L/O/G/O 2015 GPA Opening Ceremony 국제영재아카데미 2015 봄학기 개학식.

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2 L/O/G/O 2015 GPA Opening Ceremony 국제영재아카데미 2015 봄학기 개학식

3 Opening Address GPA Principal Mr. Brian Heldenbrand

4 Opening Address “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

5 GPA Administration Principal ( 교장 ) Prof. Brian Heldenbrand Guidance Counselor ( 진로상담 ) Dr. John Gonzalez Vice Principal /Chief Administrator ( 교감 및 총괄 운영 ) Ms. Kimmie Kim Administration Manager ( 학생관리 및 행정주임 ) Ms. Grace Kim

6 GPA Faculty Language Arts Mr. Jesse Fuller Mr. Mark Bates

7 GPA Faculty Mathematics Mr. Sergio Cabrera Mr. Dartanian Dynamic

8 GPA Faculty Science Ms. Anetra Moore Ms. Katherine Turner

9 GPA Faculty Social Studies Mr. Dane Smith Mr. Michael Ricotta

10 GPA Faculty ESL Program Mrs. Tammy Fisher

11 GPA Faculty Fine Arts Ms. Audrey Duncan (Music) Ms. Olga Dermendji (Art)

12 GPA Faculty Computer/ World Language Mr. Aaron Snowberger Ms. Yu Cuiling (Chinese) Dr. John Gonzalez (Spanish)

13 2014 Graduates > 김다윤 Furman University, USA 외 다수 고려중 이예은 Pensacola Christian College, USA 김지수 Georgia State University 외 미국대학 지원 중 김경은 Pennsylvania State University 외 미국대학 지원 중 양시현 Reed College 외 미국대학 지원 중

14 2014 Graduates > 조영우 Northeastern University( 장학금취득 ) 김수현 University of Ottawa 이나래 University of Minnesota 고윤모 Iowa State University 오건형 George Mason University Korea 정하림 University of Toronto 강다혜 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 임정빈 The Cooper Union 지원중

15 2015 New Students 이름 NAMEGENDERCOURSEGRADEHOME 강민정 Kang, MinjungFRegular 10th 1 거제도 김부성 Kim, BoosungMRegular 10th 1 수원 김유진 Kim, Yujin(Jennifer)FESL9th 2 전주 김지성 Kim, JisungMESL9th 2 일산 박명제 Park, MyeongjeFESL10th 전주 원두현 Won, DoohyeonMESL9th 2 전주 이규림 Lee, KyuleamFESL10th 서울 이선민 Lee, Seonmin(Sammi)FRegular 10th 2 수원 이지성 Lee, JisungMESL9th 2 서울 이찬휘 Lee, ChanhwiFRegular 10th 1 전주 정제혁 Jeong, Jeahyuk( Shawn)MESL9th 2 전주 조은빛 Jo, RebeccaFRegular 8th 2 전주 최세연 Choi, Saeyeon(Andrew)MRegular 10th 1 전주 오한새 Oh, HansaeFESL7th1 전주 조선우 Cho, Sunwoo(Jordan)M Regular7th1 전주 홍기주 Hong, GijooMRegular10th 전주 홍상욱 Hong, SangwookMRegular8th 전주

16 2015 GPA Spring Schedule 2015 GPA/SKAC Schedule February 11-17,2015 Teacher In-service Training February 18-20, 2015 Korean New Year break February 23, 2015(Monday) New Student Orientation (10:00am) February 24, 2015(Tuesday) First day of School (10:00 am) March 6, 2015(Friday) KORCOS Teacher’s Meeting (SIS) March 19, 2015(Thursday) SKAC Divisional Futsal Tournament (DIS) April 14, 2015(Tuesday) MS Basketball Tournament (BIFS & BFS) April 23-25, 2015(Thurs-Sat) WASC Three-year Revisit April 25, 2015(Saturday) SKAC Futsal Championship (BIFS) April 27-30, 2015 Mid-term Exam Week May 1, 2015(Friday) School Trip May 4, 2015(Monday) JJU Anniversary (No school) (Tentative) May 5, 2015(Tuesday) Children’s Day (No school) May 20, 2015(Wednesday) SKAC Fine Arts Festival (GPA) May 25, 2015(Monday) Buddha’s Birthday (No school) June 12, 2015(Friday) GPA Fine Arts Recital & Exhibition June 22-25, 2015 Final Exam Week June 26, 2015(Friday) GPA Graduation (10:30 am)

17 GPA Spring Activities NameRequested DaysActivity 1 (up till 9 th week) Ms. Duncan Tuesday/ThursdayVolleyball Mr. Dynamic Monday/WednesdayTennis Ms. Moore Tuesday/ThursdayTaekwondo Mr. Ricotta Tuesday/ThursdaySAT Reading/Writing Mr. Fuller Monday/WednesdayHorticulture Ms. Dermendji Monday/WednesdayZumba/Yoga Mr. Cabrera Monday/WednesdayGPA Blogging Mr. Bates Tuesday/Thursday Yearbook Mr. Smith Monday/WednesdayFutsal Ms. Turner Tuesday/ThursdayScience Club

18 GPA Announcements  Adjustment to the GPA Disciplinary Policy  Continuation of LEXILE Test (Scholastic)  Mandatory Study Hall (7:30pm – 9:30pm; Dorm Students )  Continuation of the DEAR Program (6 th Period), LEXILE Test  Student Council Election (March 5 th ); inform Mr. Cabrera by 02/27, posters up from 03/02  GPA Cleaning DAY (Last Friday of each month) starts March 25 th, Friday (4:10pm – 4:40pm)

19 GPA Students’ Schedules Announcements Dr. Gonzalez

20 L/O/G/O THANK YOU 국제영재아카데미 2015 년 봄학기 개학식

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