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Unknown Case Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Kyungpook National University.

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Presentation on theme: "Unknown Case Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Kyungpook National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unknown Case Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Kyungpook National University

2 Signalment Feline Ragdoll Spayed Female 2y 10m 2.9 kg

3 History 열흘 전 식욕 및 활력 감소 ↓ Local A/H 3 일간 입원 처치 후, 증상 호전되어 퇴원 ↓ 일주일 후 R/C 에서 흉수 (hemothorax) 확인 ↓ 정밀 검사 의뢰

4 Physical Examination T: 38.2 ℃, P: 210 bpm, R: panting BCS: 4/9 Dyspnea ( 빈호흡 및 노력성 복식호흡 ) Depression

5 Blood Test


7 Radiography


9 Ultrasound * Left thoracic wall Marker; cranial

10 Ultrasound * Left thoracic wall Marker; cranial, H; heart

11 Ultrasound * Left thoracic wall Marker; cranial, H; heart

12 Thoracocentesis CBC analysis –RBC 1.02 M/ul –WBC 6.05 K/ul Urostick analysis

13 Computed Tomography 16-MDCT Non-anesthesia Sternal recumbency Contrast study –Contrast media: Iohexol 6 ml –Total injection time: 20 sec (0.3 ml/sec) –2-phase: early (20 sec) & delay (90 sec)

14 Computed Tomography Transverse pre CE Transverse post CE

15 Computed Tomography Sagittal post-CE

16 Computed Tomography Dorsal plane post-CE

17 What is your diagnosis ?

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