데이터베이스 설계(Database Design)

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Presentation on theme: "데이터베이스 설계(Database Design)"— Presentation transcript:

1 데이터베이스 설계(Database Design)
강의목표(Lecture Objectives) 데이터베이스 시스템 개념을 이해 데이타베이스 설계 데이타베이스 시스템 핵심 구성 요소 및 알고리즘 습득 영어 회화 – 주제별(English Conversation by theme) In this course, students understand what database is, design databases, and study the core components of database systems. 강의 교재(Textbooks) Database Systems Concepts, Ullman Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri and Navathe

2 데이터베이스 설계(Database Design)
강의진행일정(Lecture Plan) Introduction to Databases Data Modelling with the Entity-Relationship Model The Basic Relational Model Designing a Relational Database Querying a Relational Database Constraints and Triggers System Aspects of SQL Indexes Transaction Management April 29th : Midterm Exam June 10th : Final Exam, English discussion by theme Lecture plan can change as it may chance

3 데이터베이스 설계(Database Design)
평가(Evaluation) Attendance: 10% Midterm Exam: 30% Final Exam.: 30% Homework : 30% 강의게시판(bulletin board) : 강의자료(Lecture Material) 강의일정 변경 공지(Lecture schedule change notice)

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