Unit7 전치사 (Preposition).

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1 Unit7 전치사 (Preposition)


3 2. Examples of ‘s’ tongue twisters
Swim Sam, swim,  Show them you're a swimmer!  Six sharp sharks seek small snacks,  So swim, Sam, swim!

4 전치사 전 치 사 란? 명사나 대명사 앞에서 시간, 장소 등을 나타내는 것. 전치사 뒤에는 명사나 대명사가 오고
형용사나 동사는 올 수 없다.

5 in at 명사 장 소 전 치 사 in + 공간 (넓은 범위) : 공간 안에 있는 것
in the world / in the country in the city/in the room/in the town at at the bus stop at the station in + 공간 (넓은 범위) : 공간 안에 있는 것 at(확정범위) + 지점 : 특정 지점에 있는 것 I live in Seoul. They live in an apartment. She talks a walk in the park. I usually stay at home on weekends. I wait for the bus at the bus stop. I stand at the door.

6 on 명사 장 소 전 치 사 It is on the box. on (표면개념) : 표면에 있는 것
on the table / on the river on the 1st floor/ on the wall 그 외 장소전치사 on/in/next to/in front of/behind/under near/across from/between A and B It is on the box. It is in the box. It is next to the box. It is in front of the box. It is behind the box. It is near the box. It is across from the box. It is between the box A and the box B. It is under the box. on (표면개념) : 표면에 있는 것 The book on the desk belongs to me. He works on the 4th floor. She sells some flower on the street.

7 명사 시 간 전 치 사 in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September October, November, December -> 월 앞에 1984, 2015, 2002 etc. -> 년도 앞에 (the) spring, summer, fall, winter, -> 계절 앞에 (the) morning, afternoon, evening in + (넓은 범위) : 연도, 월, 계절 앞 The park is beautiful in October. It is humid in summer. I am usually busy in the morning. The weather becomes hot in summer. I go skiing in December. I was born in 1984.

8 at 명사 시 간 전 치 사 10:00, 7:30 twelve o’clock noon, night, midnight
the beginning of, end of the month or year at (특정시점) : 시각 앞 I sleep at midnight. I have a meeting at 3pm. I’ll meet him at 4:00. I am always here at 10:00. We are usually awake at midnight. They are in San Francisco at the end of the year.

9 명사 시 간 전 치 사 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 2, November 24, December 21 Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday night Christmas Day, New Year’s Day on (특정일) : 특정한 날짜나 요일 앞에 I have class on Saturday afternoon. They have a plan on November 2nd. My family is in church on Sundays. My birthday is on July 2. People are usually excited on Christmas Day.

10 관용적 표현 명사 시 간 전 치 사 in the morning/ in the afternoon/in the evening
at night/at dawn in the future/in the past at the beginning/at the end of the month in the middle of the month/year I usually watch TV in the evening. We have a party at the end of the year. I always take a shower in the morning. I will live in America in the future. I used to drink in the past. There is a Level-up Test at the end of the month. We have orientation at the beginning of the class. Let’s go to the movie in the evening.

11 Prepositions ▶시간전치사가 필요없는 표현들 He stayed at home last Saturday. I was in Seoul last week. I will stay at home this weekend. See you this Friday. See you next Monday. We will be happy next year. She is in Seoul every Monday. I am off every Wednesday. Last(지난) This(이번) Next(다음) Every(모든)

12 Prepositions ▶요일과 달 Days Months Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February March April May June July August September October November December

13 Third ball First ball Second ball Five balls Prepositions
Molly, OXB GLOBAL Prepositions ▶서수: 개수가 아니라 순서의 개념 Third ball First ball Second ball Five balls

14 Prepositions ▶서수 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth

15 Prepositions ▶서수 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th Sixteenth 17th Seventeenth 18th Eighteenth 19th Nineteenth 20th Twentieth

16 Prepositions ▶서수 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 30 thirty 31 thirty-one 21st Twenty-first 22nd Twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th Twenty-fourth 25th Twenty-fifth 30th Thirtieth 31st Thirty-first

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