CATIA Mechanical Design

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1 CATIA Mechanical Design

2 CATIA Mechanical Design Modules
Part Design module은 단품을 modeling하는 데 사용되는 module로서 Solid model을 생성하는 데 주로 이용되는 solid modeler이다. Assembly Design module은 Solid나 Surface modeler를 통해 생성된 각각의 단품들을 조립하여 Product를 생성시키는 역할을 한다. Sketcher는 단품을 생성하는 modeler에서 3차원 형상을 생성시키기 위해 사용되는 2차원 요소 생성 module이다. Drafting은 생성된 3차원 형상을 2차원 도면상에 투영시키고 도면 기입을 위한 명령들을 이용하여 2차원 도면을 생성하게 하는 module이다. Wireframe & Surface Design module은 Surface model생성을 목적으로 한다. 항공기나 자동차와 같이 곡면이 많은 장치를 modeling하는데 유용하다.

3 CATIA 화면의 구성도 Menu Bar Compass Specification Tree Workbench Toolbar
Standard Toolbar View Toolbar Power Input Zone Prompt Zone

4 CATIA 화면의 구성도 - Compass : Coordinate system of CATIA, x, y, z directions - Specification Tree : Indicate the history current work - Standard Toolbar : Standard fuctions( undo, redo, cut, print) - Power Input Zone : Directly input the commands. - Prompt Zone : Explain the current job - View Toolbar : Zooming, Panning, Rotating of the screen - Workbench Toolbar : CAD functions

5 View Toolbar 주요 기능 - Optimized View Fit All In - Panning, translating
- Rotating Rotate - Normal View Normal View

6 Mouse manipulation - Left Click : ‘Select’ or ‘Run’
- Middle Click : If you keep pressing and move the mouse, the screen is translated(Panning) where you want it to be - Right Click: When you want an extra explanation of the ‘function of icon’, move your cursor on the position that you want - Screen Rotating : 1. At first, click the middle button, keep pressing, 2. and click the left button and drag. - Screen Zooming : 1. At first, click the middle button, keep pressing, 2. and click the left button, 3. release the left button, and move - When you want a current function to be kept, Double click the function you want.

7 Customize & Option <Customize>
‘Customize’ func. Provides a user-friendly Interface about each module Customize는 CATIA사용자 환경 설정 기능을 제공하는 명령이다. 통합솔루션으로 잘 알려진 CATIA는 다양한 분야의 Engineer들이 각기 분야의 장치를 설계하는데 사용한다. 따라서 CATIA에서는 각기 분야에서 빈번하게 사용되는 Module들을 하나의 집합으로 묶어 쉽게 이용 할 수 있도록 하기 위해 Workbench라는 tool을 지원한다. Customize는 Workbench tool의 집합을 설정하는 기능을 지원한다. <Option> ‘Option’ menu serves as control panel Changing the Interface. Changing the dimension system Changing the environment setting Can be done here

8 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
3차원 형상을 생성시키기 위한 module로 2차원 평면상에 3차원 형상이 투영된 모습을 생성하고 이를 3차원 형상 생성 module (Part Design, Wireframe & Surface Design 등)에서 pad, extrude, shaft, pocket 등의 명령을 사용하여 3차원 형상으로 생성 할 수 있도록 하는 기반을 마련한다. ※Hybrid modeling CATIA의 막강한 기능 중의 하나로 모델링 중인 파일을 여러가지 module의 work space로 이동시켜 각 module의 기능을 이용하여 다양한 형상을 생성시킬 수 있도록 하는 modeling 방법이다. Wireframe & Surface Design Part Design Modeling 개체 Sketcher Product Design

9 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
- Switch to mode of ‘Sketch work space’ 1. Select the plane you want 2. Click the sketcher ‘Icon’ - Sketch Work Space Sketch command icons Reference Axis

10 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Line - Line : and Drag Line Definition : When you double click the line, you can check the coordinate, etc.

11 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Infinite line Bi-tangent line : Ex : see the figure below Bisecting line : Bisection of the angle. See the figure below Line normal to curve : 1. Click a point out of the line. 2. Click somewhere on the line. Bi-tangent line Bisecting line Line normal to curve

12 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Circle - Circle When double clicking, Circle Definition window can be seen

13 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
- Three point circle - Circle using coordinates : By using center point & point on the circle - Tri-tangent circle - Three point arc - Three point arc starting with limits : By using two points & one radius - Arc : By using center point & flashpoint & endpoint

14 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Ellipse Procedure - 1. Center point - 2. Major radius - 3. Minor radius

15 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Predefined Profile - Rectangle

16 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
- Oriented rectangle - Parallelogram - Elongated hole Parallelogram Elongated hole

17 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Cylindrical elongated hole - Keyhole profile - Hexagon Cylindrical elongated hole Keyhole profile

18 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Spline - Click the multiple points in a order you want - When you want to finish the current spline func., Double click at last - By double clicking, you can see the Definition window.

19 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Profile - Can draw the profile ‘Continuosly’ - Tip : By dragging, you can draw the tangent arc. - Tangent arc icon

20 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
- You can finish the current profile by double clicking at the endpoint. Mirror

21 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Constraint - Run the function(icon) - And click the geometry that you want to constrain. - When you double clicking ‘R10’(constrained dimension) you can see the window Constraint Definition

22 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Constraints defined in dialog box When you want ‘multiple elements’ to have relationship(constraint) After selecting multiple elements ( by Keeping pressing ctrl + click or Dragging) run the function

23 CATIA Mechanical Design - Sketcher
Trim - Remove what aren’t selected Quick trim - Remove by directly clicking the element

24 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
- Start => Mechanical Design => Part Design 선택. - If you are in a mode of Sketch, Specification Tree Workbench Toolbar

25 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Plane - Create a new sketch plane - Draw a rectangle, and quit the Sketcher mode - Select xy plane, run the ‘Plane’ icon. - Set the ‘Plane type’ and ‘offset’

26 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Pad - Extrude Sketch

27 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
- Pad - Set type & length - When you want to modify, double click the model(geometry), then definition window would be called

28 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
- You can also get into the Sketcher mode onto current model - Set the plane on the model as Sketch plane <Options> - Dimension Up to next Up to last Up to plane Up to surface

29 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Multi-Pad - By using even one sketch, you can extrude multiple number of feature - Multi-Pad Definition : Set each dimensions of the Pad

30 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Pocket - Sketch on the model

31 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
- Pocket <Options> - Dimension Up to next Up to last Up to plane Up to surface

32 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design

33 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Shaft - Revolve 2D-sketch in order to make 3D model - Sketcher Mode : By using function of Spline & Line, draw like figure below , and set the axis - Quit the Sketcher mode, and Shaft - Set the revolving angle

34 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
Groove - Has a role opposite Shaft - Ex : Figure below

35 CATIA Mechanical Design – Part Design
- Same as Shaft

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