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Numeral Agreement 1. Statistics ___ my favorite subject. (be) Statistics _____ that the population will be doubled in 10 years. (show) ★ 규칙 1 - 학문, 과목명은.

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Presentation on theme: "Numeral Agreement 1. Statistics ___ my favorite subject. (be) Statistics _____ that the population will be doubled in 10 years. (show) ★ 규칙 1 - 학문, 과목명은."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numeral Agreement 1. Statistics ___ my favorite subject. (be) Statistics _____ that the population will be doubled in 10 years. (show) ★ 규칙 1 - 학문, 과목명은 단수로 받는다. -Ex) ethics, mathematics, physics, politics … is show

2 Numeral Agreement 2. War and Peace ___ the longest book I’ve ever read. (be) ★ 규칙 2 - 책이름, 작품 등은 단수로 받는다. -Ex) King Lear is one of the greatest tragic plays. is

3 Numeral Agreement 3. Twenty miles ___ a long way to walk. (be) Ten thousand won ___ a reasonable price. (be) ★ 규칙 3 - 시간, 거리, 무게, 가격은 복수형일지라도 단수로 받는다. is is

4 Numeral Agreement 4. To read good books ___ helpful. (be) Being able to float ___ the first step. (be) What he says ___ untrue. (be) ★ 규칙 4 - 주어가 명사절이거나 동명사구, 부정사구 일 때는 단수로 받는다. is is is

5 Numeral Agreement 5. Bread and butter ___ what he eats for breakfast. (be) Every boy and girl in this class ___ good at math. (be) ★ 규칙 5 -and 로 연결되는 두 요소는 보통 복수 취급하지만 전체로서 하나의 개념이 되는 경우나, every, each, no 등으로 수식될 때는 단수로 취급한다. is is

6 Numeral Agreement 6. The rich ____ not always happy. (be) ★ 규칙 6 -the+ 형용사 : 복수보통명사, ~ 하는 사람들 ☞ 복수로 받는다. are

7 Numeral Agreement 7. Two-thirds of the earth ___ covered with water. (be) One third of apples ___ rotten. (be) All of the food ___ prepared in advance. (be) Half of the books ___ missing. (be) ★ 규칙 7 - 부분이나 전체를 나타내는 경우 of 다음에 오는 말의 수량을 따른다. is are is are

8 Numeral Agreement 8. The number of newspapers ___ increasing. (be) A number of people ___ exercising. (be) ★ 규칙 8 -the number of ~ : ~ 의 수 ☞ 단수 -a number of ~ : 많은 ~ ☞ 복수 is are

9 Numeral Agreement 9. Neither she nor I ___ the winner. (be) Either he or you ___ the loser. (be) Not only you but also he ___ going to school. He as well as you ___ going to school. (be) ★ 규칙 9 -either A or B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B, B as well as A ☞ B 에 일치시킨다. am are is is

10 Numeral Agreement 10. My family ___ all healthy. (be) His family ___ about to arrive. (be) ★ 규칙 10 집합명사 - 조직이나 단체를 하나의 단위로 취급하는 경우 ☞ 단수 - 개개인의 집합체로 쓰는 경우 ☞ 복수 are is

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