RTEMS4.5.0 & omniORB3 2003/8/13 배대호. 목차 RTEMS omniORB 개발 환경 문제점 진행 상황.

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Presentation on theme: "RTEMS4.5.0 & omniORB3 2003/8/13 배대호. 목차 RTEMS omniORB 개발 환경 문제점 진행 상황."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTEMS4.5.0 & omniORB3 2003/8/13 배대호

2 목차 RTEMS omniORB 개발 환경 문제점 진행 상황

3 RTEMS Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems Event-driven, priority-based pre-emptive scheduling Optional rate-monotonic scheduling High performance port of FreeBSD TCP/IP stack CORBA

4 omniORB C++ language binding fully multithreaded uses IIOP as the native transport COS Naming Service The smallest application using omniORB run- time would require around 800K of code space and 65K of data space, plus all the dynamic memory needed( heap ) by application.

5 개발 환경 Cygwin - Linux-like environment for Windows RTEMS 4.5.0 and omniORB3 code Cross compiler for RTEMS and omniORB Bootloader - GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader)

6 문제점 Target 디버깅 환경 부족한 디바이스 드라이버 부족한 문서 자료

7 진행 상황 SBC 에서 부팅 가능 (Floppy disk) RTEMS 기본 예제 (Hello world) 동작 omniORB 기본 예제 (Echo) 동작 RealTek8139 드라이버 작성, 테스트중

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