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VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다

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Presentation on theme: "VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다"— Presentation transcript:

1 VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다
VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다. 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라. 과제 LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; D FF with Reset ENTITY d_ff IS PORT(cp, n_reset, d : IN std_logic; q : OUT std_logic); END d_ff ; ARCHITECTURE arc OF d_ff IS BEGIN PROCESS (cp, n_reset) IF (n_reset = '0') THEN q<='0'; ELSE IF (cp'EVENT AND cp= '1') THEN q<=d; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

2 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

3 VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다
VHDL 프로그램은 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 D 플립플롭을 구현한 것이다. 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라. LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; D FF with Reset and Set-- ENTITY d_ff_sr IS PORT(cp, n_reset, n_set, d : IN std_logic; q : OUT std_logic); END d_ff_sr ; ARCHITECTURE arc OF d_ff_sr IS BEGIN PROCESS (cp, n_reset, n_set) IF (n_reset = '0'AND n_set='1') THEN q<='0'; ELSIF (n_reset = '1'AND n_set='0') THEN q<='1'; ELSIF (cp'EVENT AND cp= '1') THEN q<=d; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc; 과제

4 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

5 J-K flip-flop of VHDL listing
실습 J-K flip-flop of VHDL listing LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; J-K FF ENTITY jk_ff IS PORT(pr, clr, clk, j, k : IN std_logic; q : BUFFER std_logic); END jk_ff; ARCHITECTURE arc OF jk_ff IS SIGNAL jk : std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN jk<=j&k; PROCESS (pr, clr, clk, j, k) if(pr='0' and clr='1') then q <= '1'; elsif(pr='1' and clr='0') then q <= '0'; elsif (clk'EVENT AND clk = '0') THEN --Neg edge trigger CASE jk IS WHEN "00" => q <= q; --Hold WHEN "01" => q <= '0'; --Reset WHEN "10" => q <= '1'; --Set WHEN "11" => q <= NOT q; --Toggle WHEN OTHERS => q <= q; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

6 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

7 Clear(RD)가 있는 16진 up카운터 설계
과제 Clear(RD)가 있는 16진 up카운터 설계 LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; Mod-16 Up-Counter ENTITY mod16up IS PORT(n_cp, n_rd : IN std_logic; q : BUFFER integer RANGE 0 TO 15); END mod16up; ARCHITECTURE arc OF mod16up IS BEGIN PROCESS (n_cp, n_rd) IF (n_rd='0') THEN q <= 0; ELSIF (n_cp'EVENT AND n_cp='0') THEN q <=q+1; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

8 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

9 10진 up카운터 설계 과제 LIBRARY ieee;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; -- Mod-10 Up-Counter ENTITY mod_10 IS PORT(n_cp, n_rd IN std_logic; q : BUFFER integer RANGE 0 TO 15); END mod_10; ARCHITECTURE arc OF mod_10 IS BEGIN PROCESS (n_cp, n_rd) IF (n_rd='0' OR q=10) THEN q <= 0; ELSIF (n_cp'EVENT AND n_cp='0') THEN q <=q+1; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

10 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

11 0부터 7까지 세는 카운터 과제 01 ------ 설계 해 1: VARIABLE 사용 --------
0부터 7까지 세는 카운터 과제 설계 해 1: VARIABLE 사용 02 ENTITY counter IS PORT ( clk, rst: IN BIT; count: OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7); 05 END counter; 07 ARCHITECTURE counter OF counter IS 08 BEGIN PROCESS (clk, rst) VARIABLE temp: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7; BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN temp:=0; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN temp := temp+1; END IF; count <= temp; END PROCESS; 19 END counter; 설계 해 2: SIGNAL만을 사용 02 ENTITY counter IS PORT ( clk, rst: IN BIT; count: BUFFER INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7); 05 END counter; 07 ARCHITECTURE counter OF counter IS 08 BEGIN PROCESS (clk, rst) BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN count <= 0; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN count <= count + 1; END IF; END PROCESS; 17 END counter;

12 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

13 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 4-bit up-counter
과제 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 4-bit up-counter LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; bit Up-Counter with -- -- Async Reset and Load -- ENTITY counter_a IS PORT(cp, n_rd, n_pl : IN std_logic; pl_data : IN integer RANGE 0 TO 15; q : BUFFER integer RANGE 0 TO 15); END counter_a; ARCHITECTURE arc OF counter_a IS BEGIN PROCESS (cp, n_rd, n_pl) IF (n_rd='0' AND n_pl='1') THEN q<= 0; ELSIF (n_rd='1' AND n_pl='0') THEN q<=pl_data; ELSIF (cp'EVENT AND cp='1' ) THEN q<=q+1; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

14 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

15 클럭 인에이블, 병렬로드, 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 4-bit up/down-counter
과제 클럭 인에이블, 병렬로드, 비동기 Set와 Reset을 갖는 4-bit up/down-counter LIBRARY ieee; bit Up/Down-Counter USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; with Async Reset and Load -- -- and clock enable ENTITY counter_b IS PORT(cp, n_rd, n_pl, n_ce, u_d : IN std_logic; pl_data : IN integer RANGE 0 TO 15; q : BUFFER integer RANGE 0 TO 15); END counter_b; ARCHITECTURE arc OF counter_b IS BEGIN PROCESS (cp, n_rd, n_pl) IF (n_rd='0' AND n_pl='1') THEN q<= 0; ELSIF (n_rd='1' AND n_pl='0') THEN q<=pl_data; ELSIF (cp'EVENT AND cp='1' ) THEN IF (n_ce='0') THEN IF (u_d='0') THEN q<=q+1; ELSE q<=q-1; END IF; END PROCESS; END arc;

16 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

17 Count(6 downto 0) & count(7)
과제 8비트 ring counter Count(7) Count(6) Count(5) Count(4) Count(3) Count(2) Count(1) Count(0) Count(6 downto 0) & count(7)

18 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity ring_counter is port(clk, reset : in std_logic; count : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end ring_counter; architecture sample of ring_counter is begin process(clk, reset) if(reset = '1') then count <=" "; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then count <=count(6 downto 0) & count(7); end if; end process; end sample;

19 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

20 과제 비동기 카운터 설계

21 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity async_counter is port (clk, reset : in std_logic; count_out : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end async_counter ; architecture sample of async_counter is begin process(clk, reset) if (reset = '1') then count_out <= " "; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1')then count_out <= count_out + 1; end if; end process; end sample;

22 비동기 카운터 설계

23 과제 동기 카운터 설계

24 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity sync_counter is port (clk, reset : in std_logic; count_out : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end sync_counter ; architecture sample of sync_counter is begin process(clk, reset) if clk'event and clk = '1' then if reset ='1' then count_out <= " "; else count_out <= count_out + 1; end if; end process; end sample;

25 동기 카운터 설계

26 Mod-12 UP 카운터 설계

27 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity count12 is port (clk, rst : in std_logic; c_out : buffer std_logic_vector(11 downto 0)); end count12; architecture sample of count12 is begin process(clk, rst) if (rst = '1') then c_out <= (others => '0'); elsif (clk'event and clk = '1')then c_out <= c_out + 1; end if; end process; end sample;


29 과제 enable과 load입력이 있는 8비트 UP 카운터 설계

30 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity controlup is port (clk, reset , enable, load : in std_logic; in_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); count_out : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end controlup ; architecture sample of controlup is signal clken : std_logic; begin clken <= clk and enable; process(clken, reset, load) if reset = '1' then count_out <= " "; elsif (clken'event and clken ='1')then if load = '1' then count_out <= in_data; else count_out <= count_out + '1'; end if; end process; end sample;

31 enable과 load입력이 있는 8비트 UP 카운터 설계

32 과제 UPDOWN 카운터 설계

33 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity updown_coun is port(clk, updn, rst : in std_logic; c_out : buffer std_logic_Vector(11 downto 0)); end updown_coun; architecture sample of updown_coun is begin process(clk, rst) if(rst='1') then c_out <= (others => '0'); elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then if (updn = '1')then c_out <= c_out + 1; else c_out <= c_out - 1; end if; end process; end sample;


35 과제 8비트 UP/down 카운터 설계

36 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity updowncounter is port (clk, reset , up_down, enable, load : in std_logic; in_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); count_out : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end updowncounter ; architecture sample of updowncounter is signal clken : std_logic; begin clken <= clk and enable; process(clken, reset, load) if reset = '1' then count_out <= " "; elsif (clken'event and clken ='1')then if load = '1' then count_out <= in_data; elsif up_down ='1' then count_out <= count_out + 1; else count_out <= count_out -1; end if; end process; end sample;

37 8비트 UP/down 카운터 설계

38 과제 주파수 분배기 클록 주파수를 6으로 나누는 회로 구현 [그림] 주파수 분배기

39 01 -----------------------------------------------------
02 LIBRARY ieee; 03 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 05 ENTITY freq_divider IS PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; out1 : BUFFER STD_LOGIC); 08 END freq_divider; 10 ARCHITECTURE example OF freq_divider IS SIGNAL count1 : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7; 12 BEGIN PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN count1 <= count1 + 1; IF (count1 = ? ) THEN out1 <= NOT out1; count1 <= 0; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; 29 END example; 02 LIBRARY ieee; 03 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 05 ENTITY freq_divider IS PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; out2 : BUFFER STD_LOGIC); 08 END freq_divider; 10 ARCHITECTURE example OF freq_divider IS 12 BEGIN PROCESS (clk) VARIABLE count2 : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7; BEGIN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN count2 := count2 + 1; IF (count2 = ? ) THEN out2 <= NOT out2; count2 := 0; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; 29 END example;

40 주파수 분배기 설계

41 과제 5분주 클럭발생기 설계

42 elsif (clk'event and clk ='0') then present_state <= next_state;
else next_state <= "00001"; end if; end process; Process(clk, reset) begin if reset='1' then present_state <= "00000"; elsif (clk'event and clk ='0') then present_state <= next_state; End process; Out_clk <=present_state; end sample; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity clk5DIV is port (clk, reset : in std_logic; out_clk : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0)); end clk5div ; architecture sample of clk5div is signal present_state, next_state : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); begin process(present_state) if present_state="00000" then next_state <= "00001"; elsif present_state="00001" then next_state <= "00010"; elsif present_state="00010" then next_state <= "00100"; elsif present_state="00100" then next_state <= "01000"; elsif present_state="01000" then next_state <= "10000"; elsif present_state="10000" then

43 5분주 클럭발생기 설계

44 과제 클럭 분주회로 설계

45 variable cnt25 : integer range 0 to 7; variable clk25_out : std_logic;
outclk200 <=clk200_out; end process; clk25 : Process(clken200) variable cnt25 : integer range 0 to 7; variable clk25_out : std_logic; begin if clken200'event and clken200='0' then if cnt25 < 7 then cnt25 :=cnt25 + 1; elsif cnt25 = 7 then cnt25 :=0; clk25_out :=not clk25_out; end if; outclk25 <=clk25_out; end sample; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity multiclk_div is port (inclk : in std_logic; outclk200, outclk : out std_logic); end multiclk_div; architecture sample of multiclk_div is signal clken200 : std_logic; begin clk200 : process(inclk800) variable cnt200 : integer range 0 to 3; variable clk200_out : std_logic; if inclk800'event and inclk800='0' then if cnt200 < 3 then cnt200 :=cnt ; clken200 <='0'; elsif cnt200 = 3 then cnt200 :=0; clk200_out := not clk200_out; clken200 <='1'; end if;

46 클럭분주회로 설계

47 키입력에 의한 카운터 설계

48 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity count1_key is port(key, clk, rst : in std_logic; c_out : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end count1_key; architecture sample of count1_key is signal cen : std_logic; component keyinh port( data, clk : in std_logic; y_out : buffer std_logic ); end component; begin keyevent : keyinh port map(data=>key, clk=>clk,y_out=>cen); keycount : process(clk,rst) if(rst='1')then c_out <= (others => '0'); elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (cen = '1') then c_out <= c_out + 1; end if; end process; end sample;

49 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity keyinh is port(data, clk : in std_logic; y_out : buffer std_logic); end keyinh; architecture sample of keyinh is signal data1 : std_logic; begin process(clk) if(clk'event and clk = '1') then data1 <= data; if (data1='0') and (data = '1') then y_out <= '1'; else y_out <= '0'; end if; end process; end sample;


51 과제 4단 시프트 레지스터 #2의 VHDL 코드 : 설계 해 1
설계 해 1 : 내부 SIGNAL 사용 02 LIBRARY ieee; 03 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 05 ENTITY shiftreg IS PORT ( d, clk, rst: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC); 08 END shiftreg; 10 ARCHITECTURE behavior OF shiftreg IS SIGNAL internal: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); 12 BEGIN PROCESS (clk, rst) BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN internal <= (OTHERS => '0'); ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN internal <= d & internal(3 DOWNTO 1); END IF; END PROCESS; q <= internal(0); 22 END behavior;

52 4단 시프트 레지스터 #2의 VHDL 코드 : 설계 해 2
과제 4단 시프트 레지스터 #2의 VHDL 코드 : 설계 해 2 설계 해 2 : 내부 VARIABLE 사용 02 LIBRARY ieee; 03 USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 05 ENTITY shiftreg IS PORT (d, clk, rst: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC); 08 END shiftreg; 10 ARCHITECTURE behavior OF shiftreg IS 11 BEGIN PROCESS (clk, rst) VARIABLE internal: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN internal := (OTHERS => '0'); ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN internal := d & internal(3 DOWNTO 1); END IF; q <= internal(0); END PROCESS; 22 END behavior;

53 그림과 같이 입력하여 출력 q의 파형을 구하는 Simulation을 수행하라.

54 4비트 이동레지스터 -- srg4behv.vhd -- Behavioral description of a 4-bit serial shift register LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY srg4behv IS PORT( serial_in, clk : IN STD_LOGIC; q : BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)); END srg4behv; ARCHITECTURE right_shift of srg4behv IS BEGIN PROCESS (clk) IF (clk'EVENT and clk = '1') THEN q(3 downto 0) <= serial_in & q(3 downto 1); END IF; END PROCESS; END right_shift;


56 비동기 클리어를 가진 4비트 양방향 이동레지스터
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY srg4bidi IS PORT( clk, clear : IN STD_LOGIC; rsi, lsi : IN STD_LOGIC; direction : IN STD_LOGIC; q : BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)); END srg4bidi; ARCHITECTURE bidirectional_shift of srg4bidi IS BEGIN PROCESS (clk, clear) IF clear = '0' THEN q <= (others => '0'); -- asynchronous clear ELSIF (clk'EVENT and clk = '1') THEN CASE direction IS WHEN '0' => q <= q(2 downto 0) & lsi; -- left shift WHEN '1' => q <= rsi & q(3 downto 1); -- right shift WHEN others => NULL; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS; END bidirectional_shift;






62 과제 left/right시프트가 가능한 4비트 시프트 레지스터

63 left/right시프트가 가능한 4비트 시프트 레지스터
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bidir_shiftreg4 is port(clk, reset : in std_logic; in_data : in std_logic; le_ri : in std_logic; in_reg : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); out_reg : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end bidir_shiftreg 4; architecture test of bidir_shiftreg4 is begin process(clk, reset, le_ri) if reset ='1' then out_reg <= in_reg; elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then if le_ri='0' then out_reg <=out_reg(2 downto 0) & in_data; else out_reg <=in_data & out_reg(3 downto 1); end if; end process; end test;

64 left/right시프트가 가능한 4비트 시프트 레지스터

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