3과 4번 단어 cattle 2. feed 3. drought 4. send up 5. sweet 6. alternative

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Presentation on theme: "3과 4번 단어 cattle 2. feed 3. drought 4. send up 5. sweet 6. alternative"— Presentation transcript:

1 3과 4번 단어 cattle 2. feed 3. drought 4. send up 5. sweet 6. alternative
7. prove appealing 9. rancher mix 11. regular concerned 13. sort crisis 15. agriculture severe 17. factor

2 3과 4번 단어 소 2. 먹이를 주다, 먹이 3. 가뭄 4. ~을 올리다 5. 달콤한, 단 것 6. 대안
소 먹이를 주다, 먹이 3. 가뭄 ~을 올리다 5. 달콤한, 단 것 대안 7. 입증하다, ~임이 드러나다 8. 매력적인 9. 목장 주인 섞다, 혼합물 11. 규칙적인, 보통의 걱정(염려)하는 13. 종류, 유형 위기 15. 농업 극심한 17. 요소, 요인

3 3과 4번 (1) Cattle farmers are finding it hard to feed their cattle these days. This year’s drought has sent corn prices up, making it too expensive for many farmers. However, a sweet alternative has proven appealing to some ranchers. These ranchers are mixing chocolate, pieces of hard candy, hot chocolate mixes and marshmallows into their cows’ regular feed.

4 3과 4번 (1) Cattle farmers are finding it hard to feed their cattle these days. This year’s drought has sent corn prices up, making it too expensive for many farmers. However, a sweet alternative has proven appealing to some ranchers. These ranchers are mixing chocolate, pieces of hard candy, hot chocolate mixes and marshmallows into their cows’ regular feed.

5 3과 4번 (2) This sweet feed has more fat than traditional feed and is much cheaper than buying corn. Though some people are concerned that feed of this sort could be damaging to the cows’ health, the farmers who have tried the method aren’t worried about it at all. They say that their cows are just as healthy as they were in the past and have no problem gaining weight.

6 3과 4번 (2) This sweet feed has more fat than traditional feed and is much cheaper than buying corn. Though some people are concerned that feed of this sort could be damaging to the cows’ health, the farmers (who have tried the method) aren’t worried about it at all. They say that their cows are just as healthy as they were in the past and have no problem gaining weight.

7 3과 5번 단어 staff 2. mix 3. gossip 4. stimulate
5. creativity press release 7. go out material 9. lock oneself in cut off from~ 11. editor correct 13. electric contact 15. private

8 3과 5번 단어 직원 2. 친하게 사귀다 3. 잡담, 험담 4. 자극하다 5. 창의력 6. 보도 자료
직원 친하게 사귀다 3. 잡담, 험담 자극하다 5. 창의력 보도 자료 7. 꺼지다 물질, 자료, 내용 9. ~에 틀어박히다 ~에서 고립시키다 11. 편집자 올바른, 교정하다 13. 전기의 연락, 접촉 15. 사유의. 개인의

9 3과 5번 (1) Years ago, the staff of our newspaper was one big happy family. We mixed freely with one another, exchanging gossip and ideas. All of this stimulated creativity, and we shared our stories. Everyone knew everybody else’s business. We drank coffee together, used one another’s pens and read one another’s press releases.

10 3과 5번 (1) Years ago, the staff of our newspaper was one big happy family. We mixed freely with one another, exchanging gossip and ideas. All of this stimulated creativity, and we shared our stories. Everyone knew everybody else’s business. We drank coffee together, used one another’s pens and read one another’s press releases.

11 3과 5번(2) Then came the computer, and the lights went out. Rooms were darkened to make it easier for people to read the material on their screens. Staff members locked themselves in their small offices, cut off from the outside world. Editors no longer discussed stories with one another. They corrected stories on the screen without ever seeing the reporters who had worked on them.

12 3과 5번(2) Then came the computer, and the lights went out.
Rooms were darkened to make it easier for people to read the material on their screens. Staff members locked themselves in their small offices, cut off from the outside world. Editors no longer discussed stories with one another. They corrected stories on the screen without ever seeing the reporters (who had worked on them.)

13 We mixed freely with one another, (exchange/exchanging) gossip and ideas.
This sweet feed has more fat than traditional feed and is (more/much) cheaper than buying corn. Rooms were darkened to make ___ easier for people ___ read the material on their screens. They corrected stories on the screen without ever seeing the reporters ____ had worked on them.

14 외국인과 프리 토킹을~~ 그들은 기사를 스크린에서 수정했다/ 그것들을 작성했었던 기자들을 보지도 않고
They corrected stories on the screen without seeing the reporters who had worked on them.

15 * 책, 공책 검사 함(25일~28일) - 오늘 단어 5회 쓰기 3과 단어 및 동사찾기 시험
3과 단어 및 동사찾기 시험 3과 퀴즈 콘테스트 (1등조 +1점) * 책, 공책 검사 함(25일~28일) 책: 동사, 접속사 표시 여부 공책: 단어 기록 여부

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