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Ch7. At the Traditional Market. A large place where people buy or sell something market 시장.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch7. At the Traditional Market. A large place where people buy or sell something market 시장."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch7. At the Traditional Market


3 A large place where people buy or sell something market 시장

4 Corn 옥수수 Yellow seeds you can eat. Popcorn is made of this.

5 Noodle 면 음식 Thin and long shape of food A kind of pasta made of flour

6 Gym [d ʒ im] 체육관 People go to do physical exercise and get fit

7 tadpole [tǽdpòul] 올챙이 A frog baby. It grows into a frog.

8 Rice cake

9 Traditional 전통적인 Coming down from the past Very old

10 Full moon 보름달

11 Sell 팔다 Let someone have it in return for money

12 Weekend 주말 from Friday night through Sunday

13 Holiday 휴일 Independence day 광복절 Christmas Thanksgiving day 추석 New year’s day 설날 Children’s day 어린이날 …

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