Group work strategies in Korean language classroom

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1 Group work strategies in Korean language classroom

2 Why group work? The goals of language learning and Quality teaching
Student-centred approach to teaching and learning “Two heads are better than one” Productive, creative, motivated, tackle more complex problems

3 When to use? Beginning of unit of work: assessing students’ prior knowledge Developing / expanding learning: research work Summative group tasks: projects

4 Benefits of group work: Students
Encouraged to become active learners by developing collaborative and co-operative skills Enhance interaction and social skills Have the opportunity to learn from each other Encourage quiet or less confident students to speak /participate in activities It makes learning more challenging and interesting Motivate students and engages in learning Promote student learning and achievement Improve learning outcomes Develop communication, decision making, problem solving, values clarification, critical thinking, negotiation, and teamwork skills

5 Benefits of group work: Teachers
Increase teaching and assessment options Increase teaching effectiveness and efficiency Large numbers of students can work on task simultaneously Students get the chance to work on large projects which can save time Alternative ideas and points of view can be generated

6 Before implementing group work
To work successfully in groups, students need to learn how to work with others. Explain their ideas to others Listen to alternative ideas Reach consensus Delegate responsibilities Coordinate efforts Resolve conflicts Integrate the contributions of team members

7 Expectations of group work
Get along Respect others On task behaviour Use soft voices Participate actively Stay in your group

8 Implementing group work in the classroom
Preparing and designing the group activity a task/outcomes/grouping/timings/resources Introducing the group activity Explicit instruction Group roles Ground rules for group interaction Monitoring groups Is the group using effective planning process? How are they functioning? Is the group staying on task? Are members contributing equally? Are they listening to each other? When should the teacher support or intervene? Ending the group task Presentation/ Evaluation / Reflection

9 Examples of group work activities

10 Group activities: Reading, viewing & Responding
Study features of texts: Compare and contrast different text types Identify issues/ main points of the text /summarise texts Identify text structure/targeting audience/ purpose / context Short story: identify structure/ characters Compare and contrast Kongi patji and Cinderella story (settings/ characters/ending) Drama/ Movie: identify characters / settings / special effect Poem/ Song lyrics: Theme, message, language features Paintings: composition /colours /styles Sequencing jumbled paragraphs of stories Identify grammatical features from texts – particles, connectives, adjectives, sentences using conjunctions Read texts and create possible exam questions Produce travel guide brochure Finding letters and words from magazines, newspapers Matching Arabic numbers and Korean numbers Create a role play script from a segment/ a part of the story

11 Group activities: Spoken exchange, Listening & Responding
Discussion: discuss to generate information/ clarify ideas/ share opinions Debate Situational conversation Role-play: at the shop/ at the restaurant/ visiting doctors Listen to the song and complete song lyrics/ missing words/identify musical effect Rewrite lyrics of the song and singing the song Describe appearance of people & characteristics of people / objects/ scene e.g. Each group is given a different picture of a person and one sheet of paper. One student from the group describes a person and the rest of the students draw the person being described.

12 Group activities: Writing
Build up sentences / paragraphs using given words by adding words and phrases Writing descriptions / Creating stories using stimulus pictures Compare festivals in Korea with Australia complete table of comparison then present to the class – writing information report Product and Services- descriptions of different shops, menu Create advertisements - Public campaign /commercial Produce travel guide brochure /travel itinerary Produce a poster/brochure /Power point Informative: Korean festivals, Hanbok, folk games, Taekwondo, Farmers band, seasons and weather, Street scene of Local area, Product and services Persuasive : Sun safety, Water safety, Healthy eating, get along, Playground safety, No smoking, , Harmony day, Volunteering, Environmental issues(Natural disaster, preventing bushfire, Protecting endangered animal, Water conservation, Forest conservation)

13 Group activities: Writing cont.
Display chart: Life cycle of butterfly/frog/chicken, procedure, explanation Translation (English – Korean): each group translates one paragraph of the text into Korean and read their part to the class eg. Moon Festival, The First Fleet Changing text type: Survey- report- exposition/poster- narrative e.g. Survey: litter in the playground write a report based on the result of the survey Write an exposition on ‘Our playground should be free from litter’ Write a narrative ‘I am a rubbish bin in the playground’ Producing role play scripts Writing unfinished stories/ changing characters or setting of stories Change parts of song lyrics Creating Comic strips using iPad Project/ Research work – End of term / semester /unit of work e.g. Australian animals/Solar system/Natural disaster

14 Other group activities
Craft Collage/ jigsaw puzzles Korean flag, Mugunghwa, Korean traditional house, Han Bok, Icons of Festivals, Folk games (딱지, 제기) Games Memory – memorise and recall the lines of poem/ lyric of songs Korean whispers Creating sentences/paragraph using given words Playing Yut/ Jegi Bingo! Building up a sentence Unjumble stories Describing appearance of people & characteristics of people / objects/ scenes Recommended reading: Language games for classrooms: kindergarten to Year 2 Language games for classrooms: Year 3 to Year 6

15 Examples of student group work
























39 교민 여러분 모두 모두 설날축제오세요! 소녀시대 공짜 공연 비스트도 옵니다

40 재미있고 신나는 민속 놀이 한복입고 사진촬영 윷놀이 윷놀이에서 이기면 공짜로 한그릇 연날리기 불꽃놀이 제기차기

41 날짜: 2013년 2월 10일 (일요일) 장소: EASTWOOD PARK 주최: 시드니 한인회 많이많이 오세요~~^^

42 가까운거리는 걸어갑시다. 자동차 대신 자전거를 이용합시 다! 지하철을 이용하면 돈도 아끼고 환경에 도움도됩니다.
대중교통을 이용합시다 가까운거리는 걸어갑시다. 자동차 대신 자전거를 이용합시 다! 지하철을 이용하면 돈도 아끼고 환경에 도움도됩니다.

43 물 >생명> 건강>죽음…. there fore… Think twice before you use water.
물=생명 물 >생명> 건강>죽음…. there fore… Think twice before you use water. 살고싶으면 물을 아껴쓰자. 아껴쓰면 지구는 영원히 사는 곳 !!! 43

44 오염 수질 방지 우리의 작은 관심과 실천이 우리가 마실 물을 지킬 수 있습니다
“수질오염이 시작되는 순간. 모든 생명이 사라진다.” 수질오염이 시작되면 우리는 씻지도, 마시지도, 먹지도 못하게됩니다. 그런데 이렇게 물을 함부로 사용하시겠습니까? 우리의 작은 관심과 실천이 우리가 마실 물을 지킬 수 있습니다

45 소중한 에너지 없을 때 후회하지 말고 있을 때 아껴쓰습시다. 당신의 작은 실천이 세상을 밝게 합니다.
불 없는 어두운 세상. 소중한 에너지 없을 때 후회하지 말고 있을 때 아껴쓰습시다. 당신의 작은 실천이 세상을 밝게 합니다. 45

46 당신의 작은 실천이….

47 집 한 가구당 1 도를 낮추면은 매년 많은 양에 CO2 가 줄어 듭니다.
사용하지 않는 플러그는 빼고 두꺼운 옷 하나로도 1-2도 체감효과 집 한 가구당 1 도를 낮추면은 매년 많은 양에 CO2 가 줄어 듭니다.

48 친환경적인 삶 재활용하는 삶 쓰레기를 줄이는 삶 우리의 자연을 보호하자!!!
아름다운 세상 우리의 세상 친환경적인 삶 재활용하는 삶 쓰레기를 줄이는 삶 우리의 자연을 보호하자!!!

49 References Hellmut R. Lang, Arthur McBeath, Jo Hebert (1999). Strategies and Methods for Student- Centered Instruction . Haecourt Brace David Vale, Angelina Scarino, Penny McKay (1991). Pocket All. Curriculum Coroperation Calton Vic Jo-Anne Reid with Bill Green and Robin English (2002). Managing small-group Learning. Primary English Teaching Association NSW Mary Harris Clarke (1997) Language games for classrooms: kindergarten to Year 2 / Language games for classrooms: Year 3 to Year 6. New Communication Concepts Pty.Ltd

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