Video Polygraph Application


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Presentation transcript:


Why Video Polygraph system? Contactless and Nonrestraint investigation Vibra Image technology basis by using video image 100% Compatible process of Question and Answer with traditional Polygraph system (Beckstar and Utah….) Very short period for final judgment - Much less rate in INC judgment to Contacting Polygraph system Civil Liberty Scientific Investiga- tion VibraImage Technology basis Overcome limitation & Improvement Revolutionary Polygraph (Video Polygraph) Contactless, Nonrestraint Bio-Signal

Overview of Video Polygraph Video Polygraph Product 1. Video Polygraph- Classic 100% compatible process with traditionally contacting polygraph (Accuracy rate : Up to 95%) : No need to change the currently contacting polygraph process with Beckstar, Utah… Very quick judgment based on Vibraimage’s PDD data To protect civil liberty and improve for scientific investigation User friendly, Contactless, Nonrestraint and Economic system To provide and analyze criminal’s psychology state (emotion) Very high accuracy with much less ratio of INC 2. Video Polygraph- Interview To indicate Probability of Lie during interview and statement To deepen Pre-Test process before LD investigation To select the key words to be questioned in LD process To make investigation more efficient at the very early stage of investigation by interview and statement to criminal First Video Polygraph system for indicating Lie probability on interview and statement - User friendly, Contactless and Nonrestraint 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

Products 1. Video Polygraph program 1) Video Polygraph-Classic version 2) Video Polygraph-Interview version * Program is sold individually by VIBRASYSTEM’s Licensing 2. Protections should be simultaneously taken for installation and operation 1) USB Dongle : Elsys’s USB dongle 2) Software Licensing to Video Polygraph’s hardware system 3. Each operation manual 4. Hardware - Video Polygraph Analyzer (Based on PC system) - Camera - Microphone - Cables and others 5. Colored or White screen for background (Option) 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

System Components - Camera (White screen) - Others microphone - Camera (White screen) - Others 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9) Video Polygraph Analyzer [Desktop PC recommended or NT PC] + Program installed

Video Polygraph – Classic Video Polygraph – Classic system :100% Compatible Q&A process (Beckstar & Utah) 6

Product Overview Program operation VIDEO POLYGRAPH Criminal camera NDI / DI / INC 1) CQ > RQ : True 2) CQ < RQ : Lie 3) CQ =~ RQ : INC (Inconclusive) Capture video image Analysis 100% compatible process with the contacting Polygraph of Beckstar, Utah …

Question and Answer process 1) 100% compatible process : 3CQ + 3RQ Questionaire Start (OI,SQ) GQ1 CQ1 RQ1 GQ2 CQ2 RQ2 GQ3 CQ3 RQ3 Finish (CM) 2) 3 Cycle investigation - PG#1,#2,#3 for every case - If there is no 3 cycle’s video image file, can analyze the 2nd cycle’s video image file 3) Can test by 2CQ + 2 RQ process 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

Testing mode Audio mode : 2) Manual mode : Lie level calculation is performed when the input audio signal exceeds the threshold, and stops when the audio signal level becomes less than the set threshold. On graph at the start of data collection displays vertical green line, the time of completion – a vertical red line. This mode is recommended as the primary when working with a lie detector. 2) Manual mode : Lie detection in the manual mode are usually used, if the quality of live or recorded sound is unsatisfactory and can not be on the level of sound to separate the questions and answers of the test person from outside noise. 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

Audio mode Base Stat Parameter t Level of sound Audio Threshold t 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9) P5 Lie Base Stat t

Manual mode Base Stat Parameter t P5 Lie t LD button press LD button 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9) Base Stat t

Testing sample – Audio mode 3 CQ + 3 RQ process 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9) Result True (NDI)

Testing sample – Manual mode 2 CQ + 2 RQ 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9) Lie (DI)

Testing sample : Sexual case 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

Report sample by Video Polygraph 공격성 (P7) 스트레스 (P6) 긴장/불안 (F5X) 의심 (P19) 밸런스 (P16) 매력 (P17) 에너지 (P8) 자신감 (P18) 억제 (F6) 신경과민증 (F9)

World First VIDEO POLYGRAPH Based on Vibraimage Technology E-mail; Mobile; +82-10 2305 6343