인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS

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Presentation on theme: "인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

1 인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS 밥 모핏 Bob Moffitt 하베스트 Harvest Opening Slide Last Updated 7/07

2 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
도 입 Introduction 지난 주간 동안 인간의 깨어짐에 대한 어떤 예를 보았거나 깨달은 것이 있다면 무엇입니까? What examples of human brokenness have you seen or been aware of during the last week? Methodologies: Question Asking, Small Group Discussion Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Last Updated 7/07

3 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
주요 성구 Key Verse 하나님을 알되, 하나님으로 영화롭게도 아니하며 감사하지도 아니하고 , 오히려 그 생각이 허망하여지며 미련한 마음이 어두워졌나니 – 롬 1:21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Rom. 1:21 Methodologies: Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants read and put this verse in their own words. Last Updated 7/07

4 주요 성구 발견 질문 Key Verse Discovery Questions
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 성구 발견 질문 Key Verse Discovery Questions “매우 좋았더라”(창 1:31)고 평가하신 하나님이 왜 인간 창조를 후회하게(창 6:6) 되셨을까요? What changed God’s evaluation of “very good” (Gen 1:31) to his grief over making man (Gen 6:6)? Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the participants to give their response to the questions Last Updated 7/07

5 주요 성구 발견 질문 Key Verse Discovery Questions
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 성구 발견 질문 Key Verse Discovery Questions “매우 좋았더라”(창 1:31)고 평가하신 하나님이 왜 인간 창조를 후회하게(창 6:6) 되셨을까요? What changed God’s evaluation of “very good” (Gen. 1:31) to His grief over making man (Gen. 6:6)? 하나님의 두 가지 평가 중 어떤 것이 오늘날 인간의 상태를 나타낼까요? Which of the two evaluations do you think reflects the human condition today? Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the participants to give their response to the questions Last Updated 7/07

6 참가자 연습 Student Exercise
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 참가자 연습 Student Exercise 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도 God’s Intentions for the Future 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태 Man’s Condition Without God 1) 빈 종이 한 장을 반으로 접어, 위쪽에 이렇게 쓰라: 1) Take a piece of paper. Fold it in half. On the top of the paper write: “미래를 위한 하나님의 의도” “God’s Intentions for the Future” 2) 아래칸 의 위쪽에 이렇게 쓰라: 2) At the top of the bottom half write: “하나님이 없는 인간의 상태” “Man’s Condition Without God” Methodologies: Visual Image, Group Activity - Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Either distribute one flip chart size paper and marking pen to each table before this lesson begins, or do it now. Illustrate how you want them to fold the paper in half and write “God’s Intentions for the Future” on the top of the page, and Man’s Condition without God” just below the fold on the bottom half of the page. Show the next slide to illustrate what you want them to do. Watch to see, and assist as necessary, who needs help following your instructions. Use this slide for a visual aide in the group work Last Updated 7/07

7 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 아래 구절들은 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는가? What do these passages say about man’s condition without God? 창 Gen 6:5 – 롬 Rom 3:23 – 엡 Eph 2:1 – 롬 Rom 2:5 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups. Each group should work together on putting the verses in their own words Or: In small groups have different participants read one verse and then say that verse in their own words. Remind participants that you will be asking them to illustrate what they are reading with a drawing. So as they read they need to be thinking of ways to illustrate what they are reading. Last Updated 7/07

8 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 아래 구절들은 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는가? What do these passages say about man’s condition without God? 창 Gen 6:5 – 마음의 모든 계획이 악하다 All inclinations of the heart are evil 롬 Rom 3:23 – 엡 Eph 2:1 – 롬 Rom 2:5 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups. Each group should work together on putting the verses in their own words Or: In small groups have different participants read one verse and then say that verse in their own words. Remind participants that you will be asking them to illustrate what they are reading with a drawing. So as they read they need to be thinking of ways to illustrate what they are reading. Last Updated 7/07

9 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 아래 구절들은 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는가? What do these passages say about man’s condition without God? 창 Gen 6:5 – 마음의 모든 계획이 악하다 All inclinations of the heart are evil 롬 Rom 3:23 – 모든 사람이 범죄하였다 All have sinned 엡 Eph 2:1 – 롬 Rom 2:5 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups. Each group should work together on putting the verses in their own words Or: In small groups have different participants read one verse and then say that verse in their own words. Remind participants that you will be asking them to illustrate what they are reading with a drawing. So as they read they need to be thinking of ways to illustrate what they are reading. Last Updated 7/07

10 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 아래 구절들은 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는가? What do these passages say about man’s condition without God? 창 Gen 6:5 – 마음의 모든 계획이 악하다 All inclinations of the heart are evil 롬 Rom 3:23 – 모든 사람이 범죄하였다 All have sinned 엡 Eph 2:1 – 죄로 인해 죽었다 – 소망없음 Dead in sin – hopeless 롬 Rom 2:5 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups. Each group should work together on putting the verses in their own words Or: In small groups have different participants read one verse and then say that verse in their own words. Remind participants that you will be asking them to illustrate what they are reading with a drawing. So as they read they need to be thinking of ways to illustrate what they are reading. Last Updated 7/07

11 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 아래 구절들은 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는가? What do these passages say about man’s condition without God? 창 Gen 6:5 – 마음의 모든 계획이 악하다 All inclinations of the heart are evil 롬 Rom 3:23 – 모든 사람이 범죄하였다 All have sinned 엡 Eph 2:1 – 죄로 인해 죽었다 – 소망없음 Dead in sin – hopeless 롬 Rom 2:5 – 하나님의 진노의 대상 Headed for God’s wrath Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups. Each group should work together on putting the verses in their own words Or: In small groups have different participants read one verse and then say that verse in their own words. Remind participants that you will be asking them to illustrate what they are reading with a drawing. So as they read they need to be thinking of ways to illustrate what they are reading. Last Updated 7/07

12 참가자 연습 Student Exercise
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 참가자 연습 Student Exercise 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도 God’s Intentions for the Future 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태 Man’s Condition Without God (그림이나 도표를 여기에 그려보라) (Draw your picture or diagram here) 종이 아랫칸에 앞의 성경 구절 내용을 나타내는 그림이나 도표를 그려보라. On the bottom half of the paper, take 5 minutes to draw a picture or diagram that illustrates the earlier Scripture passages. Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review the instructions on this slide and give 5-10 min for each small group to make its illustration Give 3 minute warnings so they will be able to finish at the same relative time. You may need to give some extra time, but probably you will need to go on before everyone finishes. Last Updated 7/07

13 인간과 깨어짐 Man and His Brokenness
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 인간과 깨어짐 Man and His Brokenness 인간과 깨어짐 Man and His Brokenness Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Show this slide and describe as your illustration of Man and His Brokenness This is a broken man. He has a bandaged head. He is crying in pain. He has a broken arm and foot. He needs a crutch to stand and walk. He is broken!! Have each small group join with another and share their picture and interpret it to the other group. Give approximately 3 min for each group to share with the other for a total of 6 minutes Have the participants return to their small groups Last Updated 7/07

14 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 깨어진 인간에 대한 하나님의 태도는 어떤가? What is God’s attitude toward broken man? 요 Jn. 3: – 빌 Phil. 2:5-11 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: See previous slide Last Updated 7/07

15 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 깨어진 인간에 대한 하나님의 태도는 어떤가? What is God’s attitude toward broken man? 요 Jn. 3: – 예수님은 심판이 아니라 구원하려 오셨다 Jesus came to save, not condemn 빌 Phil. 2:5-11 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: See previous slide Last Updated 7/07

16 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 깨어진 인간에 대한 하나님의 태도는 어떤가? What is God’s attitude toward broken man? 요 Jn. 3: – 예수님은 심판이 아니라 구원하려 오셨다 Jesus came to save, not condemn 빌 Phil. 2:5-11 – 우리는 이와 같은 태도를 가져야 한다 We are to have the same attitude Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: See previous slide Last Updated 7/07

17 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 사 Isa 11:4-9 사 Isa 61:1-4 요 Jo 14:1-4 롬 Rom 8:21 계 Rev 21:1-4 마 Matt 19:28 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

18 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 사 Isa. 11:4-9 – 평화와 풍요가 있을 것이다 There will be peace and plenty 사 Isa. 61:1-4 – 요 John 14:1-4 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

19 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 사 Isa. 11:4-9 – 평화와 풍요가 있을 것이다 There will be peace and plenty 사 Isa. 61:1-4 – 우리는 회복에 참여하게 된다 We will participate in restoration 요 John 14:1-4 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

20 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 사 Isa. 11:4-9 – 평화와 풍요가 있을 것이다 There will be peace and plenty 사 Isa. 61:1-4 – 우리는 회복에 참여하게 된다 We will participate in restoration 요 John 14:1-4 – 예수님이 우리를 위한 장소를 예비하실 것이다 Jesus prepares a place for us (계속, to be continued) Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

21 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 롬 Rom. 8:21 – 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated 계 Rev. 21:1-4 – 마 Matt. 19:28 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

22 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 롬 Rom. 8:21 – 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated 계 Rev. 21:1-4 – 눈물, 사망, 고통이 없을 것이다 No tears, death, pain 마 Matt. 19:28 – Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

23 관련 구절 Supporting Verses
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 관련 구절 Supporting Verses 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도는 무엇인가? What are God’s intentions for the future? 롬 Rom. 8:21 – 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated 계 Rev. 21:1-4 – 눈물, 사망, 고통이 없을 것이다 No tears, death, pain 마 Matt. 19:28 – 예수님이 왕으로 다시 오신다 Jesus will return as king Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Briefly review the findings Last Updated 7/07

24 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
학생 연습 Student Exercise 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도 God’s Intentions for the Future (여기에 그림이나 도표를 그려보라) (Draw your picture or diagram here) 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태 Man’s Condition Without God 종이 윗쪽 칸에 2세트에 있는 성경구절 내용을 나타내는 그림이나 도표를 그려보라 On the top half of the paper, take 5 minutes to draw a picture or diagram to represent the Scriptures in Set 2 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups to illustrate what they have read about God’s intentions for the future. Give 5 to 10 min. For participants to draw Provide 3 min warnings Walk around and look at the pictures – affirm what you see Last Updated 7/07

25 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도: 실례 God’s Intentions for the Future Example
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도: 실례 God’s Intentions for the Future Example 사망 없음 No death 평화 Peace 풍요로움 Plenty 하나님 우리와 함께 계심 God lives with us Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Show this slide as your illustration and comment Conclude by having each group post their drawings on the wall (or some other appropriate place) with masking tape or other appropriate material. Last Updated 7/07

26 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
예 Example 미래를 위한 하나님의 의도 God’s Intentions for the Future 하나님이 없는 인간의 상태 Man’s Condition Without God 사망 없음 No death 평화 Peace 풍요로움 Plenty 하나님이 함께 계심 God lives with us Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group Drawing Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have participants work in small groups to illustrate what they have read about God’s intentions for the future. Give 5 to 10 min. For participants to draw Provide 3 min warnings Walk around and look at the pictures – affirm what you see Last Updated 7/07

27 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 인간의 모든 계획하는 바가 악하다 Every inclination of man’s heart was evil Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

28 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 인간의 모든 계획하는 바가 악하다 Every inclination of man’s heart was evil 모든 인간이 범죄했고, 하나님의 뜻에 이르지 못한다 All have sinned & come short of God’s will Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

29 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 인간의 모든 계획하는 바가 악하다 Every inclination of man’s heart was evil 모든 인간이 범죄했고, 하나님의 뜻에 이르지 못한다 All have sinned & come short of God’s will 하나님이 없이는 인간은 소망이 없다 Without God, man is hopeless Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

30 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 인간의 모든 계획하는 바가 악하다 Every inclination of man’s heart was evil 모든 인간이 범죄했고, 하나님의 뜻에 이르지 못한다 All have sinned & come short of God’s will 하나님이 없이는 인간은 소망이 없다 Without God, man is hopeless 회개하지 않은 이는 하나님 진노를 받는다 Unrepentant man is headed for God’s wrath Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

31 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 인간의 모든 계획하는 바가 악하다 Every inclination of man’s heart was evil 모든 인간이 범죄했고, 하나님의 뜻에 이르지 못한다 All have sinned & come short of God’s will 하나님이 없이는 인간은 소망이 없다 Without God, man is hopeless 회개하지 않은 이는 하나님 진노를 받는다 Unrepentant man is headed for God’s wrath 그러나 BUT Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

32 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 하나님은 예수님을 심판이 아닌 구원을 위해 보내셨다 God sent Jesus to save, not to condemn Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

33 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 하나님은 예수님을 심판이 아닌 구원을 위해 보내셨다 God sent Jesus to save, not to condemn 평화와 풍요가 있을 것이다 There will be peace and plenty Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

34 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 하나님은 예수님을 심판이 아닌 구원을 위해 보내셨다 God sent Jesus to save, not to condemn 평화와 풍요가 있을 것이다 There will be peace and plenty 우리는 회복에 참여할 것이다 We will participate in restoration (계속, To be continued) Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

35 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 예수님은 우리를 위해 장소를 예비하신다 Jesus prepares a place for us Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

36 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 예수님은 우리를 위해 장소를 예비하신다 Jesus prepares a place for us 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

37 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 예수님은 우리를 위해 장소를 예비하신다 Jesus prepares a place for us 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated 눈물, 사망, 고통이 없을 것이다 No tears, no death, no pain Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

38 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 주요 개념 – 요약 Key Ideas - Summary 예수님은 우리를 위해 장소를 예비하신다 Jesus prepares a place for us 모든 피조물이 해방될 것이다 All creation will be liberated 눈물, 사망, 고통이 없을 것이다 No tears, no death, no pain 예수님이 왕의 왕으로 다시 오실 것이다 Jesus will return as King of Kings Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: These slides will help you summarize the key ideas presented in this lesson Last Updated 7/07

39 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
. 이것이 기쁜 소식인가? Is this Good News? Methodologies: Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the question, are God’s intentions for the future “good news”? For when are they good news? Answer: For the future Tell the story of Rudy (or some other story that makes the point that broken people need not only good news for the future but they are asking, “Does God have good news for my brokenness now?” Last Updated 7/07

40 이것이 기쁜 소식인가? Is this Good News?
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 이것이 기쁜 소식인가? Is this Good News? 루디의 이야기 Rudy’s Story Methodologies: Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: See Rudy’s story in the Lesson Narrative Last Updated 7/07

41 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
적 용 Application 묵상 Reflection 당신 주위와 지역사회에서 어떤 깨어짐을 볼 수 있는가? What brokenness can you see around you and your community? 이런 사람들에게 당신은 하나님의 미래를 위한 의도를 어떻게 나타낼 수 있는가? How can you represent God’s intentions for the future with these people? 헌신 계획 Commitment Plan 개인적으로 Personally 당신의 지역사회에서 누군가를 섬긴다 Serving someone in your community Methodologies: Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Assist others in a practical reflection of what they can do with what has been realized Evaluate man’s need and How each one can reflect God’s future intentions to those in your community Assist others in making an Action Plan both personally and in your community Last Updated 7/07

42 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
적 용 Application 나의 지역사회에서 인간의 깨어짐 Man’s Brokenness in My Community 당신의 지역사회에서 깨어짐의 예를 기도 가운데 찾아보라 – 당신의 이웃, 직장, 도시, 또한 당신의 매일 생활 가운데서 만나는 사람들 중에서. Prayerfully identify examples of brokenness in your immediate community – your neighborhood, your workplace, your city and those God brings across your path regularly. Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Assist others in identifying various forms of brokenness in their community to see God’s future intentions. Last Updated 7/07

43 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
적 용 Application 해당영역 0표 Circle area 지 혜 Wisdom 신체적 Physical 영 적 Spiritual 사회적 Social 무엇을: What: 누구에게: Who: 언 제: When: 어디서: Where: Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Assist others in making a specific action plan to help someone in their community in one of these areas to see God’s future intentions by serving them. Last Updated 7/07

44 인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS
Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson 인간의 필요와 미래에 대한 하나님의 의도 MAN’S NEED – GOD’S FUTURE INTENTIONS 밥 모핏 Bob Moffitt 하베스트 Harvest Opening Slide Last Updated 7/07

45 Man's Need and God's Future Intentions VC Lesson
복 습 Review 내 용 Content 적 용 Application Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask participants to discuss at their tables how they can see the brokenness in each of the relationships God gave man. Ask participants to identify some of God’s intentions for each of these key relationships. Personal Application – ask for testimonies from the participants on their awareness of the brokenness around them and God’s intentions and their responsibility. Last Updated 7/07

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