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V-지 그래요?  Definition : It is a Sentence Ending attached after a verb and used to ask or suggest someone politely to do something. It is similar to English.

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Presentation on theme: "V-지 그래요?  Definition : It is a Sentence Ending attached after a verb and used to ask or suggest someone politely to do something. It is similar to English."— Presentation transcript:

1 V-지 그래요?  Definition : It is a Sentence Ending attached after a verb and used to ask or suggest someone politely to do something. It is similar to English expression “why don’t you do something?”. It is used as a question form to ask or request which is similar to ‘ V-ㄹ(으)까요?’ and ‘V-는게 어때요?’. Conjugation : Remove suffix ‘다’ and combine with ‘지 그래요?’   가다 → 가지 그래요?  오다 → 오지 그래요?  먹다 → 먹지 그래요?  읽다 → 읽지 그래요?  앉다 → 앉지 그래요?  닦다 → 닦지 그래요?   마시다 → 마시지 그래요?  Examples : 약을 먹지 그래요? Why don’t you take some medicine?   목이 마르면 물을 마시지 그래요? Why don’t you drink water if you’re thirsty.  A : 너무 피곤해요. I’ m so tired.  B : 좀 쉬지 그래요?  Why don’t you get some rest? The expressions for requests : TYPES DISTINCTIONS EXAMPLES (으)세요 Polite with honorific expression 내일은 휴일이니까 집에서 쉬세요. Please rest at home because it is holiday tomorrow. 아/어 주세요 Beneficial for the speaker who asks 배고파요. 밥 사 주세요. I am hungry. Please buy some food for me. 아/어 보세요 Recommendation for having some experience 김밥이 맛있어요. 한 번 먹어 보세요. Gimbap is nice. You can try to eat. 지 마세요 but not to do 극장에서 사진을 찍지 마세요. Please don’t take photo at the cinema. Low expression, not polite Persuasion to do together 피곤해. 커피 마시자. I am tired. Let’s have some coffee. 지 말자 Persuasion not to do together 방이 너무 더우니까 에어컨 끄지 말자. Let’s not turn off the air con since room is too hot. ㄹ(으)까요? A question form. Politely ask to do something together 같이 저녁 먹을까요? Shall we have a dinner tonight? 는게 어때요? A question form. Politely propose an alternative option 지하철에는 사람이 많아요. 버스를 타는 게 어때요? Lot of people in the bus. Why shouldn’t we take a bus? 지 그래요?  A question form. Politely recommend to do Something indirectly 시간이 있으면 방을 좀 청소하지 그래요? Why don’t you clean your room when you have time.

TYPES DISTINCTIONS EXAMPLES (으)세요 Polite with honorific expression 내일은 휴일이니까 집에서 쉬세요. Please rest at home because it is holiday tomorrow. 아/어 주세요 Beneficial for the speaker who asks 배고파요. 밥 사 주세요. I am hungry. Please buy some food for me. 아/어 보세요 Recommendation for having some experience 김밥이 맛있어요. 한 번 먹어 보세요. Gimbap is nice. You can try to eat. 지 마세요 but not to do 극장에서 사진을 찍지 마세요. Please don’t take photo at the cinema. Low expression, not polite Persuasion to do together 피곤해. 커피 마시자. I am tired. Let’s have some coffee. 지 말자 Persuasion not to do together 방이 너무 더우니까 에어컨 끄지 말자. Let’s not turn off the air con since room is too hot. ㄹ(으)까요? A question form. Politely ask to do something together 같이 저녁 먹을까요? Shall we have a dinner tonight? 는게 어때요? A question form. Politely propose an alternative option 지하철에는 사람이 많아요. 버스를 타는 게 어때요? Lot of people in the bus. Why shouldn’t we take a bus? 지 그래요?  A question form. Politely recommend to do Something indirectly 시간이 있으면 방을 좀 청소하지 그래요? Why don’t you clean your room when you have time.

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