CompareCompany DAWON CTR SEONGHWA 2011011704 KIM INSU.

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Presentation on theme: "CompareCompany DAWON CTR SEONGHWA 2011011704 KIM INSU."— Presentation transcript:


2 Index Introduce Company How to Compare Company?
Compare financial Statement Compare Welfare Compare Salary Choose Company Q&A

3 01 02 03 04 Introduce DAEWON Company Foundation CEO
Number of employees 허재철 1057 1.Suspension Spring 04 2.Precision Spring Product 3.Seat 4.Manufacture Equipment

4 01 02 03 04 Introduce CTR Company Foundation CEO Number of employees
강태룡 404 1.Suspension Parts 04 2.Steering Parts Product 3.Tranmission & Engine Parts 4.Brake Module Parts

5 01 02 03 04 Introduce SEONGHWA Company Foundation CEO
Number of employees 노준형 259 1.Pipe hanger & Support 04 2.Pre-fabricated Piping Product 3.Hot expanded seamless pipe/tube

6 How to Compare company? Financial Statement Welfare Salary

7 Compare Financial Statement
(Total debt/Total Capital) X100 Debt Ratio Represent capital's dependence on others. If debt ratio is high, the company`s financial structure is unhealthy Current Ratio (Current assets/Current debt) X 100 Represent ability to pay. If current ratio is high, the company`s Liquidity of finance is high Capital adequacy Ratio (Owner`s capital/Total assets) X 100 Represent integrity of financial structure

8 Compare Financial Statement (DAEWON)
Current assests Total assests

9 Compare Financial Statement (DAEWON)
Current debt Total debt

10 Compare Financial Statement (DAEWON)
Total capital

11 Compare Financial Statement (CTR)
Current assests Total assests

12 Compare Financial Statement (CTR)
Current debt Total debt

13 Compare Financial Statement (CTR)
Total capital

14 Compare Financial Statement (SEONGHWA)
Total assests

15 Compare Financial Statement (SEONGHWA)
Current debt Total debt

16 Compare Financial Statement (SEONGWHA)
Total capital

17 Compare Financial Statement
DAEWON CTR SEONGHWA Debt ratio 105% 229% 267% Current ratio 78% 68% 134% Capital adequacy Ratio 49% 27%

18 Compare Financial Statement
Debt ratio current ratio Capital adequacy Ratio 1st DAEWON SEONGHWA 2nd CTR CTR=SEONGHWA 3rd As the result, DAEWON `s financial statement is the best among three company

19 Compare Welfare of school expenses(학자금지원) 2.checkup & medical expense support(건강검진과 의료비 지원) & birthday gift(명절과 생일 선물지급) 4. athletics competition(체육대회) 5. reward, abroad trip Outstanding employees & Long-serving employees & retired employee(우수사원, 장기근속근무자, 정년퇴임 포상 및 해외여행) 6.manage cooperative(협동조합 운영) family event(경조사지원) 8. loan free housing funds(주택자금 무이자) = Support 8 welfare contents public welfare expenditure: About 18,167,571,000(18billion) of school expenses(학자금지원) 2.checkup & medical expense support(건강검진과 의료비 지원) & birthday gift(명절과 생일 선물지급) 4. athletics competition(체육대회) 5. reward, abroad trip Outstanding employees & Long-serving employees & retired employee(우수사원, 장기근속근무자, 정년퇴임 포상 및 해외여행) uniform(근무복 지원) family event(경조사지원) 8. commute bus(통근버스지원) = Support 8 welfare contents public welfare expenditure: About 633,732,000(6hundred million) of school expenses(학자금지원) 2.checkup & medical expense support(건강검진과 의료비 지원) & birthday gift(명절과 생일 선물지급) 4. suppport club(동호회지원) 5. reward, abroad trip Outstanding employees & Long-serving employees & retired employee(우수사원, 장기근속근무자, 정년퇴임 포상 및 해외여행) 6.commute bus(통근버스지원) family event(경조사지원) 8. support dormitory(기숙사지원) meals = Support 9 welfare contents public welfare expenditure: About 1,362,686,000(1.3billion)

20 Compare Starting Salary
₩42,000,000 (42million) ₩38,000,000 (38million) ₩38,000,000 (38million) DAEWON `s salary is the highest among three company

21 Welfare Salary Choose Company Financial statement 1st 2nd 3rd
As the result, DAEWON `s score is the highest among three company.

22 02 04 01 03 How to join DAEWON document examination Test Interview
Recruitment Process 02 04 document examination Test Interview Final pass 01 Personality and Aptitude test 03

23 What should I do? I need SPEC Successful application have an average of LEVEL6 TOEIC speaking grades Successful application have an average of 815 TOEIC grades Successful application have an average of 3.89 grades

24 Q & A

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