Consumer Target & Insights

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Target & Insights"— Presentation transcript:

0 Marketing Strategy & Launching Story

1 Consumer Target & Insights
Contents I Background II Marketing Strategy III Consumer Target & Insights IV Marketing Plans IV 1H Review & 2H Plan

2 3D Product Offering LED / LCD / PDP
Samsung has created the industry’s first 3D full package to deliver complete experience 3D Full Package 3D BD Player / HTS Full HD 3D TV World’s first 3D Glasses World’s first 이를 달성하기 위한 제품으로는 LED/LCD/PDP 모든 Category에서의 3DTV 출시, 세계최초 표준 BD 출시, 3D 액티브 글라스,3D 컨텐츠를 통한 완벽한 풀패키지 제공 3D Contents World’s first LED / LCD / PDP 2

3 Consumer Target & Insights
Contents I Background II Marketing Strategy III Consumer Target & Insights IV Marketing Plans V 1H Review & 2H Plan

4 Consumer Journey Holistic marketing campaign from “Awareness” to “Purchase” stage based on consumer purchase journey Awareness Interest Engagement Purchase 이러한 전략을 실행하기 위해, 소비자 Journey 차원의 마케팅 활동을 통해 목적에 맞는 Seamless , integrated 커뮤니케이션 활동을 하고자 함 소비자 Journey는 인지, 흥미, 관여, 구매의 단계로 목적에 맞게 커뮤니케이션 하는 것이 필요 Generate mass awareness and direct consumer to the digital hub Create the word-of-mouth around our product to lead target consumer to engage Digital where target audience can actively engage In-Store to increase product experience Provide differentiated product experience

5 3D LED TV Target Profile & Insights
Early tech adopter paying premium for the best high tech products and enjoy learning new things TV as the center of entertainment universe for me and my family Screen resolution and TV Type are relatively more important Active information seekers via online / In-store experience is critical 3D 타겟고객은 얼리어답터 성향으로, TV는 엔터테인먼트의 중심으로 하는 사람들임 이러한 사람들은 특히 온라인을 통한 정보탐색, 매장경험을 주요 정보습득 매체로 활용함

6 Consumer Target & Insights
Contents I Background II Marketing Strategy III Consumer Target & Insights IV Marketing Plans V 1H Review & 2H Plan

Case of UK Consumer: Product to be launched around mid of April (Jeff, 35, London)

A series of intriguing un-branded activities designed to create anticipation that something is coming that will change TV forever

9 CES Samsung showcased technology leadership during CES and powerfully placed 3D LED TV at the center of influencer buzz CES Key Program PR Results PR Event Pre-CES PR - US & EU Key Tech Media Visits NDA (11/10~13, 12/7~11) - NDA Briefing for foreign correspondents On-site PR - Press Conference - VD Round Table - Executive interviews - Tech Media Private Briefing US Press Coverage Media placements: 2,121 - 84% (1,781) of stories included 3D mentions - Major coverage: Business Week, Wall Street Journal, CNN, CNBC, MS NBC etc. Domestic Press Coverage Media placements: 489 (including 269 online articles) - Total PR Value: USD 18,451,930 AD Value: USD 3,073,540 CES를 통해 삼성 기술리더십을 공개하고, 삼성 3D가 Influencer들 버즈의 중심이 되게함. 이를 위해 3D Cube 활용 3D Cube

10 Search Media Samsung owned 3D related keywords in search media 3D TV
Invested in SEM to own critical keywords, including “3D TV,” “3DTV”, etc (over 500 keywords) 3D TV SONY 3D TV 3D에 대한 관심이 높아지는 시점에 3D 키워드를 선점하여 삼성 3D 내용을 전달함

11 Social Media : Facebook
Samsung opened Facebook fanpage to engage consumers with Samsung’s 3D TV Consumers begin learning about Samsung 3D TV technology and products and experience it 소셜미디어의 대표인 Facebook에 팬페이지를 오픈하여 3D에 대한 기술,제품 정보를 교환할수 있는 장을 만듬

12 2. REVEAL AT LAUNCH (Apr~May)
Introducing the product & fulfilling the promise of a new dimension in TV

13 Launch Event: New York City - March 10, 2010
Global launch was announced at Time Square in NYC 런칭을 맞아, 3/10일 타임스퀘어에서 글로벌 TV 런칭을 세계에 어나운스 함

14 Launch: New York City - March 10, 2010
James Cameron declared it’s “the launch of television of the future.” “When you look back 10 years from now, you will be able to say, 'I was there. I was there in the center of the whole wide world when the future began.’ Right here, tonight..” James Cameron은 이날은 TV의 미래가 시작되는 날로 선포하고, 미래에 이날을 돌아봤을때 역사의 현장이 될것이라고 선언 14/42

15 Launch: New York City - March 10, 2010
Samsung unleashed a PR blitz on New York City to drive launch excitement Black Eyed Peas performed to a standing-room-only crowd Ignited media interest by packing event with high-profile celebs 그외 이날을 축하하기 위해 Black Eyed Peas, 힐러리 더프 등 각종 유명인사가 삼성 3D를 Endorse하기 위해 이벤트를 방문함 15/42

16 Launch Coverage Consumers are surrounded by Samsung 3D excitement From build-up through event, cross-media PR blitz delivered more than 529,000,000 impressions 이러한 내용은 유수 신문, 잡지 등을 통해 세계 언론에 보도됨 16/42

17 Launch Coverage Leading up to the March 10 event, tremendous numbers of consumers were exposed to Samsung 3D news Outlet Impressions Associated Press (syndicated in 75 online outlets) 278,520,297 9,818,250 USA Today 3,800,232 *online 14,850,200 Wall Street Journal 4,048,538 11,899,900 Live with Regis & Kelly 4,613,498 Good Morning America 4,205,500 CNN International 849,658 NPR (Marketplace) SYNDICATED BBC News 785,732 CNBC 328,281 Jimmy Kimmel (aired 5 times) 5,000,000 Total (~Friday) 338,720,086 + α 이러한 미디어 커버리지는 지난 금요일 현재 3억 3천만명 이상에게 노출된 것으로 집계됨

18 Flagship Campaign : Teaser
Samsung 3D LED TVC was revealed gradually, building consumer excitement Countdown Teaser Films 이러한 캠페인은 온라인 티저를 통해 궁금증을 증폭시키게 됨 총 7개의 10초 티저와, 70초의 1개 티저를 준비하여 번갈아 활용가능 일부 국가에서는 TV를 통해서도 티저 캠페인 전개 예정 * 7 10” versions, 1 60” version

19 Flagship Campaign : Global TVC
TVC presents the launch day of Samsung 3D LED TV from dawn to dusk Consumers feel the excitement of 3D LED TV arrival TV 광고 60초 버전 감상 이외 15초, 20초, 30초 버전도 제공함 이를 3D로도 만들어 3D 극장에서 광고로 상영할 예정 (구주의 전국가 활용 예정) * 15”/20”/30”/60”/3D version (Cinema)

20 Flagship Campaign : Print 1
TV와 연계한 Print 광고안도 몇가지 옵션으로 제공 예정

21 Flagship Campaign : Print 2

22 Flagship Campaign : Online Banner
Online banner ads drive consumers to 온라인을 통해서도 동일한 캠페인이 전개될 예정이며, 이는 samsung.com으로 고객 유도

23 Flagship Campaign : “Making of” film
The “Making of” film prolonged consumers’ interests 고객의 관심을 지속시키기 위해, 광고제작 뒷얘기를 온라인 비디오로 만들어 유튜브 등에 올릴 예정 * 4 Mn versions, 8 mn versions * Media: Viral Site, Social Network (incl.Facebook) etc

24 Digital : Key TVC visuals were incorporated along with product detail 디지털 마케팅 중 제품정보의 중심인 삼성닷컴에는 다양한 제품정보가 interactive하게 제공될 예정 (예로 닷컴 동영상 비디어 시연)

25 Digital : Site gave consumers interactive opportunities to learn more about 3D and total ecosystem 그외에 3D Full solution에 대한 상세 페이지 제작/ 제공

26 Award Marketing Award marketing is continued among expert review sites to keep Samsung 3D TV momentum Award Marketing Expert Review Sites CES – Best of Innovations Award : C9000 Honoree Award : C7000 Innovation Honoree Award : PDP C7000 Best of Innovations Award : BD6900 What Hi-Fi Review 지속적으로 어워드 마케팅 전개하여 전문가들의 입소문에 의한 브랜드 영향력을 지속하고자 함

27 In-Store Display Consumers have an immersive and complete 3D experience in stores Showcase the quality of Samsung 3D LED TVs Place Samsung in an advantageous light relative to competition 3D End cap Display Immersive Experience Zone 3D 전시의 예

28 Consumer Target & Insights
Contents I Background II Marketing Strategy III Consumer Target & Insights IV Marketing Plans V 1H Review & 2H Plan

29 V. 1H Review Samsung’s product launch created the buzz in the market successfully Global Launch Event Result ATL Campaign Review ATL campaign launched in more than 30 countries And viewed by more than 1M in YouTube “Awesome, amazing commercial” “I love it. I would love it when something like this was there for real” Consumer comments in YouTube Period Impressions Ad Value Total (~April) 2.4Bil + Approx. $32M

30 V. 2H Communication Online Marketing TV / Print <3D Pro> PR
Improve the engagement of the consumers by providing authentic content Create the total online ecosystem Differentiate 3D feature in picture quality to strengthen 3D leadership Continue to invest in media to own the 3D leadership position <3D Pro> Continue the momentum Engage the consumers in 3D conversation PR In-Store Continue the momentum utilizing the expert review sites Maximize the buzz around awards on the products and marketing activities Drive the traffic to stores to experience the best 3D solution Strengthen the total 3D concept with full line-ups and content partnerships - BEP video, Shrek bundle

31 A new dimension in Tv Conclusion : Holistic Campaign
Maximize buzz around the 3D LED TV launch Strengthen expert endorsement program Enhancing the execution excellence Re-defining channel classification Build global communication strategy & develop a holistic campaign Shift from product centric to brand- centric campaign Utilize diverse online media to increase brand experience Strengthen TV brand identity Develop innovative package visual Continue with aggressive marketing investment Optimize media mix A new dimension in Tv

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