멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교


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Presentation transcript:

멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌 미래창조과학부 글로벌프론티어 (재)멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단은 나노기술과 에너지 기술의 융합을 통하여 혁신적 미래 광에너지와 분자에너지 원천기술 개발을 목표로 하는 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구사업을 추진하고 있습니다. 연구단에서는 격주로 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌를 개최합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다. 제 목 : Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting and Cooling with Flexible Polymer Nanocomposites 연 사 : 유충호 교수 (Texas A&M University) 일 시 : 2013년 05월 13일 (월) 오후 17:00 ~ 18:00 장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관(301동) 117호 세미나실 내 용 : Abstract : Thermoelectric systems are very effective in solid state cooling and electricity harvesting from waste heat or heat sources with low temperature gradients relative to the environmental temperature. Their simple leg-type structures, without moving parts, provide enormous advantages over conventional turbines, engines, and compressors. In addition, their high energy density (per unit weight and volume) is ideal for mobile power sources and distribution systems. This seminar includes recent progress in new-class of organic thermoelectric materials, which can provide light-weight (higher power density), inexpensive, and non-toxic solutions for waste heat (i.e., energy) recovery or cooling. Polymers are intrinsically poor thermal conductors, which makes them ideal for thermoelectrics, but low electrical conductivity and thermopower (or the Seebeck coefficient) have excluded them as feasible candidates in the past. Our recent results, however, demonstrated that electrical properties of organic composites can be brought into degenerate semiconductor or metallic regimes by incorporating conductive nanoparticles without significantly changing thermal conductivity. This talk includes material synthesis/characterization of such composites in addition to the details of our approach. 6. 약 력 : Dr. Choongho Yu is currently an assistant professor in the department of mechanical engineering and materials science and engineering at Texas A&M University (College station, Texas, USA). Prior to joining Texas A&M University in 2007, he spent three years in materials sciences division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley in California. He received his Ph.D. degree (2004) in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. His research closely related to the investigation of energy carrier transport and synthesis/characterization of nanostructured materials. Specific topics include the development of organic/inorganic thermoelectric materials, thermal interface materials, nanostructured electrodes for Li-ion batteries, microbial fuel cells, MEMS/Bio-MEMS/NEMS sensors as well as the investigation of thermal transport in nanotubes/wires. 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 (☏ 889-6669,6670) 남기태 교수 (재료공학부), 최만수 교수 (기계항공공학부) 미래창조과학부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교