Special Lecture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

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1 Special Lecture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 2012. 12
Application of Composite Materials and Innovation in Engineering Education Prof. Yun-Hae Kim Director, Innovation Center for Engineering Education at the Korea Maritime National University, South Korea

2 Korea Maritime University


4 – Graduated from Korea Maritime University
Prof. Yun-Hae Kim – Graduated from Korea Maritime University - Master, The University of Tokushima, Japan - Doctor, Kyushu University, Japan - Visiting Professor, NIST(U.S.A) - Professor, Division of Marine Equipment Engineering - Director of Innovation Center for Engineering Education, 2008- - Director of Center of the Teaching and Learning - Founding Chairman of ACEE 2009 - Chairmen of ISMST 2010 - Chair of Technical Committee of AMDP 2011 - Editor-in-Chief, The Korean Society of Ocean Engineering, - Chairman of the AMDP 2014 Major - Composite Materials, New Materials - Creative Engineering 4 4

5 – Nominated in Marquis Who’s who, 2008-2011 - Nominated in IBC, London
- Appointed as the 100 Scientist, 2008, IBC - Keynote speech, 2009, Asian Conference on Engineering Education - Keynote speech, ISMST 2010, China - Invited lecture at the 2nd International On-Board Symposium, 2010 - Invited lecture at the Korean Society of Composite Materials, 2010 - Special lecture at the University of Tokushima, Summer school, 2010 - Many special lectures in Japan - Special lecture at Dali University, 2010, China and appointed as a visiting professor 5 5

6 Composites Materials Lab.
Korea Maritime Univ. Composites Materials Lab. Prof. Y. H. Kim Undergraduate School Students S. J. Sin M. J. Kim J. M Park C. W Park C. Y Park M. K Jung S. Y Kang Graduate School Full-time Students S. W. Yoon: Doctoral J. C. Ha: Doctoral J. W. Lee: Master J. W. Kim: Master T. H. Kim: Master Xie Yong Gao zhongchen Ren ningbo Part-time Doctoral Course K. S. Park: Doctor (Topspeed Marine) B. Y. Kang: Doctor (Doha Industry) S. Y. Bae: Doctor (Korean Register) And more people Company Jointed Foreign Universities Korean Air Doha Industry Jet Korea Korean Register of Shipping Etc. Tokyo University Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokushima University TottoriUniversity University of New Orleans

7 Background – B787

8 Merits of Composites Face Sheet Adhesive Expanded Core 4t 2t t
Fabricated Sandwich Panel 4t 2t t Relative Stiffness(D) Relative Strength Relative Weight 100 700 350 103 3700 925 106 A striking example of how honeycomb stifens a structure without materially increasing its weight.

9 Marine Application

10 Marine Application

11 Automotive Application

12 VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding)
Application of VARTM

13 Honeycomb Application

14 Fig. 1 Applications of GFRP
Background Background and Objectives Experimental Setup Results and Discussion Conclusion 섬유강화 복합재료는 옆의 그림과 같이 비행기, 풍력발전기의 블래이드 등 다양한 산업분야 에 활용 됩니다. 그 중 일반 적으로 사용되는 섬유강화제는 유리섬유, 탄소섬유, 아라미드 그리고 보론 섬유가 있습니다. 그 중 탄소 섬유와 유리섬유가 대표적으로 사용되고 있습니다. 탄소 섬유는 우수한 강도와 낮은 밀도 등의 장점이 있으나 가격이 비싸기 때문에 그 응용분야가 제한적이다. 반면 유리섬유는 인장강도가 탄소섬유에 비하여 상대적으로 낮은 편이지만 가격이 저렴해서 많은 분야에서 사용이 되고 있다. Fig. 1 Applications of GFRP

15 Fig. 3 Manufacturing process of the basalt fibers
Background Background and Objectives Experimental Setup Results and Discussion Conclusion (a) Lava (b) Basalt (c) Fiberzing (d) Basalt fiber 현무암 섬유(basalt fiber)는 천연 현무암의 잘게 부서지고 매우 작은 미립자로 파쇄 되는 특성을 이용하여 고온에서 용융시켜 얻어지는 무기 섬유이다 현무암 섬유 생산과정에서 다른 첨가물이 없는 단일 생산 공정을 통해 생산됨으로써 제조공정이 간단하고, 생산 비용이 저렴할 뿐만 아니라 친환경적이어서 응용확대에 대한 기술계의 관심이 크게 증대되고 있다 일반적으로 현무암 섬유의 성능은 탄소섬유에 비하여 낮으나 유리섬유에 비하여 우수하며, 특수 산업용으로 요구되는 광역 온도 범위에서의 사용이 가능한 섬유로서 고성능 산업용 용도에 적합한 소재로 알려져 있다. Fig. 3 Manufacturing process of the basalt fibers

Experimental Setup Background and Objectives Experimental Setup Results and Discussion Conclusion Autoclave BREATHER RELEASE FILM PEEL PLY or PERFORATED RELEASE FILM BAGGING FILM VACUUM HOSE TOOL PREPREG BLEEDER PRESSURE SENSITIVE TAPE VACUUM VALVE FLASH TAPE SEALANT DAM RELEASE PLY or RELEASE FILM (c) Autoclave Fig. 6 Process of manufacturing composites

17 Importance of Engineering Education
International Innovation Activities for Engineering Education in the world

18 ICEE in Korea (2009.08), 400 participants from 46 countries

19 What is the role of the Engineering Education in the World?

20 Background of ACEE ▣ Our Dreams for ACEE
Our dream was to make a space where the teachers as well as the students gather together and talk about the engineering education in order to enhance the educational ability and to educate excellent engineers from the Asian region. This means that we had in our mind to have an international conference on engineering education. At the beginning, as the international conference we thought the frame of small groups of Korean universities and Japanese universities. However, in the sequence of planning the conference, our idea was growing up to the Asian Conference on Engineering Education. Our Dreams for ACEE

21 Dreams The dream of having Asian Conference on Engineering
Dream to the Future The dream of having Asian Conference on Engineering Education has come true. The further dream we have: To promote a coalition of engineering education in a larger scale in Asian area. To develop educational ability in Asia To enhance the creative force of students To contribute to the education of engineers Dreams Since 2004, we had a dream of having Asian Conference on Engineering Education. This dream has come true. The further dream now we have is: to promote a coalition of engineering education in a larger scale in Asian area, To develop an educational ability in Asia, To enhance the creative force of students, and To contribute to the education of engineers. We really hope that the ACEE will grow in larger scale and broaden in all Asian countries in order to educate excellent young people. . 21

22 The 1st ACEE 2009, Busan, Korea

23 The 1st ACEE 2009

24 ACEE of Establishment 아시아 공학교육국제학술회의(ACEE ~30)

25 Important things for Globalization in Asia
Many experiences from international exchanging programs should be a Strong motivation for global learning. Especially, international communication will be very useful for students. For the students of the undergraduate course, it must be a great experience to contact and work together with friends from foreign countries. Important things for the students on learning are: to notice excellent activities of other universities, to recognize other projects and compete with them, and to do cooperative work with students of other universities. These experiences should be a strong motivation for learning. Especially, international communication will be very useful for students. For the students of the undergraduate course, it must be a great experience to contact and work together with friends from foreign countries. Today we have many students participating to this conference. We’d like to say that please make many friends in these two days. The friends you will have in this conference will be your big treasure for the future life. 25

26 Plenary Talk and Special Talk
Plenary Talk 1, Prof. Yun-Hae Kim “ Challenge in Engineering Education through ACEE Vision”

27 Plenary Talk and Special Talk
Ms. Miki Matsushita “LED Design”

28 Banquet



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