamatsu,Osaka중 선택) Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

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【 제 5회 평판디스플레이 표준화기반구축사업 워크샵 】 ▣ 기타 NRDC(Natural Resources Defense Council, 미국 천연자원협회)의 PDP 소비전력 관련 대응 -    < 발표 자료 요약> - 방송 신호 분석을 통해 APL별 동영상 test sample을 만든 후, 방송 횟수에 따라 가중치 부여하는 방식 제안 TC110/WG4 Meeting (Boston) Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea EDIRAK 한국디스플레이연구조합

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