12 주차. 시대정신과 본질주의 작용 ( 作用 ) 과 반작용 ( 反作用 ) 의 법칙 : culture vs. counter culture.

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Presentation on theme: "12 주차. 시대정신과 본질주의 작용 ( 作用 ) 과 반작용 ( 反作用 ) 의 법칙 : culture vs. counter culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 주차

2 시대정신과 본질주의

3 작용 ( 作用 ) 과 반작용 ( 反作用 ) 의 법칙 : culture vs. counter culture

4 문화적 상충 (experienced as desires and anxieties) 주류의 지배적 가치관 정체성 형성을 위한 행위유발 : 본성에 귀 기울이는 존재감 Identity Myths ( 문학, 음악, 미술, 영화, 광고, 정치 등등 ) 본질적 내면의 가치추구 세계 ( 주류의 지배적 가치관의 대안 ) 스토리의 원천 시대정신과 본질주의 작동 프레임워크 Douglas Holt(2004). How brands become icons, p. 58 를 수정.

5 Caregiver (Protect people from harm) “You are more beautiful than you think” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5qZedMTkkE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpaOjMXyJGk Dove

6 Powerful Myth 확장하기 확장에 따른 범하기 쉬운 오류 1) milking the myth’s popularity: ㆍ take advantage of its followers allegiance to the myth for quick commercial gain - formulaic repetition: 흉내만 내는 형식적인 광고 - pursuing buzz: faddish phrase/hollow catch phrase through viral to promote the most memorable aspects of a myth to develop buzz(whassup imitation 말장난 ) ㆍ insider/followers 의 상상력을 자극하는 것이 중요 ( 본질 ) - Short-term applause may sacrifice the myth by a hollow catchphrase - feeders don’t appreciate(identify with) the myth, concerned primarily with fashion. Rather they consume the icon(brand) b/c other people are doing it - to avoid a myth to overrun by faddish popularity, must discipline itself to do something counter intuitive - Icons must ignore the attention of fad seekers and instead continue to champion new & creative variants of the myth - must resist the urge to communicate in a conspicuously instrumental of self-congratulating way  lack of fidelity

7 2) Chasing the next big trend and abandoning the existing myth entirely: 대중문화의 트렌드 따라하기 - Act 1: Dew does MTV(MTV Hip-hop) - Act 2: Dew does Nike(Rap music 차용하기 : hypermasculinity  slam dunk: ultra competitive warrior) - Act3: Dew goes Native(hip-hop as a countercultural lifestyle from Wu-Tan Clan to Busta Rhymes)) Powerful Myth 확장하기

8 Powerful Myth 확장을 위한 4 가지 원칙 1.Develop plot & characters - extending the myth as a serial(character, setting, & storyline) - extending the myth as set of auteur film: brand as a writer/filmmaker by changing the cast and plot 2. Sample new popular culture - Iconic brands must speak to contemporary issues forced by their constituencies ( 관건은 브랜드 환경에 신뢰적으로 녹아들 수 있는 새로운 대중문화를 선택하는 것과 여기에 브랜드의 관점 ( 시각 ) 에서 spin 을 주는 것이 중요 : cultural innovator 3.Speak from new populist world - Iconic brands rely on populist world as source material. So, maintain loyalty to its noncommercial ethos( 특히, sponsorship 을 결정할 때 ) - most successful icons must eventually defend themselves against imitation. 4.Push the myth’s boundaries - man-versus-beasts series celebrated in its wild man myth(hunting & fishing) “A myth is a kind of story, one that serve an important cultural function in the society. For an icon to sustain its myth, it must apply the art of storytelling to the commercial format of ads.”

9 4 가지 유형의 Cultural knowledge 전제조건 : -Focus on the major social changes impacting the nation, rather than on clusters of individuals -Examines the role of major social categories of class, gender and ethnicity in identity construction rather than by sorting people into ‘Psychographic groups’ -Views the brand as historical actor in society -Views people holistically, seeking to understand what gives their lives meaning, rather than as customers of category benefits -Seeks to understand the identity value of mass culture texts, rather tan treating mass culture simply as trends and entertainment

10 4 가지 유형의 Cultural knowledge 1.Document the brand’s cultural and political authority(myth 의 권위획득 ) - When a brand authors myth that people find valuable, it earns the authority to tell similar kinds of myth to address identity desires of a similar constituency in the future. 2. Develop emphatic understanding of followers’ identity project - Great myths are rounded in an empathic understanding of people’s most acute desires & anxieties that touch the lives of a brand swath of society - Resonant myth spring from a understanding of peoples’ ambitions at work, their dreams for their children for their children, their fears of technology, their difficulties in building friendship and so on(existential issues) - 사회문화적 맥락 속에서 공감하는 주제를 파악 - need to focus on creating the most desirable myth for their nucleus of followers and insiders and use this desirability as a magnet to attract others to the brand

11 3. Immerse the brand team into the populist world - populist world are typically far removed from the life experiences of the majority of the brand’s customers(feeders)  nucleus of the followers & insiders 4. Identity emerging cultural contradictions - The myth markets forms around emerging cultural contradictions(opportunity) - Must monitor how their brand’s myth works in the culture, tracking how changes in society influence the effectiveness of their brand’s myth - Brand managers as a genealogist - 브랜드 매니저는 사회문화적 변동과 이로 인해 촉발되는 desires & anxieties 에 근접해야 함. 4 가지 유형의 Cultural knowledge

12 Cultural Branding 을 위한 구성요소 1. Target the most appropriate myth mkt with knowledge of emerging mythmkts & cultural/political authority 2. Compose the identity myth - prepare myth treatment: character, setting & plot - describe the populist world in which the myth will be located - develop an authentic voice(literacy & fidelity) to maintain legitimacy to insiders - develop the brand’s charismatic aesthetic 3. Extend the identity myth - cultural disruption 을 극복하기 위해 brand myth 는 진화해야 4. Reinvent the identity myth - socio-economic & ideological shifts reconfigure the identity desires of the nation’s citizens, sending them searching for new myth(cultural disruptions)

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