Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Foreign Language Testing Theory & Practice in Classroom.

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1 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Foreign Language Testing Theory & Practice in Classroom

2 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 In a language classroom? On what purpose? Proficiency test: To measure people’s ability in a lg. Not based on the content or objectives of lg. course Based on a specification of what a test taker has to be able to do Achievement tests: To prepare and use of achievement tests Directly related to language courses, to establish success in a course The content should be based on the course syllabus Diagnostic tests: To identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses Needs lots of detailed items to diagnose one’s language development Lack of diagnostic tests stems from impracticability

3 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Direct vs. Indirect testing Speaking or Writing (productive skills) are suitable for direct test. However, there is an indirect test item in Korean SAT. Example. 다음 밑줄 그은 곳에서 어법에 맞지 않는 곳을 고르시오. (TOEFL: Structure section) At first the old woman seemed unwilling to accept anything that was offered her by my friend and I. Example. 위의 대화를 듣고 마지막에 남자가 할말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. Woman: That’s a shame. Maybe you can save it for the rainy day. Man : _____________________________________________________________

4 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Discrete point vs. Integrative testing Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced

5 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Discrete point vs. Integrative testing Norm-referenced Marking a relative rank competitive (Ranking is important.) Percentile rank (30%  A) TOEIC (semi-norm referenced) SAT, GRE, 한국수능 ?? Good for the large number of student assessment.

6 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Discrete point vs. Integrative testing Criterion-referenced Cut-score : Fail or PASS To check if a test taker reached to a certain point. Set a meaningful standard which is not changeable upon groups. Toefle, driver’s license Good for the performance test

7 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Validity ( 타당도 ) : If a test measures what is intended to measure. “Construct validity” : What is construct of sub skills?(speaking/listening/reading/writing) Speaking skill? Listening skill? Reading skill? Writing skill?

8 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Reliability ( 신뢰도 ) : The more similar the scores would have been, more reliable the test would be. “Consistency of test score” 신뢰도를 높이려면 ? 1) 채점자들을 전문가로, 여러 명이 채점 / 여러 번 채점 하고 점수가 일관성이 있는지 확인 2) 문제의 수를 많이 낸다. 3) 상대평가의 경우 변별력을 높인다.( 배점비율, 난이도 ) 4) 채점기준이 명확, 채점자 훈련을 시킨다. 5) 한 가지 이상의 방식으로 시험을 본다. 6) 신뢰도 계수를 계산해도 되지만, 오류를 최소화 하는 것이 중요

9 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 Backwash = washback effect : The effect of testing on language teaching & learning. Positive Negative Example: 수능에서 나오는 유형만 교실에서 공부하는 것 중간 / 기말 시험문제에 나오는 내용만 공부하는 것 짝 활동 시험이 성공적이면  짝 활동 수업활동이 많아지는 것

10 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 1.Multiple choice items. 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 하나 고르시오. 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 두 개 고르시오. 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 모두 고르시오. 2.YES/ NO and TRUE/ FALSE items - 50% chance of choosing the correct answers - You can ask a test taker to give the reason for that. Example. If the statement is wrong you can change the sentence. The man has a key for the golden door. (False, golden  silver)

11 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 3. Gap-filling item - It is effective for listening or reading test. - It also works well in grammar and vocabulary test but it does not always. Example: (1) What will he do? I think he _________________________ resign. Example: (2) While they __________________ watching television, there was a sudden bang outside. (3) While they ___________ ____________ television, there was a sudden bang outside.

12 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 4. Short writing (1) 다음 광고 포스터를 보고, 회사에 아래 내용을 포함하여 편지를 작성하시오. a. the start and finish dates b. the hours of work c. the type of accommodation d. ask for an application form.

13 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 4. Narrative writing/ speaking test - To given pictures, a test taker makes up a story by writing or speaking. 5. Complete the rest of the story. - Teacher can give the beginning and ask a test taker to finish the story.

14 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 5. Descriptive writing/speaking (IELTS)

15 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 6. Finding the direction SP/LC 7. SPOT differences (SP)

16 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 8. Note-taking, Partial dictation for listening test. Title: How to Live Well? first, _________________ Second, you can take a nap during a day. Lastly, you should eat well with different ____________ of vegetables which is called ________________ diet.

17 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 9. Vocabulary test is best tested in “context”. Example (1). Recognize definitions loathe means a. dislike intensely b. become seriously ill c. search carefully d. look very angry Example (2). Bill is someone I loathe. a. like very much b. dislike intensely c. respect d. fear

18 Teaching methodology, Fall, 2015 What are test techniques? 10. C-test: a variety of cloze, The second half of every second word I is deleted. Example (1). There are usually five men in the crew of a fire engine. One o_______ them dri_________ the eng____________. The lea_______ sits bes_________ the dri______________.

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