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Presentation on theme: "IGSE THESIS & PROJECT GUIDELINE"— Presentation transcript:

정수현(Shawn) 박서현(Vicky) 송민정(Kathy)

2 Contents - IGSE Thesis Layout - IGSE Thesis Checklist
- Making IGSE Thesis & Project File - IGSE Thesis & Project Submission - SNU Guide for Thesis

3 - IGSE Thesis Layout - IGSE Thesis Checklist

4 IGSE Thesis Layout

5 IGSE Thesis Layout

6 IGSE Thesis Layout

7 IGSE Thesis Layout

8 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
I. INTRODUCTION (서론) 작품 제목(영어/한글)이 작품의 핵심 내용을 전달하고 있는가? 작품 제작의 필요성에 대한 기술이 구체적인가? 제작하고자 하는 작품의 개요를 서술하고 있는가? I. INTRODUCTION (서론) 논문 제목(영어/한글)이 논문의 핵심 내용을 전달하고 있는가? 논문 연구의 필요성에 대한 기술이 구체적인가? 논문의 연구 질문이 수집된 자료 분석을 통해 답할 수 있는가? 논문 연구의 제한점을 포함하고 있는가? (결론 부분에 넣을 수도 있음) Does the title contain main idea of the thesis? Does it contain the necessity of the research? Can the research questions be answered by collected data? Does it contain limitation of the research? (It can be in the conclusion part.)

9 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND (문헌 연구 및 관련 교재 조사 연구) 문헌 연구 및 기술 내용이 작품 제작에 대해 구체적으로 필요한 내용인가? 개발하고자 하는 작품과 관련된 교재를 조사하여 분석, 기술하였는가? 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND (문헌 연구) 문헌 연구 및 기술 내용이 논문의 연구 질문에 대해 구체적으로 도움을 주는가? Are the literature review and the contents related to the research questions?

10 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
3. MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT (작품 제작) 제작과 관련하여 아래 내용이 포함되어 있는가? 작품 활용 학습자 및 활용 상황 작품 제작 과정 (기획자 관점 또는 제작자 관점) 작품에 대한 전체적인 틀(프레임워크 또는 사이트맵) 실제 샘플 또는 샘플 이미지(화면 캡춰 등) 작품 관련 웹사이트 또는 멀티미디어 자료 (온라인 작품의 경우) 작품이 잘 드러나도록 구성되었는가? 3. METHODOLOGY (연구 방법) 연구 방법에 대한 기술 부분에 아래 항목이 포함되어 있는가? 자료 수집 대상 또는 학습자 (Subjects/Participants) 수집될 자료의 형식 및 내용에 대한 기술 (Methods) 자료 수집 일정 및 절차 (Procedures) 수집된 자료의 분석 일정 및 절차 (Data Analysis) Is the following list contained in Methodology of the research? Subjects/Participants Methods Procedures Data Analysis

11 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (결과 및 논의) 연구 질문에 따라 분석된 자료가 제시되고 있는가? 분석된 자료를 바탕으로 연구 질문에 답을 하고 있는가? 연구 질문과 관련하여 추가적인 논의를 전개하고 있는가? Are the analyzed data presented by research questions? Are the research questions answered based on the analyzed data? Does it contain additional discussion relating to the research questions?

12 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
4. CONCLUSION (결론) 작품의 영어교육적인 의의를 기술하고 있는가? (서론 부분에 언급 가능) 작품이 영어교육에 실제 쓰이는 활용 예를 포함하고 있는가? 5. CONCLUSION (결론) 연구 질문 및 답을 간략하게 요약하고 있는가? 각 질문의 답을 바탕으로 영어교육적인 의의를 기술하고 있는가? 향후 연구 과제 및 연구의 제한점을 기술하고 있는가? Are the research questions and answers summarized briefly? Is the English educational significance described based on the answers? Does it contain suggestions for further study and limitation of the research?

13 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
5. REFERENCES(참고문헌) 본문에서 언급된 참고문헌을 APA 스타일로 모두 기록하였는가? 6. REFERENCES(참고문헌) 본문에서 언급된 참고문헌을 APA 스타일로 모두 기록하였는가?

14 IGSE Project/Thesis Checklist
6. APPENDICES(부록) 본문에서 언급된 부록(설문지, 시험지, 인터뷰 자료 등)을 차례대로 제시하고 있는가? 부록이 많을 경우 대표성을 갖는 자료를 적절히 제시하고 있는가? 7. APPENDICES(부록) 본문에서 언급된 부록(설문지, 시험지, 인터뷰 자료 등)을 차례대로 제시하고 있는가? 부록이 많을 경우 대표성을 갖는 자료를 적절히 제시하고 있는가?

15 - Making Thesis & Project File
- Thesis & Project Submission

16 Making Thesis & Project File
- Make a file(DOC, HWP) of the thesis/Project Includes required pages for ratifying the thesis /Project

17 - Cover - Cover - Copy Right - Certification - Certification
● Order in English: - Cover - Copy Right - Certification - Approval Signature - (Acknowledgements) - Abstract - Table of Contents - (List of Tables) - (List of Figures) - Body - References - Appendix - Korean abstract - VITA ● Order in Korean: - Cover - Certification - Approval Signature - (Acknowledgements) - Abstract - Table of Contents - (List of Tables) - (List of Figures) - Body - References - Appendix - English abstract

18 Making Thesis & Project File
- Make a file(DOC, HWP) of the thesis/Project Includes required pages for ratifying the thesis /Project Make sure the style(e.g. Font, Font size, Space, Line space, etc.) In terms of Multi-digital data, link it to the thesis/Project file Convert the thesis/project into PDF file

19 - Body: 신명조, Times New Roman
● Default font style: - Body: 신명조, Times New Roman - Title: 고딕 계열, Arial - The title of the thesis/project - The title of the chapter etc. - Subtitle - Subordinate title - Body - Line space: 1.5

20 20 point, thick font

21 16 point, thick font 14 point, thick font 12 point, thick font 11 point, 들여쓰기 4

22 Thesis & Project Submission
● Submit the thesis/Project for Oral Defense - Date: April, 6th~8th ● Oral Defense of the thesis/Project - Date: April, 20th~24th - Progress: Committee’s council (5 min) Presentation (10 min) Questionnaires/Defense, commentary(15 min) ● Type of examination: Pass, Pass after revision, reassessment

23 (In case of not passing at the first Oral Defense)
● Submit the thesis/Project for reassessment - Date: May, 27th~28th ● Thesis/Project reassessment (In case of not passing at the first Oral Defense) - Date: June, 9th~12th - Progress: Committee’s council (5 min) Presentation (10 min) Questionnaires/Defense, commentary(15 min) ● Type of reassessment: Pass, Pass after revision, Fail

24 - Place to submit: Library
● Submit the thesis/Project - Place to submit: Library - Form of submission: Hardcover and PDF file - PDF file submission → Use our school’ on-line service, National library of Korea’ on-line service → When submit a file, fill out a set of permission form

25 guide for English thesis preparation
SNU guide for English thesis preparation MS word file of 27 pages September 1, 2008 College of Engineering Seoul National University

26 Table of contents I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Introduction 1
2. What to submit 2 3. Binding 3 4. Copyright 3 II. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION 1. Paper 4 2. Typeface and size 4 3. Margins and spacing 5 4. Style 6 5. Pagination 6 6. Oversized pages 7 7. Non-paper formats 7 8. Order and contents 7 9. Check list 12 10. Sample formats 13

27 I. General information Section 1 1. Introduction aims
: to assist students in the preparation of theses : to represent the minimal standards for professional presentation It clearly mentions students do not conform to the standard may have to be redesigned and resubmitted, with the possibility of delay in conferral of the degree. 2. What to summit (1) Electric files (2) Paper copies 3. Binding 4. Copyright

28 II. Manuscript preparation
Section 2 II. Manuscript preparation 1. Paper Paper type- color and weight Paper size 2. Typeface and size

29 What about tables and figures?

30 3. Margins and spacing We can use images here!

31 No specific style guideline is given.
II. Manuscript preparation No specific style guideline is given. 4. Style consistent style for footnote, reference citation, quotation 5. Pagination 6. Oversized pages 7. Non-paper formats

32 II. Manuscript preparation
8. Order and contents 1) Front cover 2) Interleaf 3) Title page 4) Endorsement page 5) Thesis disclosure agreement 6) Abstract 7) Table of contents, list of tables, list of figures 8) Main body 9) Bibliography or list of references 10) Appendix, index, etc. 11) Abstract 12) Acknowledgments (optional) 13) Interleaf 14) Back cover

33 How about adding more criteria
II. Manuscript preparation How about adding more criteria in principled manner? 9. Check list Is the thesis printed on the proper paper? Does the manuscript have correct margins, spacing, font size and consistent style? Is the pagination of the manuscript correct (both Roman numbering and Arabic numbering)? Are there any missing pages? Is the position of the page number correct on the paper? Are the endorsement seals complete? Are degree award date, thesis submission date, and endorsement date correct and not confused from one another? Is the front cover in a proper format? Is the main body properly divided into sections? Does the binding have attractive appearance for publication? Does one copy of the bindings include original endorsement seals of the committee members and thesis disclosure agreement?

34 II. Manuscript preparation
10. Sample formats 1) Cover 2) Backbone cover 3) Title page 4) Endorsement page 5) Thesis disclosure agreement (Use the Korean form only. The English translation is given solely for information.) 6) Abstract in English 7) Table of contents, list of tables, list of figures 8) Main body 9) Bibliography or list of references 10) Abstract in Korean

35 Thank you


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