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멀티스케일 에너지 강좌 미래창조과학부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교

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Presentation on theme: "멀티스케일 에너지 강좌 미래창조과학부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교"— Presentation transcript:

1 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌 미래창조과학부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교
미래창조과학부 글로벌프론티어 (재)멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단은 나노기술과 에너지 기술의 융합을 통하여 혁신적 미래 광에너지와 분자에너지 원천기술 개발을 목표로 하는 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구사업을 추진하고 있습니다. 연구단에서 국제 저명인사 초청 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌를 개최합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다. 제 목 : Waste heat recovery and lightweight thermal management by polymeric materials 연 사 : 김건호 (University of Michigan) 일 시 : 2015년 1월 30일 (금), 16:00~17:00 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1420호 내 용 : Waste heat recovery and thermal management have long been an important engineering topic in automobile, airplane, and electronics industries. In particular, thermoelectric technology can directly convert waste heat to useful electricity with minimal increase in the system weight and complexity. Numerous efforts have been placed to produce lightweight and economical thermal management system made out of plastics, yet understanding of heat transport in polymers is largely limited. In 2013, we broke the previous world record for the thermoelectric efficiency in an organic semiconductor. Our quantum mechanical calculations suggest the importance of minimizing dopant volume to maximizing the charge carrier mobility and hence thermoelectric performance of organic semiconductors. By using this unprecedented strategy of minimizing dopant volume, we were able to vary thermoelectric parameters in an unique manner. Our high thermoelectric performance polymer will potentially deliver thermoelectric paint with enormous versatility, which can generate electricity from numerous waste heat sources (e.g., car engine hood, airplane cabinet). In the latter part of the talk, engineering of heat transport in amorphous polymers will be discussed. We rationalized the molecular structure required to form a thermally conductive intermolecular pathway, which was experimentally demonstrated in commercially available polymers. Under certain conditions, thermal conductivity in typical spin-cast polymer films was observed to exceed 1.5 W/m-K, which is approximately an order of magnitude larger than that of other amorphous polymers. 6. 약 력 : Gun-Ho Kim is an Energy Research Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research interests lie in thermoelectric energy conversion, charge and thermal transports in organic materials, and nano-scale thermal management. He received a BS degree at Seoul National University, and MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. He is the recipient of the Partnerships for Innovation in Energy at the Michigan Energy Institute. 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 (☏ ,6670) 최만수 교수 (기계항공공학부) 미래창조과학부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교

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