1 pa-8700: hp’s powerful new processor new process.18 micron, silicon-on-insulator (soi) copper cmos permits higher clock performance (750 mhz) larger.

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Presentation on theme: "1 pa-8700: hp’s powerful new processor new process.18 micron, silicon-on-insulator (soi) copper cmos permits higher clock performance (750 mhz) larger."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 pa-8700: hp’s powerful new processor new process.18 micron, silicon-on-insulator (soi) copper cmos permits higher clock performance (750 mhz) larger i- and d-caches (2.25 mb) 3.0 billion floating point operations/sec new performance features data prefetch capability supports 16 tbyte physical address (44 bits) increases branch prediction cache new reliability features built-in, “on-chip” self-test ecc-protected i- and d-caches

2 2 pa-8700 – designed to perform

3 3 competition: struggling to keep up with superdome page 3 non-disclosure until september 18, 2001 - has experienced a data corruption problem - has experienced delays - similar power to pa-8600 - a generation behind in power, 750 mhz pa-8700 is 43% faster* - depends on slower external cache - mediocre performance, older technology - requires aix 5L, a major new os migration - need to recompile for full 64 bit advantages - requires costly application retesting as thisis a chip and os migration - no compatibility with Itanium, major transition issue sun ultrasparc III ibm power3/power pc ibm power4(future) compa q alpha *than sun 900 mhz us III based on spec_fp_base2000

4 4 pa-risc proven performance Note:(1) SPEC2000 benchmarks are extrapolated for PA-7200 through PA-8500 systems (2) SPEC numbers are PEAK Proven, reliable performance increases +25% +35%

5 5 pa-8700 takes on all comers 2000 hp pa-8600 550 mhz sun us3 750 mhz specint_base2000 specfp_base2000 relative performance 2001 relative performance sun us3 900 mhz hp pa-8700 750mhz Ibm Rs64- III 450 mhz Ibm Rs64- Iv 600 mhz 569 439 526 417 400 375 324 225 205 295245 369

6 6 summary pa-8700 is a leading edge microprocessor offers new, higher levels of performance provides 2.25 mb of “on chip” cache protected by ecc extensive hp server implementations –in hp server rp8400 now, both 650 and 750 mhz –in superdome now, 750 mhz version only –in rp7400 (n-class) in september, both 650 and 750 mhz –in l-class in november-december, both 650 and 750 mhz –in a-class, future major performance boost for superdome, rp7400 n-class, and l-class

7 7 CPU 로드 맵 0.18um SOI Copper technology l Higher clock speed (875MHz) l 2.25Mbytes on chip (L1) cache l Improved Branch Prediction ‘98‘96‘00‘02 180MHz 240MHz 360-440MHz 550MHz Madison PA-8600 PA-8000 PA-8200 PA-8500 PA-8700 PA-8800 PA-8900 Deerfield McKinley Itanium ‘04

8 8 최신의 PA-RISC 마이크로 프로세서 PA-8700+(875MHz) 탑재 –HP 는 업계를 이끌어오던 PA-RISC 계열의 PA-8700 마이크로프로세서의 후속으로 PA-8700+ 프로세서를 HP9000 Enterprise UNIX 서버에 탑재함으로써 시스템의 성능과 고 가용성에 대한 고객의 만족을 한층 높일 수 있게 되었습니다. –SuperDome 의 지속적인 성능 향상의 예시 – 기존 프로세서 대비 Clock speed 향상 –L1 Cache Memory 증설 – 완벽한 이진 호환성 제공

9 9 PA-8700+ 프로세서 상세 소개 새로운 공정 -.18 Micron SOI(Silicon on Insulator) copper CMOS - 높은 Clock Speed 제공 (875MHz) - L1 Cache 증설 : 1.5MB Data and 0.75 Instruction - 3.0 Billion Floating Point Operation/sec 기능 및 성능 - Data Prefetch 기능 - 최대 16TByte 물리적 주소 어드레싱 - Branch Predication Cache 증설 고 가용성 기능 - 내장된 On-chip Self-test 기능 - L1 Cache 에 대한 ECC (Error Checking and Correction)

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