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1 Dongbuk Conversation 1 DONGBUK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

2 Lesson1. Hi, I'm Jisu.

3 Key expressions 1.Hello, Mr. Wilson. 안녕하세요, Wilson 선생님. 2. I’m Jisu. 나는 지수야. 3. What’s your name? 네 이름이 뭐니 ? 4. My name is Jisu. 내 이름은 지수야.

4 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hi, I’m Jisu. B :Hi, Jisu. My name is Su-ho. C: Hello, I’m Kate. D : Hello, I’m Hong su-jung. E : Hello, my name is Peter wilson. All: Hello.

5 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Hello! B : Hello, I’m Pookie. What’s your name? A : I’m Nick. B: Hello, What’s your name? C : My name is Jisu. B: Hi, Jisu! (knock) B: Good bye. All: Bye!

6 Lesson2 This is my friend, Suho.

7 1. Jisu, this is my mom. 지수야, 이 분이 나의 엄마야. 2. Mom, this is my friend, Jisu. 엄마, 이 사람이 내 친구 지수예요 3. Nice to meet you. 만나서 반가워. 4. Nice to meet you, too. 나도 만나서 반가워. Key expressions

8 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1. A : This is my mom. This is my dad. B : Wow! A : Mom, this is my friend, Jisu. Jisu, this is my mom. C: Hi, Jisu. B: Hello.

9 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Hello, I’m Anu. B : Hello, my name is Jisu. C,D: Nice to meet you, Jisu. A : Nice to meet you, too. A : Hi, Suho. E : Hi, Jisu. B : Anu, this is my friend, Suho. Suho, this is Jisu. A : Nice to meet you. E: Nice to meet you, too.

10 Lesson3 What's this?

11 1. What's this? 이것은 무엇입니까 ? 2. It's an eraser. 그것은 지우개입니다. 3. What's that? 저 것은 무엇입니까 ? 4. Is that an eraser? 저 것은 지우개입니까 ? 5. No, it isn't. 아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. Key expressions

12 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hello, Suho. B : Hello, Mr.Kim. This is my friend, Anu. A: Hello, Anu. C: Hello. C : What’s this? B:It’s an eraser. C: An eraser? What’s that? A: It’s a pencil.

13 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A,B: Hi, Jisu. C: Hi! What’s that? A: It’s a pencil. C : Is that an eraser? B : No, it isn’t. C : Is this a cookie? B: Yes, it is. C: Hmm, good!

14 Lesson4 Sit down, Please.

15 1.Close the door, please. 문을 닫아주세요, 제발. 2. Open the book. 책을 펴라. 3. Sit down, please. 앉으세요. 4. Stand up, please. 일어나세요. 5. Close your eye. 한 쪽 눈을 감아라. Key expressions

16 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Close the door, please. B : Ok. A: Open the book. B:This is 곰. A: 곰 ? Haha, this is 문. B : Oh, a door! C: (knock) Open the door, please. B : Ok. A:Wow!

17 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A: Hello, Kate. Sit down, please. B : Ok. A: Listen to this. Good! C : Stand up, please. Close your eye. What’s this? B : It’s ga. C: Good.

18 Lesson5 Happy Childern's Day!

19 1. Happy children's day! 어린이 날을 축하해 ! 2. This is for you. 이 것은 너를 위한 선물이야. 3. You're welcome. 천만에. 4.Jisu, open it, please. 지수, 그것을 열어봐, 제발. 5.Happy birthday! 생일 축하해요 ! !. Key expressions

20 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Wow! B : Happy Children’s Day! This is for you. A : Oh, thank you. C:Jisu, open it, please. A:Okay, it's a pencil. D:Happy Children’s Day! C:Thank you.

21 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A: I'm home. 집에 왔어요. B:Close your eyes, Dad. 당신의 눈을 감으세요, 아빠, Dad, sit down, please. 아빠, 앉으세요. Open your eyes. 당신의 눈을 뜨세요. Happy birthday! 생일 축하해요 ! This is for you. It's a shirt. 그것은 셔츠예요. A:Thank you. B:You’re welcome.

22 Lesson6 Help Me!

23 Key expressions 1. Help me, please. ( 나를 ) 도와주세요, 제발. 2. Look at the tiger. 저 호랑이를 보아라. 3. Sure. 물론이지요 ( 알았어요 ) 4.Look at your shirt. 당신의 셔츠를 보세요. 5.Are you Okay? 괜찮습니까 ?

24 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hi, Kate. Help me,please. B : Ok. Is it a cheetah? A: No, it isn’t. It’s a tiger. B : A tiger? Yes! Look at the tiger. A: Oh, a tiger. B: Please help me, Kate. A: Sure.

25 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A :Look at your shirt. Are you okay, Nick? B : No, I’m not. Help me, please. A : sure. Open it, please. C : Pookie, Help! D: Sure. A,B: Thank you, Pookie. D: You’re welcome.

26 Lesson 7 Do You Like Apples?

27 Key expressions 1. Yum! I like sandwich. 얌얌 ! 나는 샌드위치를 좋아해. 2. Me, too. 나도, 그래. 3. Oh, I don't like cheese. 오, 나는 치즈를 좋아하지 않아. 4. Do you like apples? 너는 사과를 좋아하니 ? 5. No, I don't. I like grapes. 아니, 그렇지 않아. 나는 포도를 좋아해

28 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Yum! I like sandwich. B: Me, too. C:I like chicken curry. B:Me,too. What’s that? D:It's naan. D : like cheese gimbap. B:Oh, I don't like cheese.

29 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : This is my friend, Suho. Do you like bananas? C : Yes, I do. B : Do you like apples? D : No, I don’t. I like grapes.

30 Lesson 8 Can you swim?

31 Key expressions 1. I can sing. 난 노래할 수 있어. 2. I can't sing. 난 노래할 수 없어. 3. Can you swim? 너 수영할 수 있니 ? - Yes, I can. 응 할 수 있어. - No, I can't. 아니 할 수 없어. 4.Are you OK? 너 괜찮아 ? - Yes, I'm OK. 응 괜찮아.

32 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : I can sing. B : Oh, no. I can’t. C:Kate, I can dance. B:I can dance, too. A: Nono. I can’t dance. I can sing, Oh! I can jump!

33 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2. A : Can you swim? B : Yes, I can. A : Can you jump? B : No, I can’t. A: Help! Help! I can’t swim. B:Are you okay? A:Yes, I’m okay.

34 Lesson 9 I'm sorry.

35 Key expressions 1.Do you like Tteokbokgi? 너 떡볶이 좋아하니 ? 2. Yes, I do. 응, 그래. 3.Sorry, Chris. Are you okay? 미안해 크리스. 너 괜찮니 ? 4.Yes, I'm okay. 응, 나는 괜찮아. 5.Watch out! / Look out! /Be careful! 조심해 !

36 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Do you like tteokbokgi? B: Yes, I do. A : Oh, no. B:Oh, a fork. A: Here. B: Thanks. A:Oops, I'm sorry. B:That's okay. A:Thank you, Suho..

37 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Watch out! B : Are you okay? A: I’m okay. B: I’m very sorry. A:That’s okay. A:Look out! B:Help me! Thank you, Pookie!

38 Lesson 10 Do you have a pet?

39 Key expressions 1. Do you have a pet? 너는 애완동물을 가지고 있니 ? 2. Yes, I do. I have two dogs. 응, 그래. 나는 두 마리의 개가 있어 3.No, I don't. I have seven iguanas. 아니, 그렇지 않아. 나는 7 마리의 이구아나를 가지고 있어. 4.How many cats? 고양이가 몇 마리 있니 ? 5.Wow, They're cute. 우와 ! 귀엽다..

40 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hi, Jisu. B: Hello, Kate. A : Oh, they're cute. B : Do you have a pet? A : Yes, I do. I have two dogs. Do you have a pet? B : Yes, I do. I have an iguana. A: An iguana? Wow!

41 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Do you like dogs? B : No, I don't. I like cats. A : Do you have a cat? B : Yes, I do. A : How many cats? B : I have six cats. A: Wow, They're cute. B: Yes, they're very cute.

42 Lesson 11 Let's draw

43 Key expressions 1.Let's count. 세어보자. 2.Good! Let's go. 좋아 ! 가자. 3.Do you like cookies? 너는 과자를 좋아하니 ? - Yes, I do. 응, 그래. 4.Let's sing. 노래하자. 5.How many apples? 사과는 몇 개니 ?

44 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A: Stand up, please. Let's count. All: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. A:Good! Let's go. B:Do you like cookies? C:Yes, I do. C:Thank you. A:Suho, sit down, please. B:Oh, I'm sorry. A:Let's sing. All:Okay.

45 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A:Nick, let's play. B:Sorry, I can't. A:Hi, Jenny. Let's draw. Look! It's you. C:Wow! Very good. I can draw, too A:What's that? B: It's you. A:Thank you.

46 Lesson 12 It's big.

47 Key expressions 1.It's very small. 그것은 매우 작아. 2.Look at this. 이것을 봐. 3.Is that a hamburger? 저것은 햄버거니 ? 4. Yes, it is. It's very big. 응, 그래. 그것은 아주 커. 5. It's short. 그것은 짧아. -No, it's very long. 아니야, 그것은 매우 길어.

48 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A: I'm sorry. B:That's okay. Sit down, please. A: It's very small. Look at this. B:Wow! It's big. It's very big.

49 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A: Look at the robot. It's small. B: Yes, it's very small. A: Is it very long? B: Yes, it is. A: Wow, it's very long! B: Jisu, look at this. Is it short? A: No, it isn't. It's long. B: Are you okay, Jisu? A: Yes, I'm okay. / B: I'm sorry.

50 Lesson 13 How old are you?

51 Key expressions 1. How old are you? 너는 몇 살이니 ? I'm twelve years old. 저는 12 살이예요. 2. I'm nine. How old are you? 난 9 살이야. 넌 몇살이니 ? I'm thirteen. 나는 13 살이야. 3. Have fun! 재밌게 보내.

52 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A: Hello, What's your name? B: My name is Kim Suho. A:How old are you? B:I'm ten years old. A:Do you like English? B:Yes, I do. A: Thank you. C:Let's go! B: Okay.

53 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A :How old are you, Pookie? B : I’m twenty years old. C : I’m ten. B: How old are you, toto? D: I’m eleven years old. E: Have fun. All: Thank you, bye.

54 Lesson 14 What color is it?

55 Key expressions 1. What color is it? 무슨 색이니 ? It’s red. 빨강색이야. 2. Is this a kiwi? 이것이 키위니 ? -Yes, It’s a yellow kiwi. 응, 이것이 노랑색 키위야. 3. What’s that? 이게 뭐야 ? -It’s an orange pen. 오렌지색 펜이야.

56 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Let's color. B : Okay. I like yellow. A : I don't like yellow. I like red. B : Wow! What color is it? A : It's orange. I like blue, too. B : Oh, no.

57 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Jisu, what's this? B : I t's an apple. A : An apple? It's green. B : Yes, It's a green apple. A : Is this an apple, too? B : No, it isn't. It's a tomato. A: Yes, it's a red tomato.

58 Lesson 15 How’s the weather?

59 Key expressions 1.How’s the weather? 날씨가 어때 ? 2. It’s raining. 비가 와. 3. It’s cold and raining here. 여기는 춥고 비가 와. 4.Sorry? 다시 말해줄래 ?

60 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : How’s the weather? B : It’s raining. A : Nick, Nick! B How’ the weather, mom? A: It’s sunny. C: Hi, Nick. Let’s go! B:Okay.

61 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : How’s weather? B : It’s snowing. A : Let’s play outside. B : It’s hot and sunny here. It’s very cold here. A: Oh, I’m sorry. That’s okay. B:Help me! C:Are you okay? B:No, I’m not. Help me please. C:Ok. B:Thanks. C:Have fun.

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