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시카고 한인 문화회관 특별강좌 2012. 9.10. 인권 침해 사례와 미국 인권법의 대응 방안 (2) 이윤모 ( 사회학 박사 ) 전 일리노이 인권국 연구. 기획. 개발실장 시카고 한인사회 연구원 회장 Diversity Solutions, Inc. Partner 혐오범죄.

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Presentation on theme: "시카고 한인 문화회관 특별강좌 2012. 9.10. 인권 침해 사례와 미국 인권법의 대응 방안 (2) 이윤모 ( 사회학 박사 ) 전 일리노이 인권국 연구. 기획. 개발실장 시카고 한인사회 연구원 회장 Diversity Solutions, Inc. Partner 혐오범죄."— Presentation transcript:

1 시카고 한인 문화회관 특별강좌 2012. 9.10. 인권 침해 사례와 미국 인권법의 대응 방안 (2) 이윤모 ( 사회학 박사 ) 전 일리노이 인권국 연구. 기획. 개발실장 시카고 한인사회 연구원 회장 Diversity Solutions, Inc. Partner 혐오범죄 (Hate Crimes) 청소년 학대 : 학교폭력 (Bullying) 주택 구입. 융자 체계적 차별

2 골프장에서 “ 한국으로 돌아가라 ” 고 야유 교통사고에서 내 잘못 아닌데 티켓 받아 부도 수표 신고하러 경찰서 간 한인 경관들이 집단 폭행 ( 경찰과는 현장에서 시비를 피하고 사후에 고발할 것 ) 사소한 실언 - 텃취로 성희롱 피소 당한 고용주 사례 2 건 한인 사장이 여행 에 동침, 살림 차린 아파트서 본 부인 폭력. 스패니쉬종업원 휴가 허락과 휴가비 차별로 한인 업소 고발. 한인 점포 문턱에 휠 체어 걸려 1 달러 복권으로 해결 그린 베이 로드에서 스패니쉬 / 벨빌에서 흑인만 경찰에 걸려 식당 웨이트레스 히프를 만진 서울에서 온 손님 위튼에 집 사려던 고객 스트림우드로 몰아 학교에서 싸웠는데 우리 아이만 정학 당했다. 교회 여비서 근무시간 단축과 감봉은 민권법 위반 아니다. 개인간 거래, 계약 시비, 민권법 아닌 형사법 위반. 한인 사이의 모독은 인권법 문제 아님.

3 연방 혐오범죄 법 (Hate Crimes Law) The Civil Rights Act of 1968 enacted 18 U.S.C. § 245(b)(2), which permits federal prosecution of anyone who "willingly injures, intimidates or interferes with another person, or attempts to do so, by force. because of the other person's race, color, religion or national origin“ because of the victim's attempt to engage in one of six types of federally protected activities, such as attending school, patronizing a public place/facility, applying for employment, acting as a juror in a state court or voting.Civil Rights Act of 196818 U.S.C.§ 245 The 1969 Federal Hate Crimes Law gave the U.S. Department of Justice the power to investigate and prosecute defendants of hate crimes. Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990 requires the Attorney General to collect data on crimes committed because of the victim's race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. This was the first federal statute to "recognize and name gay, lesbian and bisexual people.Attorney General

4 신도의 혐오범죄 고소로 유죄 판결 받은 애미쉬 비숍 (Hate Crimes Act : Conspiracy, Kidnapping, Hate Crimes,& Obstruction of Justice ). Excommunication of dissident group, confined in chicken coops, beaten, took wives to his home for ‘sexual counseling’

5 연방 혐오범죄 법 (Hate Crimes Law) The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 Requires the United States Sentencing Commission to increase the penalties for hate crimes defendant intentionally selects a victim, in the case of a property crime, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person).United States Sentencing Commission The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. To expand upon the 1969 US federal hate-crime law by extending hate crimes to bodily crimes motivated by a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. It also expanded the funding and investigative capabilities of federal officials for aiding their local counterparts..

6 주 정부 단위 협오범죄법 집행과 소관 The UCR Program’s Hate Crime Statistics Program included 14, 575 participating law enforcement agencies in 2011. These age ncies provided 1 to 12 months of data about bias-motivated cri me, and of those agencies, 1,944 (13.3 percent) reported 6,22 2 incidents. Civil Rights Act of 1968, permits federal prosecution of anyone who willingly injures, intimidates or interferes with another person, or attempts to do so, by force the protected class, in one of six types of federally protected activities, such as attending school, patronizing a public place/facility, applying for employment, acting as a juror in a state court or voting. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, enacted in 1994 requires the United States Sentencing Commission to increase the penalties for hate crimes committed on the basis of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender of any person.Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement ActUnited States Sentencing Commission


8 청소년 학대. 학교 폭력 미국 중고등학교의 ‘ 불링 ’ 실태와 법률, 학원 및 지역사회의의 대응

9 Facts About School Bullying ( 미국 학교의 청소년 학대 폭력 ) "Bullying" refers to verbal, physical, or mental acts committee by a student to harass, intimidate, or cause harm to another student. Bullying may include verbal threats, physical assault, intimidation, or other forms of inappropriate behavior, such as harassment, disorderly conduct, and acts which disturb the peace. Because bullying on school campuses is a growing concern, parents, school districts, and students should be aware of the serious violations and violence that may occur as a result of student bullying, and how it may be addressed

10 Facts About School Bullying ( 미 전국의 학원 폭력 실태 : 교육통계센터 자료 ) 56 % of all students have witnesses a bullying crime take place while at school. 15 % of all students who don't show up for school report it to being out of fear of being bullied while at school. 71 % of students that report bullying as an on-going problem. About one out of every 10 students drops out or changes schools because of repeated bullying. schools 5% of students has seen a student with a gun at school. 54 % students reported that witnessing physical abuse at home can lead to violence in school.physical abuse A bout 282,000 students that are reportedly attacked in high schools throughout the nation each month. high schools

11 Facts About School Bullying ( 미 전국의 학원 폭력 실태 : 교육통계센터 자료 ) The NCES (National Center for Education Statistic) reveals that:National Center for Education Statistic More bullying in middle school than in senior high school. Emotional bullying is most prevalent (pushing/shoving/tripping/ spitting) Cyber-bullying is- for the middle grade levels - the least prominent type of bullying, but it is greater in the last three years of high school than in grades 6 - 9. Most school bullying occurs inside the school, a lesser amount on schoo l property, and even less on the school bullying Sixth graders were the most likely to sustain an injury from bullying. Victims of bullying display a range of responses, even many years later, such as: Low self-esteem, Difficulty in trusting others, Lack of assertiveness, Aggre ssion, Difficulty controlling anger, Isolation. Federal Anti-Bullying Laws While federal laws do not specifically address bullying per se, a school or district may be charged with violation of First Amendment, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and other laws aimed at protecting an individual's right to equal protection. For example, the Supreme Court has held that parents may sue a school or district for failing to take action on a sexual harassment claim it knew about, but failed to take corrective action (in the case of Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education). For information on commonly asked questions concerning a student's federal rights, click here.

12 Examples of Bullying Behavior Wearing gang paraphernalia and other clothing meant to intimidate or exclude another; Spreading rumors or posting degrading, harmful, or explicit pictures, messages, or information using social me dia or other forms of electronic communication (also known as "·cyber-bullying"). Taunting or making sexual slurs about a person's gender orientation or sexual status. Name-calling, joking, or making offensive remarks about a person's religion, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Physical acts of bullying, such as punching, slapping, or tripping someone.

13 Federal Anti-Bullying Laws 학원내 학대 - 폭력에 대한 연방법 대신에 헌법 제 1 수정 조항으로 대응 While federal laws do not specifically address bullying per se, a school or district may be charged with violation of First Amendment, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and other laws aimed at protecting an individual's right to equal protection. For example, the Supreme Court has held that parents may sue a school or district for failing to take action on a sexual harassment claim it knew about, but failed to take corrective action (in the case of Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education).

14 Anti-Bullying State Laws 대다수 주 법들은 학원 폭력 규제 조항들을 두었음 A number of states have passed laws to address intimidatio n, harassment, and bullying in schools. These "anti-bullying" laws are meant to promote school safe ty, improve truancy rates, and reduce school violence, amo ng other things. The law specifically requires schools to create certain polici es for prevent- ion, training, and enforcement con-cerning b ehavior that may lead to bullying. Students who violate an ti-bullying provisions face suspension and expulsion; wher eas schools and districts may face large monetary fines aris ing out of civil liability claims. Examples of State Laws -> (Addendum)

15 Penalties Student's who engage in certain acts associated with bullying may be suspended or expelled from a school or district, as well as face civil fines and criminal penalties, including jail time, depending on the specific violation. School districts may also face civil law penalties, in the form of hefty monetary fines, arising out of its failure to prevent or punish certain types of behavior by students in the district. Types of Anti-Bullying Programs Prevention ( 예방 ): Student Code of Conduct, CBO Programs. Intervention ( 개입 ): School Social Worker. Response ( 발생후 대응 ): Administration, Law Enforcement.

16 Anti-Bullying Program Resources 연방 정부의 학원 폭력 관계 통계 및 프로그램 리소스 주요 주 의회가 제정한 학원 학대 - 폭력 규제 법규들. 지역 교육구의 학생 행위 준칙 및 대응 프로그램들. 전국적 법률단체, 인권 단체, 학부모 단체들의 프로그램. 지역사회 자생 단체들의 프로그램. 온 라인 리소스 링크들 트레이닝 동영상 프로그램 등 새로운 자료들이 속속 출현 하고 있음.

17 조직적으로 반복되는 유형의 차별과 체계적 조사 1990 년대 주택 차별 중에는 담보 융자에 흑인 차별이 심하여 시카고 지역 520 여개 은행, 금융기관들의 데이 터에서 54 개 업체가 조직적인 조사를 받았음. ( 인권국이 HMDA Data 를 분석, 3 개 은행을 Redlining 혐의로 고발함 ). 흑인들의 백인 지역 접근을 차단하력 지방 경찰이 교통 위반 티켔을 과다하게 체계적으로 발부. ( 그린베이 로드, 벨빌, 일리노이 주 1 천여 경찰서 데이터를 분석.) 소수민족의 주택 구입에 백인 지역을 피하여 열등한 지역으로 몰아감 (Steering).

18 Predatory Lending : 수탈적 융자 There is no clear-cut definition of a predatory loan, but many experts agree that it is the result of a company misleading, tricking and sometimes coercing someone into taking out a home loan (typically a home equity loan or mortgage refinancing) at excessive costs and without regard to the homeowner's ability to repay. Victims who have trouble repaying a predatory loan often face harassing collection tactics or are encouraged to refinance the loan at even higher fees. Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation(enforces state laws governing lenders) Complaint Office of Illinois Attorney (Consumer Protection Division), Illinois Department of Human Rights.Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation ComplaintOffice of Illinois Attorney

19 이스트 센트 루이스에서 오는 흑인 운전자들을 벨빌시 경찰 이 정차시키고 적발하던 백인 지역 접근 요로의 위치

20 위튼에 주택들을 본후에 부 동산 중개인의 농간에 스티어링 당해 스트림우드 주택을 매입한 흑인

21 제 2 강 끝 제 3 강에 계속

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