Application guideline for International students in Inha University

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1 Application guideline for International students in Inha University
인하대학교 외국인 원서접수 방법 정리 Application guideline for International students in Inha University

2 원서접수 프로세스 Application Process
Online application → Application fee payment → Documents Submission → Completion of application

3 온라인 원서접수 Online applicaition

4 ① Go to ② Click on Fall 2017 Application
Go to Inha University homepage and click on Fall 2017 Application ① Go to ② Click on Fall 2017 Application

5 Uwayapply ID 만들기/ Create ID UwayapplyID
① Click on Sign Up

6 ① Choose English Language ② Click on “Agreement for Service User”
③ Click on “Entrustment of Private Information” ④ Click on “Agree” 이용약관 및 개인정보사용관련 동의/ Agree on “Terms of Use” and “Use of Personal Information”

7 Uwayapply ID 만들기/ Create ID UwayapplyID
① Click on “I do not have a mobile phone number” ② Write in Name (in Korean), Date of birth, address ③ Click on “confirm”

8 회원정보 입력(Create account)
① Fill up information(Don’t forget your ID and PASSWORD)

9 Uwayapply Home 돌아가기 (Go back to Uwayapply Home)
① Click on Uwayapply Home

10 외국인 원서접수 ① Application Process ①
① Write in “인하대학교” ② Click on “인하대학교”

11 외국인 원서접수 ② Application Process ②
① Click on “원서작성”

12 외국인 원서접수 ② Application Process ②
① Click on “외국인 회원 (Foreigner)” ② Choose “In case there is no registration of foreign number” ③ Click on the confirmation ④ Press “원서작성하기 (Apply) 외국인 원서접수 ② Application Process ②

13 외국인 원서접수 ③ Application Process ③
① Click on “동의함” , “확인함” ② Click on “원서작성하기 APPLICATION”

14 외국인 원서접수 ③ Application Process ③
① Click on “위 유의사항을 확인 하였습니다.”

15 외국인 원서접수 ④ Application Process ④
① Write in information of applicants such as “지원사항”, “지원자격” etc Freshman Eg: Global Studies Choose “Applicant with Non-Korean Parents” High school name & grad. year Country Dormitory registration: Yes / No Date of acquisition

16 외국인 원서접수 ④ Application Process ④
① Write in information of applicants Acquired Will acquire Name in Korean Name in English Last Name Gender M F Choose current country of staying Choose nationality

17 Korean number(If you don’t have, just fill in any number
Phone number in your country Full address in your country address Additional phone number Choose “office visiting” How you would like to get a refund of application fee

18 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤
① Write in requested information (“*” indicates mandatory information) ② After writing in information Click on “저장하기 (SAVE)”

19 외국인 원서접수 ⑥ Application Process ⑥
① Confirm your information ② After confirmation click on “출신학교 입력"

20 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤
① After filling the form Click on “저장하기” (SAVE) High school Choose country of your high school Write name of your high school Year/month/ day (entrance date to the high school Year/month/ day (date of graduation from high school Full address of the high school

21 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤
① After confirming click on “결제하기” (Payment)

22 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤
*In case of making payment from overseas go back to the slide #24. 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤ *In case of making payment in Korea follow the steps below. ① Choose U-cash for payment. ② Choose ‘”하나” bank, and get the bank account to transfer the application fee. ③ Click “유캐쉬 계좌 신청하기” to get bank account ④ After you finish transferring you will able to see the amount of money ( KRW). ⑤Click “동의” (agree) ⑥Lastly press 결제하기 (pay). Click here if you want to modify filled information Choose Ucash payment Click here to get bank account Choose any bank Bank account

23 1. 원서접수 정보 송부
Fill in an application and send to 2017-2외국인 원서접수 필요정보 1 성명(한글) (name in Korean) 2 성명(영문) (name in English) 3 전형구분 (Type) 신입학 (freshman) 편입학(2학년) transfer 2 편입학(3학년) transfer 3 choose one 4 지원자격 부모모두외국인 non-Korean parents 해외전교육과정 completed school abroad 5 성별 Sex 6 생년월일 Date of birth 7 국적 Nationality 8 여권번호 Passport No. 9 한국어능력 Topik 취득급수 Level No. 취득일 date of acquisition 영어능력 IELTS, IBT 취득점수 Score 10 모집단위(지원전공) Major 11 현지연락처 local tel number 12 현지핸드폰 phone number 13 이메일주소 address 14 주소(영문작성) Address in English 15 거주국가 및 도시(영문) Country, city 16 보호자 연락처 1 phone number of parents 1 17 보호자 연락처 2 phone number of parents 2 18 생활관 신청여부 dormitory registration (yes/no) 19 최종학교명(영문) name of lyceum/college 20 최종학교 주소(영문) address of lyceum/college 21 최종학교 입학년도 및 졸업년도 date of enrollment (lyceum/college)

24 2. 원서접수 비용 납부/ Application fee payment - 금액 : $100/ amount: $100
- 인하대학교 계좌로 해외송금/Overseas remittance to Inha University’s account number - 송금자 이름은 반드시 지원자 이름을 사용/The name of the remitter must be the name of the applicant ▶ Bank name : KEB HANA BANK, INHA UNIVERSITY BRANCH ▶ Bank branch address : Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea ▶ Name of the account holder : Inha University ▶ Account number : ▶ Swift(BIC) Code of the Bank : KOEXKRSE

25 3. 원서접수 완료여부 확인/Confirmation of application process completion
- 해외 송금 후 원서접수 완료여부 문의 After overseas remittance send inquiry mail to

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