낚시줄 감기 경쟁 실험:사회심리학의 최초실험연구


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Presentation transcript:

낚시줄 감기 경쟁 실험:사회심리학의 최초실험연구 THE DYNAMOGENIC FACTORS IN PACEMAKING AND COMPETITION. By Norman Triplett (1898) Indiana University. First published in American Journal of Psychology, 9, 507-533.

낚시줄 감기 수행시간 경쟁 조건의 20명 과다경쟁조건의 10명 비경쟁 조건의 10명 a: 혼자 수행 c: 경쟁 조건

1920 실험 신문기사의 모음 모두 지우기 쉬운 곱셈작업 논리적 쟁점 작업 다른 개인과의 공동작업 단순한 관찰자 Gordon Allport 1920 실험 신문기사의 모음 모두 지우기 쉬운 곱셈작업 논리적 쟁점 작업 다른 개인과의 공동작업 단순한 관찰자 Guerin (1986) 단순한 작업 사회촉진현상 사람, 쥐, 바퀴벌레, 개미

사회 저해 (Social Inhibition) –Allport (1924) 쟁점에 대한 반론의 수: 사회촉진 현상 반론의 질: 개인 수행이 더 높음 복잡하거나 난이한 과제

Results (Fall 2006) http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/directory/downloads/Social_Facilitation.ppt

Baron: 주의와 분산, 과제 수행은 단서의 수나 주의방해, 평가불안에 영향받음 Zajonc: 241개의 연구에 대한 메타분석-타인의 존재는 각성 증가-습관화되거나 잘 학습된 반응 증가, 단순한 과제 수행 촉진/복잡하거나 어려운 과제 수행 억제 (사람, 쥐, 바퀴벌레) Baron: 주의와 분산, 과제 수행은 단서의 수나 주의방해, 평가불안에 영향받음 1965, Robert Zajonc breathed new life into social facilitation research by accounting for the previously unexplained dual nature of the phenomenon. According to Zajonc, the presence of others serves as a source of arousal. Arousal increases the likelihood of an organism making habitual or well learned responses. This improves performance at simple tasks and impairs performance at complex or difficult tasks (see Yerkes-Dodson Law). Zajonc demonstrated this effect in several different species, including laboratory rats and cockroaches. More recently, Baron (1986) proposed an alternative view of social facilitation, one that is based on attention and distraction. He suggested that task performance is dependent upon the number of cues or distractions present in the situation. Today, most social psychologists believe that social facilitation in humans is influenced by both arousal (as in Zajonc's theory) and cognitive processes (such as distraction, and also evaluation apprehension).

Zajonc (1969) Social Facilitation Experiment Facilitation Condition Alone Co-Acting Roach Audience Dominant (straight ahead) Non-dominant (turning) Faster Required Behavior Faster Slower Slower

EASY MAZE DIFFICULT MAZE Goal Goal Start Start Floodlight Audience Boxes Goal Goal Audience Boxes Start Floodlight Start Two mazes used in experiments on social facilitation with cockroaches (Zajonc et al., 1969) Floodlight

Time to Complete Task (seconds) http://uwf.edu/svodanov/social/Group.ppt 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Time to Complete Task (seconds) Novel Task Well-learned Task Alone Mere Presence Experimenter watching Condition

Dominant behavior required

Dominant behavior required

Non-dominant behavior required

Co-acting roach; Non-dominant behavior required

Audience; Non-dominant behavior required