On Thy grace I rest my plea 1. 자비하신 예수여 내가 사람 가운데 God be mer-ci-ful to me, On Thy grace I rest my plea
Plen-teous in compassion Thou, Blot out my transgressions now . 1. 의지할 이 없으니 슬픈 자가 됩니다 Plen-teous in compassion Thou, Blot out my transgressions now .
Wash me, make me pure with-in, Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin, 1. 맘이 어두웠으니 밝게 하여 주소서 Wash me, make me pure with-in, Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin,
Wash me, make me pure with-in, Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin. 1. 저를 보호하시고 항상 인도하소서 Wash me, make me pure with-in, Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.
Thou de-sir-est truth with-in. 2. 죄를 지은 까닭에 저의 맘이 곤하니 I am e-vil, born in sin Thou de-sir-est truth with-in.
Thou a-lone my Sav-ior art, Teach Thy wis-dom to my heart 2. 용서하여 주시고 쉬게 하여 주소서 Thou a-lone my Sav-ior art, Teach Thy wis-dom to my heart
Make me pure, Thy grace be-stow, Wash me whit-er than the snow, 2. 천국 가고 싶으나 저의 공로 없으니 Make me pure, Thy grace be-stow, Wash me whit-er than the snow,
Make me pure, Thy grace be-stow, Wash me whit-er than the snow. 2. 예수 공로 힘입어 천국 가게 하소서 Make me pure, Thy grace be-stow, Wash me whit-er than the snow.
Gra-cious God, my heart re-new, Make my spir-it right and true . 3. 허락하심 이루어 사랑 항상 있도다 Gra-cious God, my heart re-new, Make my spir-it right and true .
Cast me not a-way from Thee, Let Thy Spir-it dwell in me 3. 모두 이뤄 주심을 나는 믿사옵니다 Cast me not a-way from Thee, Let Thy Spir-it dwell in me
Thy sal-va-tion's joy im-part, Stead-fast make my will-ing heart, 3. 구주밖에 누구를 달리 찾아보리요 Thy sal-va-tion's joy im-part, Stead-fast make my will-ing heart,
Thy sal-va-tion's joy im-part, Stead-fast make my will-ing heart. 3. 복과 영생 예수니 더 원할 것 없도다 Thy sal-va-tion's joy im-part, Stead-fast make my will-ing heart.
Sin-ners then shall learn from me And re-turn, O God, to Thee 4. 거룩하신 구주여 피로 날 사셨으니 Sin-ners then shall learn from me And re-turn, O God, to Thee
Sav-ior, all my guilt re-move, And my tongue shall sing Thy love 4. 어찌 감사하온지 말로 할 수 없도다 Sav-ior, all my guilt re-move, And my tongue shall sing Thy love
Touch my si-lent lips, O Lord, And my mouth shall praise ac-cord 4. 주의 귀한 형상을 나도 입게 하시고 . Touch my si-lent lips, O Lord, And my mouth shall praise ac-cord
Touch my si-lent lips, O Lord, 4. 하늘나라 가서도 사랑하게 하소서 아-멘 Touch my si-lent lips, O Lord, And my mouth shall praise ac-cord. A-men.