School of Computer Science and Engineering Seoul National University

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1 School of Computer Science and Engineering Seoul National University
Spring Wearable AI Byoung-Tak Zhang School of Computer Science and Engineering Seoul National University

2 Wearable Computers A “Wearable Computer” is a computer that could be worn on the body. Wearable computers differ from PDAs, which are designed for hand-held use. Wearable computers are usually either integrated into the user’s clothing or can be attached to the body through some other means, like a wristband.

3 State of the art App of WD
Self-Tracking Calculate human daily activity using ML Fitbit Step, Moving distance, Burned calories, Activity time, Sleep Nike Fuelband Tracking moving activity Healthcare/Fitness Provides user’s activity efficiency in real-time Recommends Diet or exercise based on daily activity data ※ 동영상링크:

4 Lifelog: Early WD-based research
SenseCam New concept of digital camera Wearable, Wide-angle lens Automatic capture Additional sensing ability MyLifeBits Purpose Save & maintain every digitalizable life information Numerous stored data can be searched by MyLifeBits system Subject Documents, image, schedule, Offline movie, music, TV, radio, telephone conversation

5 AI to Wearable Sensor-based Recommendation
CALO Project Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes Apple Siri : Intelligent Software Assistant Natural Language Processing 핵심 키워드 없이도 전제 문맥을 파악, 대화의 흐름이 가진 문맥 또한 이해. Sensor-based Personal Assistance & Recommendation 탑재된 다양한 센서 데이터를 이용한 응용이 가능. 전화 걸기, 음악 재생, 문자 전송, 일정 관리, 미리 알리기, 이메일 전송, 지도 검색, 날씨 확인, 주가 확인, 시계, 알람, 타이머 설정, 연락처 확인, 나의 친구 찾기, 메모 작성, 웹 검색, 문답 기능, 스포츠 정보 확인, 영화 정보, 예고편 검색 및 영화 예매, 식당, 가격대, 사진, 리뷰 검색 및 식당 예약, 트윗하기, 페이스북에 올리기, 응용 프로그램 실행하기, WiFi, 블루투스 등의 설정 변경

6 Present of Wearable Devices: Glass and Watch
Google Glass Galaxy Gear & iWatch Health, Navigation Emotion Recognition, etc. New trend in smart mobile Pairing with smart phone

7 Wearable Device based Future Services
Google Now – An intelligent recommendation system for everyday life Weather, transportation, schedule, restaurant, sports, etc. Cortana (Windows Phone 8.1) – An interactive intelligent personal assistant as a knowledge navigator Learn and acquire knowledge from conversation with users.

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