동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) 이용 가능한 template.

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Presentation on theme: "동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) 이용 가능한 template."— Presentation transcript:

1 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) 이용 가능한 template 1. 스트레스 해소 2. 명성 3. 자연 환경 보호 4. 인터넷 이용한 정보 찾기의 용이함 5. 창의력 6. 경험 얻기

2 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한 국 ) 순정 버전 1. ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) that are suffering from stress is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. According to a well-known Korean sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist, when ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) choose ( 또 는 rely on) 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) opt for ( 또 는 depend on) 반대 쪽.

3 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한 국 ) 튜닝 버전 1. ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) that are suffering from stress is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. 예를 들면, 몇 년 전 skater 김연아는 밴쿠버 올 림픽에서 금메달을 땄고 경제 위기로 인해 고생하는 한국인들의 stress 를 덜어주었고 사람들은 그녀의 고소득을 당연한 것으로 여기 고 있다. According to a well-known Korean sociologist, when ____ ( 사 람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) choose ( 또는 rely on) 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) opt for 반대 쪽.

4 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한 국 ) 순정 버전 2. ( 명성 ) In terms of improving a reputation, 선택한 쪽 is a more reasonable idea. In the competitive world, many ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) are trying hard to achieve a high reputation, and they regard the possession of 중심소재 ( 또는 consideration for 사람 / 사물 / 동물 ) as one of the key factors in receiving this positive evaluation. This is why attention to 선택한 쪽 is worthwhile, and therefore, ___ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) should remember that ______ should be concerned about 선택한 쪽. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between 선택한 쪽 and 반대 쪽, the majority of people responded that the former should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that 선택한 쪽 is more advantageous throughout life.

5 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) 튜닝 버전 2. ( 명성 ) In terms of improving a reputation, 선택한 쪽 is a more reasonable idea. In the competitive world, many ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) are trying hard to achieve a high reputation, and they regard the possession of 중심소재 ( 또는 consideration for 사람 / 사물 / 동물 ) as one of the key factors in receiving this positive evaluation. This is why attention to 선택한 쪽 is worthwhile, and therefore, ___ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) should remember that ______ should be concerned about 선택한 쪽. Usain Bolt 를 예를 들면, 그는 Jamaica 출신의 sprinter 이다. Jamaica 는 강 대국은 아니지만 그의 올림픽에서의 superb performances 덕분에 그 나라 는 전 세계에 알려지게 되었다. 따라서, 광고와 같은 여러 가지 활동을 통한 그의 고소득은 문제가 없다고 생각되어진다. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between 선택한 쪽 and 반대 쪽, the majority of people responded that the former should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that 선택한 쪽 is more advantageous throughout life.

6 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험 얻기 _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

7 동의 / 반대 ? “Professional athletes such as football or basketball players do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid. (2010/07/10 한국 ) template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험 _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

8 In terms of improving a reputation, rewarding national sports stars with great money is a reasonable idea. In the competitive world, many governments are trying hard to achieve a high reputation, and they regard the possession of high rankings in sports as one of the key factors in receiving this positive evaluation. This is why attention to the athletes’ high salaries is worthwhile, and therefore, governments should remember that they should be concerned about the professional sports players’ economic rewardings. Usain Bolt, for instance, is a sprinter who is from Jamaica. Although Jamaica is not a powerful country, it has become famous in the world. Therefore, his high income from various works like a commercial is believed to be no problem. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between giving professional athletes high salaries and giving them less money, the majority of people responded that the former should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that letting the athletes earn enormous amount of money is more advantageous throughout life.



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