동의 / 반대 ? “Young children should be required to study art and music in addition to science and math.” template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험.

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Presentation on theme: "동의 / 반대 ? “Young children should be required to study art and music in addition to science and math.” template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험."— Presentation transcript:

1 동의 / 반대 ? “Young children should be required to study art and music in addition to science and math.” template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험 얻기 ___________________________________________________________________

2 동의 / 반대 ? “Young children should be required to study art and music in addition to science and math.” template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험 얻기 ___________________________________________________________________

3 cannot ~ too much: 아무리 ~ 해도 지나치지 않다 예 ) 우리는 매일 같이 어휘를 암기하는 것의 중요 성을 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. We cannot emphasize the importance/magnitude ( 중대성 ) of memorizing/learning vocabularies every day too much.


5 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) 이용 가능한 template 1. 스트레스 해소 2. 명성 3. 자연 환경 보호 4. 인터넷 이용한 정보 찾기의 용이함 5. 창의력 6. 경험 얻기

6 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) 순정 버전 1. ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) that are suffering from stress is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. According to a well-known Korean sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist, when ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) choose ( 또는 rely on) 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) opt for ( 또는 depend on) 반대 쪽.

7 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) 튜닝 버전 1. ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) that are suffering from stress is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. For example, 나의 친구의 삼촌은 TV 를 통해 스트레스를 풀려고 하는 경향이 있다. Unfortunately, 그가 일과 후 늦게 집에 돌아와 TV 를 켜면 재미있는 프로그램이 거의 없어 효과적으로 스트레스를 덜 수가 없었다. In contrast, 나의 aunt 는 스트레스를 없애기 위해 스마트 폰을 자 주 이용한다. 그녀는 게임을 즐기는 편이고 and as a result 그녀의 스트레스는 다 사라졌다고 말했다. According to a well-known Korean sociologist, when ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) choose ( 또는 rely on) 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) opt for 반대 쪽.

8 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) 순정 버전 4. ( 인터넷 이용한 정보 찾기의 용이함 ) Due to the development of the Internet, people should admit that 선택한 쪽 is (more) meaningful ( 또는 possible). Before technology was developed, particularly the Internet, many people had difficulty finding information they needed. However, as technology is becoming more and more advanced, people can now find information online easily and quickly. Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Dave Barry said, “The Internet is the most important single development in the history of human communication.” Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between using online resources and relying on 반 대 쪽, the majority of people responded that online resources should have priority ( 또는 are more advantageous). Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that 선택한 쪽 is more advantageous throughout life.

9 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) 튜닝 버전 4. ( 인터넷 이용한 정보 찾기의 용이함 ) Due to the development of technology, people should admit that 스마트 폰 상에서 정보를 찾는 것 is possible. Before technology was developed, particularly the Internet, many people had difficulty finding information they needed. However, as technology is becoming more and more advanced, people can now find information online easily and quickly. Pulitzer Prize- winning American author Dave Barry said, “The Internet is the most important single development in the history of human communication.” 나의 cousin 의 경우, 정보를 찾고자 할 때 늘 스마트 폰을 이용한다. 요즘 스마트 폰은 너무나 발전해서 그녀 는 굉장히 빨리 원하는 정보를 찾을 수 가 있고 그녀는 그것에 만족하고 있다. 만 약 그가 TV 를 통해 이러한 정보를 찾으려고 했다면 원하는 정보를 그렇게 쉽게 찾지 못했을 것이다. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between using online resources and relying on 반대 쪽, the majority of people responded that online resources should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that 선택한 쪽 is more advantageous throughout life.

10 Do you agree or disagree? “Telephone has had a greater effect on people’s lives than television has.” (2010/08/21 – 한국 ) template: 스트레스해소, 명성, 자연환경보호, 인터넷정보찾기의용이함, 창의력, 경험 얻기 ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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