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Vocabulary Revision Panda.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Revision Panda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Revision Panda

2 Proximity Finalist Endangered Literally Adorable Vying Ambassador Affection Intense Contender Entries Opportunity Payoff Craze Preserve Exist Publicize Conservationist Plight Shrink Captive Rare Relative Sibling

3 1. Proximity = 근접, 접근 = being closer, approach
2. Endangered = 멸종될 위기에 이른 = about to be extinct

4 3. Adorable = 사랑스러운 = lovable
4. Ambassador = 대사, 대표 = official, diplomat

5 5. Intense = 강한, 격렬한 = very strong, extreme
6. Entries = 참가자, 입장, 가입 = participants,

6 7. Payoff = 급료지불 = payment, 8. Preserve = 보호, 보존 = protect, conserve

7 9. Publicize = 공표, 광고, 선전 = advertise
10. Plight = 곤경, 궁지 = a difficult or sad situation

8 11. Captive = 포로의, 사로잡힌 = kept as a prisoner
12. Relative = (친척) 비교적 = compared to

9 13. Finalist = 결승전 출장 선수 = runner up
14. Literally = 글자 뜻대로 = exactly

10 15. Vying (vie) = 다투는, 경쟁하는, 팽팽한 = compete strongly
16. Affection = 애정, 호의, 애착 = love, like

11 17. Contender = 경쟁자 = participant, competitor
18. Opportunity = 기회 = chance

12 19. Craze = 미치게 하다 = an enthusiastic interest
20. Exist = 존재, 현존 = to be real, present

13 21. Conservationist = 자원보호론자 = environment protector
22. Shrink = 움츠러지다 (정신과 의사) = to become smaller

14 23. Rare = 드문, 진기한 = no common, unusual
24. Sibling = 형제 자매 = brothers or sisters

15 방학특강시작

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