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조동사 used to When young, I used to play tennis very often. (동작)

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Presentation on theme: "조동사 used to When young, I used to play tennis very often. (동작)"— Presentation transcript:

1 조동사 used to When young, I used to play tennis very often. (동작)
KEY POINT 1∥used to [ju:stə]는 “~하곤 했다”의 뜻으로 과거의 규칙적인 동작이나 상태를 나타낸다. 현재와 대조적 의미로 사용되기 때문에 과거의 습관적 동작이나 상태가 현재에는 없어졌다는 것을 뜻한다. When young, I used to play tennis very often. (동작) R3-4-22 There used to be a shop in front of the building. (상태)

2 조동사 used to He got used to doing hard work.
KEY POINT 2∥be/get used to V-ing는 “~하는데 익숙하다, 익숙해지다”의 뜻이다. He got used to doing hard work. = He got accustomed to doing hard work. R3-4-22

3 조동사 used to This tool is used to make the machine. (O)
KEY POINT 3∥[be used to 부정사]는 “~하기 위해 ~이 이용되다”의 뜻이다. This tool is used to make the machine. (O) This tool is used to making the machine. (X) R3-4-22

4 ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
1. The man used to (smoke, smoking) fifty cigarettes a day. ___ 2. These are books I used to (read, reading) in my childhood. ___ 3. I am accustomed to (make, making) kites. ___ 4. He used to (be, being) helpful to me. __ 5. He used to (have, having) meat every day. ___

5 ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
6. This wood will be used to (make, making) a desk. ___ 7. He used to (be, being) a missionary in Africa. __ 8. This is the car that I am used to (drive, driving). ___ 9. This is the house we used to (live, living) last year. ___ 10. You'll soon get used to (live, living) here. ___

6 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
11. The screwdriver was used to (open, opening) the door. ___ 12. The old shoes can be used to (make, making) slippers. ___ 13. He got used to (buy, buying) things in dollars. ___ 14. He used to (drink, drinking) beer; now he drinks wine. ___ 15. People used to (think, thinking) that the earth was flat. ___

7 ___ ___ ※ 다음 중 문법적으로 올바른 것을 고르시오.
16. I used to (like, liking) an opera, when young. ___ 17. This paper was used to (make, making) a notebook. ___

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