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Ch.3. 물을 마셔서 생길 수 있는 건강적 위협(계속) 방사능원소: 발암 위험성 증가, 신장 기능 저해(toxicity)

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.3. 물을 마셔서 생길 수 있는 건강적 위협(계속) 방사능원소: 발암 위험성 증가, 신장 기능 저해(toxicity)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.3. 물을 마셔서 생길 수 있는 건강적 위협(계속) 방사능원소: 발암 위험성 증가, 신장 기능 저해(toxicity)
Alpha particles Beta particles 226Ra, 228Ra U Will be discussed in much more detail later with “radioactive wastes”

2 살균제 Disinfectants 살균제 생산 부산물
Chloroamin: 눈/코 염증 irritation; 위장 불쾌감 stomach discomfort, 빈혈. Chlorine: 눈/코 염증; 위장 불쾌감 Chlorine dioxide: 빈혈; 유소아 신경계 영향 살균제 생산 부산물 Bromate: 발암성 증가 Chlorite: 빈혈; 유소아 신경계 영향 Haloacetic acids (HAA5): 발암 위험성 증가 Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs): 간 신장, 중추 신경계 이상, 발암 위험성 증가

3 미생물 Microorganisms Cryptosporidium: 사람 및 동물 분뇨, 위 관련 질환 (e.g., 설사, 구토, 경련). From From Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite found in contaminated water. It has been increasingly recognized as the cause of outbreaks of diarrhea when water supplies become contaminated. In normal individuals, it is a self-limited disease. Among immunocompromised individuals with AIDS, cryptosporidium can cause severe diarrheal disease, gallbladder disease (cholecystitis), and inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

4 Giardia lamblia: 오수 음용으로 감염, 저개발 국가에서 흔히 나타남
Giardia lamblia: 오수 음용으로 감염, 저개발 국가에서 흔히 나타남. 목축이 심한 곳의 물이 오염되어 발병되기도 함  giardiasis (설사, 구역질, 헛구역질, 위 불쾌감 등) From From Giardia lamblia, a common protozoan parasite causing gardiasis, an intestinal infection considered to be one of the most common causes of waterborne (drinking and recreational) disease. The genome, reported in the recent issue of Science, is expected to lead to the development of new drugs against the infection.

5 Legionella: 자연적으로 물에 보통 서식, 열기관에서 증식. 감염되면 폐렴 pneumonia 과 비슷한 증상 보임.
From From Legionella pneumophila is a thin, pleomorphic, flagellated Gram-negative bacterium of the genus Legionella. L. pneumophilia is non-acid-fast, non-sporulating, and morphologically a non-capsulated rod-like bacteria. Aerobic and unable to hydrolyse gelatin or produce urease, they are also non-fermentative. L. pneumophila is neither pigmented nor does it autofluoresce. It is oxidase- and catalase-positive, and produces beta-lactamase . L. pneumophilia is the primary human pathogen in this group and is responsible for legionellosis or Legionnaires' disease.

6 총 대장균 Total Coliforms (including fecal coliform and E
총 대장균 Total Coliforms (including fecal coliform and E. Coli): 그 자체로는 건강적 위협이 된다고 볼 수 없음. 다른 해로운 균의 번식 여부 판단 자료로 활용. From From E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. E. coli is short for Escherichia coli. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. Sewage may contain many types of disease-causing organisms.

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