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Chapter 3: Enzymes Prof. Jung Hoe Kim.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3: Enzymes Prof. Jung Hoe Kim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3: Enzymes Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

2 Introduction to Enzymes (3.1 and 3.2)
Constituents of Enzymes Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

3 Introduction to Enzymes (3.1)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

4 Major Classes of Enzymes (Table 3.1)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

5 How Enzymes Work (3.2) Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

6 Enzyme Kinetics (3.3) Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

7 Enzyme Kinetics (3.3) Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

8 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics (eqn. 3.8)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

9 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics (cont.)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

10 Experimental Determination of Vm and K’m
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

11 Plotting Experimental Data
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

12 Other Types of Plots Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

13 Complex Enzyme Kinetics: Inhibition
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

14 Complex Enzyme Kinetics: Inhibition
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

15 More Inhibition Kinetics (eqn. 3.28 - 3.38)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

16 Summary of Inhibition Kinetics
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

17 Temperature Effects on Enzyme Kinetics
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

18 pH Effects on Enzyme Kinetics (eqn. 3.40 - 3.44)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

19 Immobilized Enzyme Systems
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

20 Immobilized Enzyme Systems
4. Repeated use of enzymes and increase of operational enzyme stability Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

21 Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

22 Detailed Methods of Enzyme Immobilization
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

23 Matrix Entrapment of Enzymes
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

24 Membrane Entrapment Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

25 Membrane Entrapment: Diffusion Processes Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

26 Surface Immobilization: Adsorption
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

27 Surface Immobilization: Covalent Bonding
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

28 Surface Immobilization: Support Bonding
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

29 Surface Immobilization: Support Bonding
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

30 Type of Enzyme Reactor and Operation Mode
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

31 Configuration of Reactor Type and Flow Pattern
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

32 Industrial Application of Enzymes
Intracellular/Extracellular Enzyme Endotype/Exotype Enzyme in Polymer Hydrolysis Reaction Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

33 Industrial Application of Enzymes
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

34 효소반응을 이용해 다양한 종류의 생화학물질을 만들어 낼 수 있다
생물전환기술 (Bioconversion) : 1~2단계의 효소반응에 적용하는 기술 ① 포도당 (Glucose) 생산 전분 올리고당 포도당 Amylase Glucoamylase α- 1,3 / 1,6 ② 과당 (Fructose) 생산 포도당 과당 Glucose isomerase 지방, 아미노산, 항생제 등 다양한 물질 생산에 응용됨 Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

35 나노 효소는 효소의 변성에 의한 불활성화를 막을 수 있다
단백질 구조의 특성 나노 구조체-효소의 복합체 + 변성 pH, Temp. 구형 나노 구조체 + 활성효소 효소 활성 상실 효소 시간 (%) 나노화이버 고집적/부피 Trypsin 활성 20~30배 증가, 360일까지 안정성 유지 (%) 100% 50% 시간 <고려대, 김중배 교수> Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

36 효소반응은 특이적이면서도 마일드한 조건에서 일어난다
화 학 반 응 효 소 반 응 촉매 무기금속 단백질 용매 유기용매 반응조건 고온, 고압 상온, 상압 특이도 낮음 매우 높음 반응속도 빠름 느림 안정성 높음 모든 산업용 효소는 미생물로부터 저렴하게 생산하여 사용한다 Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

37 Diffusional Limitations: Immobilized Enzyme Systems (section 3.4.2)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

38 Diffusional Effects on Surface-Bound Enzymes on Non-porous Supports
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

39 Diffusional Effects in Enzymes Immobilized in a Porous Matrix
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

40 Overview of Industrial and Medicinal Enzymes
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

41 Production Statistics of Industrial Enzymes, (1990)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

42 Production Statistics of Industrial Enzymes (cont., 1990)
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

43 “Typical” Production of Industrial Enzymes
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

44 Medicinal Uses of Enzymes
Prof. Jung Hoe Kim

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