가상플랫폼을 사용한 임베디드SW 개발 (CoWare CoWare Virtual Platform Designer 사용)


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Presentation transcript:

가상플랫폼을 사용한 임베디드SW 개발 (CoWare CoWare Virtual Platform Designer 사용) CoWare, Inc. 이성길 차장

가상플랫폼 소개 1 단계. 가상플랫폼 개발 2 단계. 가상플랫폼 배포 3 단계. 가상플랫폼 사용 CoWare는 가상플랫폼 개발을 위한 툴, IP들, 용역, 방법론, 예제를 모두 제공하는 유일한 업체로, 빠른 시간 내에 최적의 가상플랫폼을 개발할 수 있음 SystemC, C/C++등 설계를 위한 표준 언어를 사용하여 가상플랫폼 및 IP에 대한 사내.외적인 공유가 용이, 공동 개발을 위한 표준화 용이 CoWare Virtual Platform Solution Tools + IP Models + Services + Methodology + Examples 1 단계. 가상플랫폼 개발 2 단계. 가상플랫폼 배포 3 단계. 가상플랫폼 사용 Model and assemble fast executable platform for software development using SystemC modeling libraries Package platform for distribution to internal and external software development teams Use Virtual Platform to develop software, integrate HW/SW and perform system testing

-. Ethernet, LCD, UART, USB, AC97(Sound), Sub-Systems 가상플랫폼을 위한 IP 개발 과정 -. Ethernet, LCD, UART, USB, AC97(Sound), Sub-Systems Independent Software Vendor IP vendor SOC creator device manufacturer IP IP IP virtual platform for software development platform or sub-platform Processor Support Package (PSP) Bus Library (BL) Peripheral

가상플랫폼 완성 Product Test bench Virtual product ESP platform Debugger API ESP Debugger API S W D e b u g r A P I Analysis Executable Software Platform Your favorite C++ SDE (Visual C++, Borland, Gnu) Tcl/Tk scripting Platform Creator Altia Virtual product design SW debugger integration Multi-core debugging Your favorite SW debugger ARM MIPS ESP Debugger Configure ESP Debugger Peripheral & IPs, Libraries Analysis Views

가상플랫폼을 사용한 임베디드SW 개발 Product Test bench LisaTek Debugger ARM926 Interrupt Screen LisaTek Debugger Cell phone Application software ARM926 Timer Keyboard ROM RAM Messenger Software and Memory Analysis ESP Debugger

Android Demo 1. The connectivity of 3rd Party Debugger Tool 2. GSM Modem simulator and Check & Restart 3. Download Java game into VP and Debuggger 4. Internet Access using Ethernet IP

Android Mobile Platform What is Android? An initiative led by Google to create an open mobile handset software platform. Large set of alliance partners: Operators, handset manufacturers, semiconductors and SW companies. What is new about Android? Turns a mobile phone into an all purpose mobile internet device. Simultaneous and easy access to internet, GPS, multimedia and phone allow for a new era of software services. The whole world can participate writing software and providing new services. The change to software driven design.

Android Emulators 3 Ultra-Fast Platform modeled and package as virtual platforms running the Android software stack Generic emulator: ARM926 based platform with generic peripherals Emulator with real physical part: ARM926 based platform with Flash: Intel Strataflash I28F256L18, UART: NS16550, Ethernet: SMC91C111 Dual core emulator with h.264 algorithm running on second core All platforms run the Android software stack External connectivity to display, UART console and internet Enabled for software debugging and analysis through VPA

The connectivity of 3rd Party Debugger Tool

Java Game Debugging Capability on VP

Internet Access Capability