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Assessment of Urinary System I Hanjong Park, PhD, RN.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of Urinary System I Hanjong Park, PhD, RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of Urinary System I Hanjong Park, PhD, RN

2 Assessment of Urinary system 1. subjective data 2

3 Assessment of Urinary System  Subjective data Important health information Present/Past health history: painful urination, changes in color of urine, amounts(diminished, excessive), nocturia, hesitancy hypertension, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, skin or respiratory infections, stroke, back injury, calculi, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer Medications: nephrotoxic agents(e.g., antibiotics), diuretics, anticoagulants, antidepressants, calcium channel blocker, antihistamines, drugs for neurologic and musculoskeletal disorders Surgery or other treatments: pelvic surgeries, urologic disorders during past pregnancies, catheterization, 3

4 Assessment of Urinary System  Subjective data Functional health patterns Health perception-health management( 건강인식 / 건강관리 ) Nutritional-metabolic( 영양 / 대사 ) Elimination( 배설 ) Activity-exercise( 활동 / 운동 ) Sleep-rest( 수면 / 휴식 ) Cognitive-perceptual( 인지 / 인식 ) Self-perception/self-concept( 자아인식 / 자아개념 ) Role-relationship( 역할 / 관계 ) Sexuality-reproductive( 성 / 생식 ) Coping-stress tolerance( 대처 / 스트레스 내성 ) Values-beliefs( 가치 / 신념 ) 4

5 5 Lewis et al.(2014, p. 1052)

6 6 무뇨 배뇨시 작열감 배뇨통 야뇨증 ( 유뇨증 ) 빈뇨 지연뇨 요실금 다뇨 핍뇨 통증 야(간)뇨야(간)뇨 공기뇨 요정체 스트레스성 요실금 Frothing 거품뇨 Hematuria 혈뇨 * 수문사 책 p. 1487 야뇨증 -> 야간뇨로 변경 ! Urgency 긴박뇨 Myglobinuria (24-hr urine output > 3L) ADH? Lewis et al.(2014, p. 1056)

7 References Lewis, Sharon L.; Dirksen, Shannon Ruff; Heitkemper, Margaret M.; Bucher, Linda (2014). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition. 7

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