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다의어 집중탐구  공통으로 알맞은 말은 무엇일까요 ?  맞춘 학생에게는 나의 사랑이 듬뿍 담긴 캔디를 드립니다.  문제를 빨리 맞추는 것도 중요하지만 여러 가지 의미를 익히는 것이 더욱 중요하다는 것을 아시 죠 ?  Are you already ready? Thanks!

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Presentation on theme: "다의어 집중탐구  공통으로 알맞은 말은 무엇일까요 ?  맞춘 학생에게는 나의 사랑이 듬뿍 담긴 캔디를 드립니다.  문제를 빨리 맞추는 것도 중요하지만 여러 가지 의미를 익히는 것이 더욱 중요하다는 것을 아시 죠 ?  Are you already ready? Thanks!"— Presentation transcript:


2 다의어 집중탐구  공통으로 알맞은 말은 무엇일까요 ?  맞춘 학생에게는 나의 사랑이 듬뿍 담긴 캔디를 드립니다.  문제를 빨리 맞추는 것도 중요하지만 여러 가지 의미를 익히는 것이 더욱 중요하다는 것을 아시 죠 ?  Are you already ready? Thanks! Let’s get started!

3 1. It’s difficult to _____ with the odd. 2. They _____ wool and cotton. 3. This cake has a great _______ of milk. 1. 다루다 2. 거래하다 3. 양 a great deal of (= very much) 꽤 많은 Quiz No. 1 Answer : deal

4 1. a book ________ 2. She is a _____ lady. 3. a _________ trade. 4. A ______ play is most important in sports. 1. 전시회, 박람회 (=exposition, exhibition) 2. 아름다운, 살결이 흰 3. 공정한 거래 4. 정정당당한 경기 Quiz No. 2 Answer : fair

5 1. population _________s 2. Kennedy is a great political _______ 3. He _______d out his daily sales. 4. She could not _____ out how to do it. 1. 인구수치, 숫자 2. 인물, 형체 3. 계산하다 (out) 4. 이해하다 (=make out, understand) Quiz No. 3 Answer : figure

6 1.Smoking here is harmful for our public _______s. 2. He lost ______ in math. 3. at 6 % _______ per year 1. 이익 public interest 공익 2. 흥미, 관심 3. 이자, 연 6% 의 이율로 Quiz No. 4 Answer : interest

7 1. _______ check 2. _______ exercise 3. _______ labor 4. The _______ world 1. 건강진단 2. 체조 3. 육체노동 4. 물질 ( 자연 ) 세계  > mental, spiritual Quiz No.5 Answer : physical

8 1. The movie _______d me to tears. 2. I heard someone _______ing around in my room. 3. Our company is _______ing to Atlanta next month. 1. 감동시키다 2. 움직이다 3. 이사하다 Quiz No.2 Answer : move

9 1. The teacher _______ed him out of the classroom. 2. I can't find the book I need because the room is all out of _______. 3. Put the names in alphabetical _______. 4. May I take your _______? 1. 명령하다 2. 고장이 난 3. 순서 4. 주문 Quiz No.3 Answer : order

10 1. a birthday _______ 2. the Democratic _______ 3. How many in your _______? 4. You are a third _______. Mind your own business. 1. 잔치 2. 민주당 3. 일행 4. 제 3 자, 입장 Quiz No. 4 Answer : party

11 1. Shakespeare's _______s 2. He enjoys _______ing with his children. 3. Would you check where the movie is _______ing? 4. He _______s soccer on Sundays. 1. 연극 2. 놀다 3. 상영하다 4. 축구 하다 Quiz No. 5 Answer : play

12 1. The principal _______ed the winner with a medal. 2. I can't answer your questions at the _______ time. 3. How many people were _______ at the meeting? 4. I recommend this watch as a birthday _______. 1. 수여하다 2. 현재 (=now) 3. 출석한 absent 4. 선물 (=gift) Quiz No. 6 Answer : present

13 1. the freedom of the _______ 2. I need to have this shirt cleaned and _______ed. 3. _______ the call button. 1. 언론 2. 다림질하다 3. 누르다 Quiz No. 7 Answer : press

14 1. I was _______d by my aunt. 2. We've _______d $ 10,000 for the poor. 3. My boss gave me a _______ from this month. 4. _______ your hand if you know the answer. 1. 기르다 2. 모금하다 3. 봉급인상 4. 들어 올리다 Quiz No. 8 Answer : raise

15 1. That player is _______d among the best. 2. a third _______ movie 3. the low birth _______ 4. at the _______ of 30 miles per hour. 1. 분류하다 2. 등급 3. 비율 4. 속도 Quiz No. 9 Answer : rate

16 1. My mother _______s no expense in buying new books. 2. a _______ key 3. Would you _______ me a few minutes? 1. 아끼다 2. 예비의 3. 할애하다 Quiz No. 10 Answer : spare

17 1. I can't _______ any more of her stupid questions. 2. The hotel _______s up the hill. 3. Sit down. Don't _______ up! 1. 참다 (=bear, endure) 2. 서있다 3. 일어서다 Quiz No. 11 Answer : stand

18 1. The problem is so simple that it can be _______d in one sentence. 2. Her mother is in a poor _______ of health. 3. United _______s of America 1. 진술하다 2. 상태 3. 나라, 주 Quiz No. 12 Answer :state

19 1. She is over fifty, _______ she is beautiful. 2. _______ waters run deep. 3. Stand _______, don't move! 4. Why are you _______ here? 1. 아직도 2. 잔잔한 3. 잠자코 4. 아직도 Quiz No. 13 Answer : still

20 1. Newborn babies are _______ to illness. 2. a British _______ 3. Don't try to change the _______! 4. What's your favorite _______? 1. 질병에 잘 걸리는, 영향을 받기 쉬운 2. 백성, 국민 3. 주제, 문제 4. 과목 Quiz No. 14 Answer : subject

21 1.He brought a _______ against his landlord. 2. That dress _______s me fine. 3. I prefer you in a dark gray _______. 1. 소송 2. 어울리다 3. 한 벌의 옷 Quiz No. 15 Answer : suit

22 1. How can Robert _______ his family on his salary? 2. The old man _______ed himself with a stick. 3. I appreciate your _______ing me last three years. 1. 부양하다 2. 지탱하다 3. 후원하다 Quiz No.16 Answer : support

23 1. Let's discuss your _______s of payment. 2. I don't understand these technical _______s. 3. a five-year _______ of office 4. the summer _______ 1. 기간 2. 용어 3. 5 년 임기 4. 학기 Quiz No.17 Answer : term

24 1. The doctor _______ed her for a cold. 2. He _______s her like his own sister. 3. Let me _______ you this time. 1. 치료하다 2. 취급하다 3. 대접하다 Quiz No.18 Answer : treat

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