EasyCoder PX series – Printing to the Xtreme

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1 EasyCoder PX series – Printing to the Xtreme

2 최상의 인쇄를 원하는 분들을 위하여… 혹독한 작업현장 열악한 환경에서의 업무 적용 최상의 인쇄 필요성 요구 분야
최상의 인쇄를 원하는 분들을 위하여… 혹독한 작업현장 열악한 환경에서의 업무 적용 최상의 인쇄 필요성 요구 분야 We need more printer PX/XP-related pix. I have some incoming... How about playing a bit with ”XXX-rated” printer?

3 Introducing… The NEW EasyCoder PX Series Printers: EasyCoder PX6i

4 EasyCoder PX Series --- PX4i , PX6i ---
대용량의 업무 처리 능력을 위한 견고성 최상의 실제 출력 속도 120mm 와 170mm 폭의 용지 사용 가능 203 또는 300 dpi의 인쇄 해상도 지원 PC없이 사용 가능한 Stand-alone 형 뛰어나고 다양한 통신 지원 기능 선택 가능한 사용 언어 기본으로 제공되는Ethernet네트웍 통신 보안성이 뛰어난 무선통신 선택가능 대용량의 Compact flash memory

5 최상의... 내구성과 견고성 연속적인 인쇄작업 산업분야에서의 신뢰도 초당300mm의 빠른 인쇄 속도와 스타트 속도
선명한 인쇄와 정밀도– 203 dpi & 300 dpi 편리한 구성 및 조합 네트웍 기능과 편리한 통합 적응력이 뛰어난 표시 기능 최대 16MB 의 확장 가능 메모리 용량 Media (리본) 사용의 편리함-in 또는 out side 리본 겸용 다양한 이기종(타사의 모델)의 대체 가능-프로그램 호환성 미래지향적 설계-통신,언어,기능, 성능의 최상 기준 제시 This is a new generation label printers, with a brand new electronic platform which gives a lot of benefits for the customer. Common building blocks from PC industry is for example Compact Flash card for memory handling. More flexibility for more media types Tag media print-head option New more powerful power supply more watts Completely quiet when stand-by No fan Faster Time to first label Flexible migration Interprets different command languages eg IPL, FP/DP, ZSim, DSim Remote download Future proof Command language migration Modern technology, open standards and common building blocks from PC industry Complex print demands, eg barcode symbologies, formats, fonts Smart printing Full choice of connectivity

6 Benefits-장점 신뢰도-열악한 환경에서의 Non-stop 인쇄 가능
대기 시간이 필요 없는 빠른 인쇄 속도-15cm의 라벨을 분당 115매 인쇄 가능 인터멕의 소프트웨어를 통한 다양한 기기들과의 신뢰도 높은 데이터 통신기능 및 대응력 주변 환경과의 적응을 용이하게 해주는 다양하고 편리한 구조 네트웍을 통한 관리와 프린터 구성으로 유지 보수 비용의 절감 PC사용의 배제에 의한 설비 투자 비용의 절감 효과 호스트 컴퓨터의 환경 변경에도 추가 변경사항 없이 사용할수 있는 기능에 따라 별도의 비용 발생을 방지하는 효과 기대

7 적용 분야 및 응용 분야 최상의 작업성! 제조 생산 분야 운송 및 창고 입/출하 생산제품의 labeling
수작업및 자동화 라인 제조,공정라인의 제어 자동화의 기본 정보 입력 운송 및 창고 입/출하 제품 입고 업무 위치제어 및 분류 제품 이동 및 출고 선적 및 출하 관리 최상의 작업성! 자동부착기에 적용된 Side mounted 프린터-우편물 배송 분류 시스템의 사용예

8 Unique Hardware Features
작업 변경시간의 단축과 관리 비용 절감!!! 마그네틱 퀵마운트 헤드 사용으로 편리한 교체와 교육 시간 단축 컴팩트 후레쉬 메모리에 의한(최대 ~1GB) 작업장에서의 업무 변경 용이 편리한 작업 설정– 자체 키보드와 표시 화면을 이용한 Feature: Magnetic QuickMount™ print-head Customer benefit: Train operator to exchange print-head remove the need to call a service technician to replace worn out Print-heads. Reduce interruption time. Automatic alignment secure print quality. This magnetic technique is unique to Intermec printers Feature: Compact Flash memory extension (max 1GB) Customer benefit 1: Large memory. When the printer operates without host connection a database can be stored locally, eg with label information. It can also be used to store special fonts, graphics and logotypes, and label formats. Customer benefit 2: Compact Flash technology is the dominating memory technology for the years to come. Open standard in consumer electronics eg PDA and digital cameras. Feature (on picture): Steel cover to avoid risk of theft of Compact Flash memory. Feature: Numeric keyboard & display Customer benefit: When doing “PC free printing” the operator need to enter eg part number to call appropriate label information from a host database or internal memory. Magnetic QuickMount™ printhead CompactFlash memory

9 Unique Hardware Features
유연한 Media 운용 시스템!!! In/out 리본 사용이 가능한 더블 클러칭 리본 메카니즘 회전이 가능하고 견고한 용지 걸이 Feature: Double-clutching ribbon mechanism (the unwind ribbon spindle can rotate in both directions ie make it possible to use ribbon with ink on the inside or the outside) Customer benefit: If customer already have printers, he can use same type when using PM4i or PF4i/ci. Saves money and simplifies ribbon stock keeping. Ribbon-소진/적음-표시센서(standard) 라벨-소진/적음 표시센서 (standard)

10 유연한 시스템 연계성 통신 방식 (Connectivity…) 사용언어 (Command languages…)
Serial, USB, & EasyLAN™ Ethernet 기본 제공 – 8개의 통신 방식을 동시에 사용할 수 있는 다양한 통신 포트 지원 ! Dual serial, Parallel, Industrial interface 선택 가능 EasyLAN Wireless(무선 네트웍 ) 선택 가능 사용언어 (Command languages…) 프로그램 방식의 Fingerprint IPL and DP legacy applications ZSim and Dsim (제브라 및 데이타멕스 언어)

11 Flexible Integration Production lines… Media management…
상하, 좌우로 자유로이 설치 가능한 설계 컴팩트한 구조 모듈화 가 가능한 디자인 자동 부착기 등에 활용하기 쉽도록 설계 Media management… In/out 리본 겸용 사용 가능 Media Low Sensor기본 제공 추가 투자 비용 불필요– 호스트 컴퓨터 및 환경 변화에도 추가 투자 없이 편리하게 적용가능

12 다용도의 통신 인터페이스 지원 – 동시에 8가지의 다양한 통신 방식 사용 가능! 다양한 산업용 시스템 구성과 솔루션 제공… 2
기본 제공되는 interfaces EasyLAN internal Ethernet Wand interface RS-232 Serial USB 선택 가능한 interfaces Parallel – nibble mode Industrial Interface Dual serial interface EasyLAN Wireless, b/g (antenna connection) 2 Highlights: Ethernet as standard interface (PM4i only). Very competitive price. Fully integrated wireless interface which is system compatible with Intermec wireless equipment (security) Industrial interface. See below. PM4i have two slots for optional interfaces, PF4i/PF2i have only one slot for optional interfaces Future proof due to extreme flexibility connectivitywise! Details First barcode printer with fully integrated ethernet interface as standard. Can be removed and replaced by wireless interface. Occupies no option slot. Most common on all printers. A must have. USB Gaining popularity in the PC world. Expected to replace the parallel interface over time. Faster than serial and parallel. Supports USB 1.1 (Limited to slave mode) Barcode wand interface is a interface to connect a barcode reader (wand) to read barcodes with media setting. Barcodes for different media is printed in the User’s Manual or on the media I2C is an open standard commonly used in industrial electronics to make the processor talk to devices. This is to be used by integrators integrating the printer in advanced print and apply systems eg external display, keyboard. Is used for the cutter. Connector is located under the printhead. Parallel - Supports IEEE The old and very common parallel or Centronics interface. Very common in legacy PC environments. The old way of connecting office printers. Today mostly replaced by USB. Goes into an option slot. Industrial interface - An Intermec innovation. To make the printer control and/or read signals from other devices used in industrial settings eg photocells in a conveyor belt, alarm lamps speakers, print-and-apply equipment. Works in a similar way as PLC devices used in industrial automation. Goes into an option slot. Dual serial interface – Supports serial interfaces like RS232, RS422, RS485 and 20mA Current Loop. All are interfaces used in industrial environments for serial communication. One printer could control 2 other printers if there are limited network or host connections. The serial interfaces can also be used to connect to a scanner, external keyboard or other peripheral equipment. EasyLAN Wireless – a new fully integrated wireless interface. Support the open standard b and 802.1x security. Same radio and firmware as Intermec Access Points and Computers ensures system compatibility. You can use two otipn interfaces at the same time. EasyLan and wireless option did not requrie an optional slot. – 동시에 8가지의 다양한 통신 방식 사용 가능!

13 내장형 무선 통신 기능 제공 장소의 제한 없는 무선을 활용한 이동성 EasyLAN Wireless 무선LAN(선택)
장소의 제한 없는 무선을 활용한 이동성 EasyLAN Wireless 무선LAN(선택) 고성능의 일체형 무선통신 기능 제공 시스템 경쟁력: 인터멕의 엑세스 포인트와 컴퓨터 기기등과 동일한 통신 규격 인터멕 엑세스 포인트와 동일한 안테나 사용 802.1x 와 WPA 보안성 제공 인터페이스 카드 슬럿이 불필요한 일체형 구조 With wireless communication you dont have any cost for relocation. This is one of the strongest arguments for PM4i, very strong network concept. The wireless solution using standard Intermec radio card and connectors, which means you can have the same antenna for PM4i as you have for Intermec accesspoints. 801.1x is high security level and will implemented step by step, WEP 128 will be implemented at launch. TTLS and LEAP will be implemented early 2004 If you will not use wireless connectivity then you can have an integrated ethernet communication, with fully integrated design. Wired or wireless ethernet will not occupy any external slot. There is no support for bluetooth becuse that technic is best for communication pear to pear.

14 인터멕의 Smart Printing PC없이도 다양한 업무를 수행할 수 있는 고기능의 smar client-EasyCoder PX4i/PX6i – Eliminate the PC and save!

15 인터멕 스마트 프린터 기종… EasyCoder PM4i EasyCoder PX4i/PX6i
EasyCoder PF4i/PF4ci EasyCoder PF2i

16 Master & Slave Applications
MASTER APPLICATION PC없이도 프린터에 의해 업무의 연속성을 가능하게 하는 기능제공 및 하드웨어의 제어

17 타기종의 protocol 과 호환가능한 에뮬레이터 제공
Unique & Free! Zebra or Datamax data stream Use Fingerprint + ZSim or DSim! 타사의 기종(제브라 또는 데이타맥스) 또는 인터멕의 기존 모델들과 프로그램 변경 없이 사용 가능한 interpreter지원

18 경쟁제품과의 성능 비교 EasyCoder PX series 는 고기능의 프린터들과 성능 경쟁 에서 강력한 비교 우위를 보임
주요 경쟁 모델들로는 제브라, 데이타멕스, 프린트로닉스, 사토, 텍등을 꼽을수 있음 EasyCoder PX4i/PX6i 의 주요 특징: 대기시간이 필요 없는 빠른 시작 출력 속도 적절한 가격대의 최상의 견고성 제공 최고 속도에서도 최상의 인쇄 품질을 유지 다양한 업무 분야로의 적용 가능 최상의 스마트 프린팅 설계 구조 다양한 통신 방식 제공

19 출력 성능 비교 출력 능력 Network Connection 76 96 79 57(2) 8 63 74 56(2) 48 14
[labels per minute] Network Connection PM4i(1) Zebra Z4M Zebra 105SL DMX I-4208 Sato CL408e 최대 라벨 출력 속도 8 ips, 200 mm/s 10 ips, 250 mm/s 6 ips, 150 mm/s Simple 4 x 6-in label - no variables Command protocol 76 96 79 57(2) GM x 6-in label - variables Codesoft 6, printer fonts/bar codes 8 63 74 56(2) GM x 6-in label - variables MS Word/Windows driver (graphics) 48 14 55 23 14(2) (1) Running on Direct Protocol (2) Parallel interface. Couldn’t make network interface work. TESTING PROCEDURE Individually set up to perform at maximum processing and printing speed, each printer was ordered to print a series of 100 labels in three different ways, representing one simple and two more demanding jobs. The throughput was measured as the number of labels printed during 60 seconds of operation. Each printer was connected to a Dell Latitude portable PC via a network interface These tests were carried out by the Printer Support Team at Intermec, Gothenburg in March and April 2003 How fast is the EasyCoder PM4i compared to the competition? Just a matter of checking the spec sheets, right? A 10-ips printer is faster than an 8-ips one, which, in turn, is faster than a printer rated at 6 ips? Only sometimes, as this table reveals. The often quoted so called maximum print speed of a bar code printer is really a bad measurement of how fast it is. It only states the maximum momentous label feeding speed, not the throughput under real working conditions. This table summarizes the result of performance tests carried out by the Intermec Printer Support and Marketing team in Gothenburg, Sweden during the spring of Connected to a host PC via a network interface, each printer was ordered to print a series of x 6-in (10 x 15 cm) bar code labels. In order to maximize the performance of each printer, the print jobs were processed several times while adjusting printer and software settings. The throughput was measured as the number of labels printed during one minute of operation. (Despite substantial effort, the Sato network interface card could not be made to work properly. Instead a parallel interface was used, but it’s unlikely that the throughput values obtained this way are much different from what a network interface would generate.) Three different labels were tested. Given the simple task of printing a series of identical labels without any variables, all printers operated at close to their rated maximum print speed. The Zebra Z4M seems to live up to the 10-ips claim, whereas the Sato CL 408e is the slowest, as could be expected. “When the going gets tougher, the tough get going”. The second label tested is the well known, standardized General Motors GM1724. The reason for choosing this label is to open up the possibility for anyone to repeat the tests. It includes two bar codes and quite a lot of text that was updated for each label printed. Printer resident fonts and bar codes were used to facilitate the task as much as possible. Studying the results, it now becomes clear that the “Print Speed” can be a “false friend” to rely on. The EasyCoder PM4i still operates at almost it’s maximum label feeding speed. The throughput of the DMX I-4208 has dropped some, but is still almost as high as that of the PM4i. Zebra’s 105SL falls behind a little bit, making short halts between each label. The Sato CL408e prints close to as fast as before, but is obviously limited to it’s maximum label feeding speed. The big surprise is the Zebra Z4M with its modest throughput of 8 labels per minute! The third label tested is the very same GM1724 with the same variables, but this time the label was designed according to its specifications using MS Word. The print jobs were the sent to each printer as graphics with the Windows driver supplied by the respective manufacturer. This time, the Zebra 105SL came up as the fastest printer, proving itself to be somewhat more powerful when processing graphics than the EasyCoder PM4i. Both the Datamax and the Sato are now substantially behind, operating at some 25% of their maximum capacity. The Zebra Z4M prints faster than before, but is still far behind with 14 labels per minute. GM1724 – variable data Simple test label – no variables

20 네트웍 구성 비교 «««« « ««« - INTERFACE SOLUTION SPEED*
EasyLAN™ ZebraNet PrintServer II DMXNet Print Server WPC Plus Fully integrated 10BaseT/100BaseTX External (parallel port) 10BaseT Internal (parallel port) Internal (I-face card) 10Base2/100BaseTX SPEED* «««« ««« MULTI-CHANNEL INTERFACE YES - PRINTER GROUPING PRINTER WEB MANAGEMENT WEB-BASED PRINTING PRINTER VIEW ALERTS THROUGH CUSTOMIZED ALERT ODBC DATABASE ACCESS WIRELESS OPTION EasyCoder PM4i Zebra Z4M Zebra 105SL DMX I Sato CL408e FEATURES INTERFACE SOLUTION Fully integrated = The EasyLAN Ethernet and EasyLAN Wireless interfaces are integrated with the printer processor board. They are NOT separate units, (e.g. print servers). This solution provides top speed and full transparancy of the printer to host environment, and printer status can always be checked. 10BaseT = Twisted pair cable – 10 Mbit/s 10Base2 = Coax cable – 10 Mbit/s 100BaseTX – Twisted pair cable – 100 Mbit/s SPEED Realative and subjective estimates of the total netwotk throughput from host to printer based on tests and evaluation of the different technical solutions MULTI-CHANNEL INTERFACE The conventional printer network interface solutions provided by most of our competitors, are based on print servers, which are connected to the printer via a parallel interface. Such interfaces restrict the communication to one single data channel. If communication is ”heavy”, important information, like status or alert messages, may easily get jammed and will not be presented to the host. EasyLAN is a true Ethernet network interface (works like a network card in a PC), which enables simultaneous data traffic on separate It actually resembles a five-lane expressway (broad band) where different types of data, print spools, status messages, alerts and web pages use their own lane (port). PRINTER GROUPING Using IPNM (Intermec Printer Network Manager), printers may be treated as groups based on either logical characteristics (like types of task) or physical ditto (like where they are). This feature simplifies the administration of the printer alert settings. PRINTER WEB MANAGEMENT The printer can be set up using any Web Browser. WEB-BASED PRINTING The printer supports interactive printer applications that can be accessed by a standard web browser. (Example: PRINTER VIEW Possibility to check printer status using a web browser ALERTS THROUGH s can be sent directly from printer without using separate software tools. CUSTOMIZED ALERT Alerts sent from printer can be customized by user/programmer. - IPNM can generate messages specified by the user from any of the standard alerts, e.g. ’Head Lifted’, ’Out of paper’... - Fingerprint can generate customized alerts based on any critera and make the host aware of it. ODBC DATABASE ACCESS Using IPAS (Intermec Printer Application Server, Option) WIRELESS OPTION Availability of IEEE b Wireless LAN interface. *호스트 컴퓨터로 부터 프린터까지의 네트웍을 통한 속도(Total network throughput from host to printer)

21 BASIC-like printer programming language
스마트 프린팅 기능 비교 Intermec EasyCoder PM4i Zebra Z4M & 105SL DMX I-4208 Sato CL408e 프린터 사용 언어 Fingerprint Direct Protocol IPL ZBI (requires Ethernet) DPL SPL/ SATO CL 기본 프린터 언어 구조 BASIC-like printer programming language Command protocol 사용자 에의한 디자인 변경의 용이함과 신속성 YES - LIMITED 호스트 시스템또는 적용 업무 변경시 사용 편리성 ”PLC” 등 주변기기의 제어 기능 PC없이 사용 가능한 Stand-alone 기능 (requires external keyboard) 타기종의 프린터 언어를 대체 사용할 수 있는 호환 기능 The EasyCoder PM4i is a part of Intermec’s Smart Printing concept. Based on the Fingerprint programming language, this brings significant advantages to printing solutions, e.g. eliminates the need for a PC or other middleware. Its built-in intelligence and two-way communication capability enables it to perform traditional PC tasks. This means less equipment, greater efficiency, and lower costs. Intermec has offered smart printers to the market for more than ten years. Only two years ago Zebra launched ZBI - which features some programmability - for a limited range of their printers. Intermec’s Fingerprint programming language includes more than 200 powerful commands - ZBI featurs some 70 - which enables you to write applications that can perform almost any desired task, including interaction with host systems and peripheral equipment (scanners, scales or sensors/switches), or the built-in keyboard/display. ZBI is more geared towards data stream interpretation, lacking powerful interactive features of Fingerprint. ZBI requires an ZebraNet Ethernet interface to be installed, while Fingerprint can be run on any Intermec EasyCoder Fingerprint-enabled printer, even without an EasyLAN interface. For the Z4M the ZebraNet Print Server is available as an externally mounted device only - not a very industrial solution. QUICK AND EASY CUSTOM PRINTER APPLICATION DESIGN Intermec offers a professional application development tool, the Intermec Fingerprint ApplicationBuilder (IFAB) – Zebra do not have anything like it. IFAB enables quick and easy development of applications for professional developers, leveraging Intermec’s 10+ years of development knowledge in Smart Printing. EASY TO ADAPT PRINTER TO NEW OR UPGRADED HOST SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS The Fingerprint programming language offers more than 200 powerfull commands which provides great flexibility for creating custom applications ”PLC” CAPABILTIES – PRINTER CAN CONTROL OTHER EQUIPMENT A Fingerprint-enabled printer can control/interface with PLC-compatible devices such as warning lamps, photocells, pushers, and micro switches. Using an optional Industrial Interface, with digital input/output channels, the printer can replace the separate PLC – a complete industrial solution inside the printer. Zebra offer some control features using their I/O card (which is available in ZPL as well), but lack the full functionality of Fingerprint and the Industrial Interface. Datamax and Sato have similar basic I/O card functionality, were only simple delays can be set. PC-FREE PRINTING CAPABILITIES Together with the Intermec Printer Application Server (IPAS) software, the programmer/operator can design solutions which enable the printer(s) to access host data directly, without requiring a PC at each work station. This, of course limits investments and maintenance costs. Finhgerprint also offers the possibility to develop simple stand-alone applications without host connections, using the EasyCoder printer’s built-in display/keyboard. Interfacing a bar code scanner can be done as well, using the standard serial port. Zebra’s ZBI is claimed to be suitable for such applications as well, but as no Zebra printers have built-in keyboards an external one is then required. Also, if the serial port of a Zebra printer is occupied, no bar code scanner can be connected. ABILITY TO SIMULATE FOREIGN PRINTER LANGUAGES Intermec’s SIM programs eliminate changes to the host system by interpreting other printer languages. (Interpreters for Zebra and Datamax are available today.) COMMENTS on Datamax Datamax has recently introduced “smarter” printers. This is not a printer-based stand-alone solution, but a part of a server-based system from MCL supporting handheld terminals as well. This means expensive licenses for each server and each printer. As the Datamax printers offers no keyboard, the interaction with the user is limited without additional hardware. The actual application is running on a central application server. Sato does not offer smart printing in their printers.

22 사용자 편리성 요약표 X = 적합함 X = 적합할 수 있음 (제한적 기능 제공 x X 사용시 또는 시스템 설계시 장점
높은 실 출력속도 – 대기 시간 필요성 x X 산업용으로서의 최적의 적합성 유지보수 및 다운로드 편리성-신속성 및 편리성 프린트 헤드 교체의 편리성 고개의 적용업무에 따른 변경 및 설치 편리성 호스트 컴퓨터 변경시 추가 없무 및 비용 부담 PC없이 사용 가능한 STAND-ALONE 기능 PC없이 주변기기를 제어 할 수 있는 기능 타기종의 프린터 언어와의 호환 기능 제공 가능성 다양한 통신 방식에 의한 다기능 사용 신속한 네트윅 구성과 고 기능 제공 보안성의 무선 랜기능과 이동성 및 보안 기능 폰트 및 그래픽 등 다양한 라벨 발행을 위한 고용량의 메모리 EC PM4i Zebra Z4M Zebra 105SL DMX I Sato CL408e

23 EasyCoder PX vs. Zebra XiIIIplus
Zebra’s XiIIIplus series of heavy and costly premium-performance printers have a strong market reputation. However, due to the old-fashioned mechanical design, they are cumbersome, hard to maintain and generally not as versatile as the PX: Zebra 110XiIIIplus (4-in, 200 dpi): Aggressively priced but slower than the PX4i, still USD 500.-* more expensive. Zebra 140XiIIIplus (5-in, 200 dpi): Roughly as fast as the PX4i, but costs USD more! Zebra 170XiIIIplus (6-in, 300 dpi only): Slower than the PX6i and at least USD more expensive! Key Competitive Element + = - Price level + Perceived Ruggedness (-) Ease-of-use Speed/Throughput (+) Connectivity Features/Options Smart Printing – language emulation/stand-alone Investment Protection – ability to adapt to host environment High Competitive Index Low * Please note that all price comparisons are between correspondingly equipped printers, i.e. with network interface.

24 EasyCoder PX vs. Zebra 105 SL, Z6Mplus
Zebra’s 105SL (4-in) and Z6Mplus (6-in) are medium-performance printers not primarily intended for 24/7 applications in rough industrial environments. The 200-dpi versions are some USD 250 to cheaper than the corresponding PX models. The sturdy 105SL is of the same old-fashioned mechanical design as the XiIII series: cumbersome, hard to maintain and generally not as versatile as the PX4i, which is also considerably faster. The Z6Mplus is a wide version of of the Z4Mplus, Zebra’s basic mid-performance printer. The throughput of the 200-dpi version is comparable of that of the more rugged PX6i. Key Competitive Element + = - Price level (-) Perceived Ruggedness (105SL / Z6Mplus) (-)/(+) Ease-of-use +/= Speed/Throughput (105SL / Z6Mplus) Connectivity + Features/Options +/(+) Smart Printing – language emulation/stand-alone Investment Protection – ability to adapt to host environment High Competitive Index Low

25 EasyCoder PX vs. Datamax I & W-Class
Comparably cheaper than the EasyCoder PX printers, Datamax’s I-class (4-in) and W-class (6-in) printers are of questionable usefulness for demanding applications in rough environments. The PX4i/PX6i are clearly more rugged, better performing and versatile. The I-class printers come in several versions. With the possible exception of the fastest one, the I-4212, which is comparable to the PX4i, the latter features superior throughput. With a quoted maximum print speed of 8 ips, the W-class printers are somewhat slower than the PX6i. Key Competitive Element + = - Price level - Perceived Ruggedness + Ease-of-use = Speed/Throughput (+) Connectivity Features/Options Smart Printing – language emulation/stand-alone Investment Protection – ability to adapt to host environment High Competitive Index Low

26 EasyCoder PX vs. Printronix T-5000e
Printronix T-5000e line of robust premium-performance printers are worthy competitors of the PX series, though they do not match the versatility of the PX-line when it comes to connectivity and Smart Printing. The T-5204 (4-in, 200 dpi) costs over USD more than the PX4i, but is not quite as fast. The T-5206 (6-in, 200 dpi) offers roughly the same throughput as the PX6i, but commands a USD higher list price. Key Competitive Element + = - Price level + Perceived Ruggedness (-) Ease-of-use = Speed/Throughput (+) Connectivity Features/Options Smart Printing – language emulation/stand-alone Investment Protection – ability to adapt to host environment High Competitive Index Low

27 Pxi 프린터의 특성 및 장점 열악한 환경에서도 견딜수 있는 견고한 알루미늄 다이케스팅 구조
최고의 인쇄 속도와 실제 작업 능력 PC없이도 사용 가능한 스마트 프린팅 기능 EasyLAN 무선통신( IEEE 802.1x and WPA)을 포함한 다양한 인터페이스 선택 제공 구형의 인터멕 제품및 경쟁 제품과의 호환성 제공(사용자 프로그램 변경 없이 경쟁 제품 대체 사용 가능) 인지력이 높은 인터멕의 강렬한 표시등(Indicator ) 폰트및 데이터 저장용의 최대 1GB 의 CompactFlash memory 사용자도 쉽게 교환할수 있는 Magnetic QuickMount™ 프린트헤드 메카니즘 사용자가 선택할수 있는 다양한 프린터 언어 In/out 리본 사용에 제한이 없는 Double clutching ribbon mechanism 다양한 설치 방식을 가능하게 하는 유연한 설계 구조 3rd bullet, “Secure wireless printing”: TTLS and LEAP will be implemented in early 2004. 7th bullet, “Up to five interface ports”: The EasyCoder PM4i also comes with a bar code wand interface as standard. 9th bullet, “Magnetic QuickMount printhead”: This unique feature makes it possible the easily replace a worn printhead in seconds. No tools are required – not even a standard screwdriver. 10th bullet, “User selectable printer language”: The EasyCoder PM4i can be operated using either Intermec Fingerprint/Direct Protocol or IPL (Intermec Printer Language). In addition, the PM4i can also “speak” foreign printer languages, like ZPL and DPL, using ZSim and DSim interpreters. These free-of-charge Fingerprint Application programs make the PM4i compatible with Zebra and Datamax legacy environments. Since Fingerprint can interpret and generate any data stream, all Intermec Fingerprint printers can in fact be programmed to operate in virtually any foreign printer legacy environment. 11th bullet, “Double clutching ribbon mechanism”: The EasyCoder PM4i takes both wound-in and wound-out ribbon – no need to add more articles to consumables stock when buying a new PM4i.


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