1. Fill in the blank.. 그의 몇몇 소설은 몇 번이고 읽을 만한 가 치가 있다. Some of his novels are ______________ again and again.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Fill in the blank.. 그의 몇몇 소설은 몇 번이고 읽을 만한 가 치가 있다. Some of his novels are ______________ again and again."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Fill in the blank.

2 그의 몇몇 소설은 몇 번이고 읽을 만한 가 치가 있다. Some of his novels are ______________ again and again.

3 1.Fill in the blank. 그의 몇몇 소설은 몇 번이고 읽을 만한 가 치가 있다. Some of his novels are worth reading again and again.

4 1.Fill in the blank. 그 사진들은 너무 감성적이어서 우리의 눈 물을 자아낸다. The photos are ____ emotional ____ they bring tears to our eyes.

5 1.Fill in the blank. 그 사진들은 너무 감성적이어서 우리의 눈 물을 자아낸다. The photos are so emotional that they bring tears to our eyes.

6 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 부모님이나 투어가이드 없이 우리 스스로 2 주간 여행을 가기로 결심했다. We decided to take a two-week trip ________ without our parents or a tour guide.

7 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 부모님이나 투어가이드 없이 우리 스스로 2 주간 여행을 가기로 결심했다. We decided to take a two-week trip on our own without our parents or a tour guide.

8 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 인도에 홀리축제기간 중에 도착했 는데, 그건 봄이 오는 걸 축하하는 힌 두교 기념 축제이다. We arrived in India during the Holi festival, ___ is the Hindu celebration of the coming of spring.

9 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 인도에 홀리축제기간 중에 도착했 는데, 그건 봄이 오는 걸 축하하는 힌 두교 기념 축제이다. We arrived in India during the Holi festival, which is the Hindu celebration of the coming of spring.

10 1.Fill in the blank. 입장료는 비쌌지만, 돈이 아깝지 않았다. The admission fee was high, but it was ___________________!

11 1.Fill in the blank. 입장료는 비쌌지만, 돈이 아깝지 않았다. The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny!

12 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 책에서 Shah Jahan 이라는 왕이 아 내를 추모하며 Taj Mahal 을 지었다는 것을 읽었다. We read in a book that a king named Shah Jahan ___ the Taj Mahal ____ in memory of his wife.

13 1.Fill in the blank. 우리는 책에서 Shah Jahan 이라는 왕이 아 내를 추모하며 Taj Mahal 을 지었다는 것을 읽었다. We read in a book that a king named Shah Jahan had the Taj Mahal built in memory of his wife.

14 1.Fill in the blank. 그는 아내를 진실로 사랑했었을 것이다, 그렇게 멋진 방법으로 그녀를 귀하게 여기다니. He ____ ____ truly ___ her to honor her in such a wonderful way.

15 1.Fill in the blank. 그는 아내를 진실로 사랑했었을 것이다, 그렇게 멋진 방법으로 그녀를 귀하게 여기다니. He must have truly loved her to honor her in such a wonderful way.

16 1.Fill in the blank. Unreal beauty The Taj Mahal was so beautiful and ____ that it looked like a magical ___.

17 1.Fill in the blank. Unreal beauty The Taj Mahal was so beautiful and different that it looked like a magical painting.

18 1.Fill in the blank. Celebration of the coming of ____ People were covered in colorful ____.

19 1.Fill in the blank. Celebration of the coming of spring People were covered in colorful powder.

20 1.Fill in the blank. A safari in the ____ We rode on ____ and saw countless ___ at night.

21 1.Fill in the blank. A safari in the desert We rode on camels and saw countless stars at night.

22 1.Fill in the blank. An old ___ market The streets were full of shoppers and even some ____.

23 1.Fill in the blank. An old street market The streets were full of shoppers and even some cows.

24 2. Answer the question.

25 Q : Why did the writers pick India as their destination? A :

26 2. Answer the question. Q : Why did the writers pick India as their destination? A : Because they thought they would h___ many e____ a_______ there.

27 2. Answer the question. Q : Why did the writers pick India as their destination? A : Because they thought they would have many exciting adventures there.

28 2. Answer the question. Q : What is the Holi festival? A :

29 2. Answer the question. Q : What is the Holi festival? A : Holi is the H____ c______ of the coming of s_____.

30 2. Answer the question. Q : What is the Holi festival? A : Holi is the Hindu celebration of the coming of spring.

31 2. Answer the question. Q : Why did Soyeon think the king must have loved his wife very much? A :

32 2. Answer the question. Q : Why did Soyeon think the king must have loved his wife very much? A : Because the king __ the Taj Mahal __ in memory of her and it was a wonderful way to ___ her.

33 2. Answer the question. Q : Why did Soyeon think the king must have loved his wife very much? A : Because the king had the Taj Mahal built in memory of her and it was a wonderful way to honor her.

34 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers do in the desert? A :

35 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers do in the desert? A : They r___ camels, l__ on the sand and s___ many stars in the night sky.

36 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers do in the desert? A : They rode camels, lay on the sand and saw many stars in the night sky.

37 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers learn from their trip to India? A :

38 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers learn from their trip to India? A : They learned a lot about a different c___ and its t____ and will always v__ these e________ as wonderful memories.

39 2. Answer the question. Q : What did the writers learn from their trip to India? A : They learned a lot about a different culture and its tradition and will always value these experiences as wonderful memories.

40 3. Choose the correct one.

41 The writers decided to go on a trip before starting (high school/university).

42 3. Choose the correct one. The writers decided to go on a trip before starting (high school/university).

43 3. Choose the correct one. The writers were (surprised/nervous) when people invited them to join the Holi festival.

44 3. Choose the correct one. The writers were (surprised/nervous) when people invited them to join the Holi festival.

45 3. Choose the correct one. The writers think they experienced unforgettable things few people (in Korea/ of their age) have ever even thought about.

46 3. Choose the correct one. The writers think they experienced unforgettable things few people (in Korea/ of their age) have ever even thought about.

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