Performance Analysis 농산업교육과 박사과정 2007-30295 최수정.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Analysis 농산업교육과 박사과정 2007-30295 최수정."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Analysis 농산업교육과 박사과정 최수정

2 Introduction 1 Objectives 2 Methodology 3 Using PA 4

3 introduction Performance Analysis 왜 필요한가? 무엇을 분석하는가? 무엇이 창출되는가?
-성과관리를 위해서는 성과의 구성요소를 먼저 이해해야 함 -appraiser는 단순히 성과수준만 측정하는 것이 아니라, appraisee의 상황과 맥락을 모두 고려해야만 함 -반드시 performance analysis 이후에 성과가 평가되야 함 Performance Analysis 무엇을 분석하는가? -conditions under which the appraisee has accomplished his tasks -appraisee의 성과수준, 영향요인, 강/약점, 환경 등 모든 맥락적 요소들 무엇이 창출되는가? -appraisal ratings, counselling discussions, identification of developmental needs and action plans -foundations for making good performance improvement plans and ensuring performance improvements

4 definition Performance Analysis
1. Introduction Performance Analysis Understanding constituents of performance by breaking it into various elements & understanding the factors that cause performance the process of identifying the organization’s performance requirements and comparing them to this its objectives and capabilities ‘Front-end analysis’-what must be done correct a specific performance problem and opportunities for improvement Important component of appraisal important component of appraisal

5 performance equation Tasks Standards Factors Performance Analysis
1. Introduction Individual Performance Ability x Motivation x Org. support ± Chance factor Tasks - role과 관련된 과업의 이해 - 각각의 tasks 수행에 필요한 역량 확인 Performance Analysis involves Standards - setting standards and measuring - 각각의 tasks들이 수행되었던 수준 확인 - 높은/낮은 성과의 원인들의 이해 Factors - ability of competence factors - motivational factors - factors within the control of the Id/Sn/Org

6 objectives of performance analysis
Identification of the facilitating factors Identification of the hindering factors Identification of the factors that appraisee or somebody else can/can’t do something about Identification of developmental needs sharing a better understanding about appraisee & appraiser 5

7 steps of performance analysis
3. Methodology appraisee는 KPAs, objectives등을 reporting officer와 토의한 후, 주기적으로 자신의 상황을 reflecting한다. 수행기간동안 자신의 성과를 촉진하는 요소/ 방해하는 요소들에 대해 꾸준히 기록한다 수행 종료 후 appraisee는 자신의 성과를 직접 평가해본다. 이때 자신의 노력, 어려움, 처한 환경 등에 대해서도 고려해본다. 자신의 성과를 촉진한 요소들과 방해한 요소들을 모두 나열한 후, 카테고리화 한다.

8 facilitating/inhibiting factors
3. Methodology facilitating factors inhibiting factors FI (e.g. job knowledge, previous experience) facilitating factors attributable to the individual II (e.g. poor memory, family problems) inhibiting factors attributable to the individual FRO (e.g. guidance, delegation, staff support) facilitating factors attributable to the reporting officer IRO (e.g. delays in decision-making) inhibiting factors attributable to the reporting officer FOS (e.g. flexible policies, open climate) facilitating factors attributable to the organization and system IOS (e.g. changes in top management) inhibiting factors attributable to the organization and system FS (e.g. hard work by them, co-operation) facilitating factors attributable to the subordinate staff IS (e.g. lack of co-operation, union problem) inhibiting factors attributable to the subordinate staff FE (e.g. improved economic situation) facilitating factors attributable to the external environment IE (e.g. strikes, political climate) inhibiting factors attributable to the external environment

9 using PA for counseling
appraiser appraissee communication increasing the self-awareness positive strokes changing perception or getting new insight explore areas he needs to improve

10 identification of development needs
4. Using PA Development needs of the appraisee training programme, job rotation 등을 활용 Appraiser의 노력 (more guidance, on the job training, discussions) 스스로 노력 (self study, development by the individual himself)

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