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u-IT Cluster Workshop 2006 2006. 9. u-IT 클러스터 추진센터
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 1 Workshop 개요 목 적 - RFID/USN Market & Technology Trend 공유 - RFID/USN Value Chain 상의 경쟁우위 요소 등 토론을 통해 국내 RFID/USN 업계 발전방향 제시 행사 개요 - 주 최 : 한국전산원 부설 u-IT 클러스터 추진센터 - 일 시 : 2006 년 9 월 26 일 ( 화 ) 10:00~18:00 - 장 소 : 송도 갯벌타워 2 층 국제회의실 참석 대상 : RFID/USN 전공 국내 대학 교수 및 학계 / 업계 관련자 150 명 주요 프로그램 : - Market Trend & Implementation status (Speaker: Keith McDonald, Alien Technology) - Technology Development Trend (Speaker: John Stephen Smith, Alien Technology) - RFID vision in Korea (Speaker: 유승화 아주대 교수, 박준석 국민대 교수 )
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 2 Workshop Program TimeTitleSub-TitleSpeaker 10:00~10:10Opening-Welcoming Remarks Kye Hwan Oh (u-IT Cluster Center) 10:10~11:00 Songdo u-IT Cluster Overview and Tour -Introduction of u-IT Cluster Center -Tour of the Center Facility Bun-Joong Kim (u-IT Cluster Center) 11:00~12:30 Market Trend & Implementation status - Expected Market Size and Growth rate -Winning factors to be a leader in the market : HW/SW Vendor, System Integrator, Consulting - Hinge factors, Potential factors for the success on the RFID business Keith McDonald (Alien Technology) 12:30~14:00LunchSongdo Get-Peral Tower 14:00~15:30 Technology Development Trend - GEN2 Hardware Solutions development Trends ( Readers, Tag ) -EPC Specification ( EPC vs. ISO ) -RFID tag security and future requirement John Stephen Smith (Alien Technology) 15:30~16:00Coffee Break 16:00~18:00 RFID vision in Korea ( business model, core competency, focused areas ) RFID Technology Status and Road Map (16:00~16:50)Jun-Seok Park (Kookmin University) Vision of RFID/USN (17:00~17:50) Seung Wha Yoo (Ajou University) 18:00~20:00Dinner
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 3 Speaker 소개 Dr. John Stephen Smith Title: Chief Technology Officer, Founder Dr. Stephen Smith founded Alien Technology in December 1994 and served as the company's CEO until early 1997. He served as a director and consultant to the company through 2004 and recently returned to his position as chief technology officer. As CTO, Dr. Smith leads Alien's advanced engineering and R&D efforts. Dr. Smith is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, currently on leave. He is the author of more than 85 refereed technical papers, and holds 15 issued patents. A recognized pioneer in RFID technologies, Dr. Smith is the inventor of the patented Fluidic Self Assembly process that is the basis of Alien's high volume tag manufacturing process. He also invented the Q protocol and was the primary driver of many other technical innovations that rest at the core of EPC Global's Generation 2 UHF specification. Dr. Smith was a Hertz fellow, and recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator award. He received his PhD, MS and BS degrees all in Applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology. Keith McDonald Title: Sr. V.P. Sales & Marketing Keith McDonald joined Alien Technology in 2004 as a Senior Vice President of Business Development, responsible for setting strategic directions, managing business partnerships, enabling technology alliances, and establishing OEM relationships. Mr. McDonald is also in charge of Alien's renowned RFID Academy and the Engineering Services Program. Mr. McDonald is a guest lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Business. Mr. McDonald studied business administration and psychology at Long Beach State University.
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 4 Speaker 소개 Seung Wha Yoo ( 유승화 ) Title: Professor, Ajou University He received the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea in 1972, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from University of Kansas in 1980 and 1983 respectively. He was a MTS at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1983 to 1988. He had been involved in network business at Samsung Electronics Co., Seoul, Korea, where he was a Senior Vice President from 1989 to 1999. He is currently a Professor in the Graduate School of Information and Communication at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea. His areas of interest are computer architecture, computer network, Internet telephony, wireless Internet and RFID/USN. 박준석 (Park, Jun-Seok) Title: 국민대학교 공과대학 교수 학력 : 국민대학교 전자공학 학사, 국민대학교대학원 전자공학 석사 / 박사 경력 : 순천향대 전임강사, 조교수 [ 현 ] 국민대학교 공과대 전자정보통신공학부 전파통신공학 전공 부교수 M 파집적회로연구소장 겸직
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 5 송도 u-IT 클러스터 추진센터 주 소 : 인천시 연수구 송도동 7-50 송도 테크노파크 갯벌타워 7 층 전화번호 : 대표 032-260-0920
NCA u-IT Cluster Center Page 6 Thank you ! U-IT Cluster Center, NCA Bldg, 77, Mugyo-dong, Chung-ku Seoul Korea
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