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(Supply Chain Management)

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Presentation on theme: "(Supply Chain Management)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Supply Chain Management)
SCM 배경 및 필요성 (Supply Chain Management)

2 목 차 SCM 태동 배경 SCM 정의 및 목표 SCM 주요 기능 Core Processes Process Reference Model SCM 기대효과

3 Supply Chain Management
시스템 발전 과정 e-Biz SCM ERP MRPII Closed-loop MRP MRPI ROP 회사 공급사 공급사의 고객 고객의 Supply Chain Management

4 용어 정의 ROP : 재발주점 ReOrder Point
MRP I : 자재소요계획 Material Requirements Planning MRP II : 제조자원계획 Manufacturing Resources Planning ERP : 전사적자원관리 Enterprise Resources Planning SCM : 공급망관리 Supply Chain Management e-Biz : e-Business

5 MRPI(자재소요계획) BOM MPS INV MRP Schedule order release L.T. Purchase
제품 수요 BOM MPS INV ROP 제품 재고 MRP Requirement Replenishment Planning Factors 부품 수요 Schedule Error Action Message ROP 부품 재고 Planned Purchase Order Release Planned Factory Order Release 이상 적인 재고

6 MRP II (제조자원관리) Priority Planning Capacity Planning S&OP RP SOP RCCP
최종제품에 소요되는 자재를 계층화하면 수요를 계산할 수 있음 수요의 변동 주기,폭을 고려 생산계획 가진 것과 가질 것을 알면 필요량을 알 수 있음 S&OP RP SOP BOM MPS Inventory 계획기간 재계획 주기 보충정책을 알면 보충계획을 계산할 수 있음 RCCP MPS Planning Factors MRP CRP 무엇을, 얼마나 주문할 것인가? 언제 시작하여, 언제 끝낼 것인가? PAC I/O

7 용어 정의 MPS : 기준/주(主) 생산계획Master Production Schedule
BOM : 자재명세 / 목록표 Bills of Material INV : 재고 현황 Inventory status S&OP : 총괄생산계획 Sales and Operations Planning R(R)P : 자원소요계획 Resource Requirements Planning RCCP : 개략능력계획 Rough-Cut Capacity Planning CRP : 능력소요계획 Capacity Requirements Planning PAC : 생산활동통제 Production Activity Control I/O Control : 투입/산출 통제 Input / Output Control DRP : 유통소요계획 Distribution Requirements Planning

8 MRP-DRP Connection 고 객(Customer) 자재공급자(Supplier) 무엇을 팔 것인가? 어디서 팔 것인가?
Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 무엇을 팔 것인가? 어디서 팔 것인가? 무엇을 가지고 있는가? 무엇을 주문하였는가? 무엇을 주문해야 하는가? A.C. 1 A.C. 2 A.C. 3 Area Center Factory Center Product X 무엇을 만들려 하는가? 필요한 자재는? 무엇을 가지고 있는가? 무엇을 주문하였는가? 무엇을 주문해야 하는가? AssemA Comp 1 Comm Comp 2 Assem B Comp 3 자재공급자(Supplier)

9 ERP (전사적자원관리) ERP MRP II 회사전체 공장전체 System Product Design
Information Ware-housing Product Design Material Planning Capacity Planning Communications System 회사전체 ERP Enterprise Resources Planning MRP II Manufacturing Resources Planning MPS PAC SHIP Process Planning S&BP PP MRP Material OK? RP RCCP CRP I/O Capacity Demand Forecast DRP COE FAS PMS BOM INV NO 공장전체

10 Global Environments Lanes Modes Forecast Capacities Causals Lead times
Costs,... Mom & Pop Forecast Causals Order Mgmt Wholesaler Lines Capacities Routings Costs,... Raw Material Final Assembly Minimum Maximum Storage Costs,... Demand Coverage Min,Max Safety Storage Constraints Cost,... Chain Store Final Assembly Major Retailer Components Sub- Assemblies Raw Material Chain Store Final Assembly Distribution Center Remote DC

11 원가 구성비(Cost Breakdown)
(%) 100 80 60 40 20 <범례> Overhead Direct Labor Direct Material (년) Source : Golden University 1992 Study of Northern California Manufacturing Enterprises (Based on U.S. Department of Labor Statistics )

12 물류비 현황 단위 : 10억원 주) 수송비(65 %) , 재고유지비(25 %)

13 <선진국 현황> 미국 : 9.9 (%) , 일본 : 9.58 (%)
물류비 구성 (GDP 대비) <선진국 현황> 미국 : 9.9 (%) , 일본 : 9.58 (%)

14 SCM 정의 SCM is about the flow of products and services and
the associated information, across the whole business system to maximize value to the end customer. Managing the integration of supply chain elements through the design and integration of physical infrastructures as well as the supporting systems, processes, and organizational structures.

15 SCM의 등장 배경  기업의 전문화에 따른 핵심 역량 경영의 지향  기업의 전문화로 인하여 기능간의 제휴와 규모의
이점이 발휘되어 어려운 문제가 발생  분업화, 전문화의 장점을 취하면서 고객 만족의 실현과 최고의 생산성을 추구 할 수 있는 기업간 프로세스의 통합화가 필요  정보기술(IT)의 발달과 물류 인프라 및 아웃소싱 전문업자의 성장

16 SCM의 필요성  고속 경영, 캐시 플로우 경영의 필요성 대두  경영상의 현금 회전율을 증가시키려면 재고의 대폭
감소, 비즈니스 리드타임의 단축이 필요하며 이를 실현하는 메커니즘이 SCM이다.  비용의 획기적인 삭감의 필요성  다이렉트 판매 구조를 통한 간접 비용의 삭감  모듈화, 글로벌 아웃소싱, TOC(제약이론)적 접근에 의한 직접비용의 삭감  고객 만족의 극대화 필요성  고객과 직결된 supply chain 구축을 통하여 완벽한 만족감을 공급하는 구조 창출

17  부가가치(Value Added)의 발생 :
 제조(30-40 %) , 기타 Chains(60-70 %)  과잉 재고 보유 :  불확실성 대비(고객 수요, 공급자 Delivery)  IT(Information Technology)의 발전  Network, EDI, Internet/WEB/Extranet, EC, ERP

18 S1 Source Stocked Products D1 Deliver Stocked Products
Supply Chain Configuration P1 Plan Supply Chain Plan P3 Plan Make P2 Plan Source P4 Plan Deliver P0 Plan Infrastructure Suppliers Source Make Deliver Customers S1 Source Stocked Products M1 Make-to-Stock D1 Deliver Stocked Products S2 Source MTO Products M2 Make-to-Order D2 Deliver MTO Products S3 Source ETO Products M3 Engineer-to-Order D3 Deliver ETO Products S0 Source Infrastructure M0 Make Infrastructure D0 Deliver Infrastructure

19 SCM 목표 Costs Market Share Profits Sales Volume Time to Market
Growth Rate Product Quality Customer Satisfaction Source: Slide presentation from Supply Chain Council, Inc, Stevens, Scott, “Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model Overview,” Original Source: 1997 PRTM ISC Benchmark Study

20 Management of information systems Sourcing and procurement
SCM 기능 Management of information systems Sourcing and procurement Production scheduling Order processing Cash flow Inventory management Warehousing Customer service After-market disposition of packaging and materials

21 Transaction Entry and Recording
Demand Manufacturing Material Distribution Decision Strategic Tactical Execution Recording Long-range Forecast Facilities Planning Supplier Planning Network Planning Short-range Forecast MPS MRP DRP Order Management Daily Schedule Material Release Deployment Transaction Entry and Recording

22 Proprietary information is shared.
In Supply Chain Relationships Proprietary information is shared. Assets are invested in joint projects. Joint improvements are pursued. Risks and benefits are shared.

23 SCM 핵심 프로세스

24 Total Cost of Ownership
100% Total cost of ownership = 100% 20% End user’s maintenance 80% 16% OEM warranty costs 7% Transportation costs 60% 13% Holding costs Cost Price + Internal Support = 90% 40% 5% Purchasing costs Purchase price 8% Supplier profit margin 20% 21% The percentages on this slide are used only as an example and are not based on actual figures. Material costs 0% Integrated Circuits Adapted: C.D. Ittner and L. P. Carr, “Measuring the Cost of Ownership,” Journal of Cost Management (Fall 1992).

25 Process Reference Model
Process reference models integrate the well-known concepts of business process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a cross-functional framework. Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in- class” results Benchmarking Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best- in-class” performance Best Practices Analysis Process Reference Model Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state Business Process Reengineering Capture the “as-is” state of a process and derive the desired “to-be” future state Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in-class” results Characterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-in- class” performance Source: Slide presentation from Supply Chain Council, Inc, Stevens, Scott, “Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model Overview.” Original Source: 1997 PRTM ISC Benchmark Study

26 Four Step Application SCOR Level 1 SCOR Level 2 SCOR Level 3
Operations Strategy Analyze Basis of Competition 2 SCOR Level 2 Configure Supply-Chain Intra-Company Configuration Inter-Company Configuration 3 Align Performance Levels, Practices, and Systems Intra-Company Process, Practice, and System Configuration Elements Inter-Company Process, Practice, and System Configuration Elements SCOR Level 3 SCOR Level 4 4 Implement Supply-Chain Processes and Systems Intra-Company Supply-Chain Improvements Inter-Company Supply-Chain Improvements Source: Slide presentation from Supply Chain Council, Inc, Stevens, Scott, “Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model Overview,” Original Source: 1997 PRTM ISC Benchmark Study

27 SCM 기대효과 Typical Quantified Benefits from Integrating the Supply Chain
Delivery Performance 16% – 28% Improvement Inventory Reduction 25% – 60% Improvement Fulfillment Cycle Time 30% – 50% Improvement Forecast Accuracy 25% – 80% Improvement Overall Productivity 10% – 16% Improvement Lower Supply-Chain Costs 25% – 50% Improvement Fill Rates 20% – 30% Improvement Improved Capacity Realization 10% – 20% Improvement

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