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Lesson 8 Nature’s Gifts.

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1 Lesson 8 Nature’s Gifts

2 주의해야 할 가정법 ▶「If it were not for+명사, 주어+조동사의 과거형+동사원형」
<가정법 과거: …이 없다면, ~할 것이다> • If it were not for air, we couldn’t breathe. = Without air, we couldn’t breathe. = But for air, we couldn’t breathe.

3 주의해야 할 가정법 ▶ 「If it had not been for+명사, 주어+조동사의 과거형+have+p.p.」:
<가정법 과거완료: ···이 없었다면, ~했을 것이다> • If it had not been for your help, I couldn’t have completed the project. = Without your help, I couldn’t have completed the project. = But for your help, I couldn’t have completed the project.

4 수동태의 시제 ▶ 「will[shall] be+p.p.」 <미래: …될 것이다>
• This book will change your point of view. = Your point of view will be changed by this book. ▶ 「be being+p.p.」 <진행: …되고 있다, …당하고 있다> • My husband is painting the fence. = The fence is being painted by my husband.

5 수동태의 시제 ▶ 「have[had] been+p.p.」 <완료: …되었다, …당해 왔다, …된 적이 있다>
• The workers have built the house for several months. = The house has been built (by the workers) for several months. • People had told this story several times before John heard it. = This story had been told several times (by people) before John heard it. ★ 행위자가 일반인인 경우, 불명확하거나 밝힐 필요가 없을 때 「by+행위자」는 생략된다.

6 목적어가 절인 문장의 수동태 say, believe, think, know, expect, suppose, estimate 등의 목적어가 that절인 문장의 수동태는 가주어 it을 주어로 하여 나타낸다. • They say that Kim is a great pianist. = It is said that Kim is a great pianist. = Kim is said to be a great pianist.

7 목적어가 절인 문장의 수동태 • The researchers estimate that the ceramics are more than 300 years old. = It is estimated that the ceramics are more than 300 years old. = The ceramics are estimated to be more than 300 years old.

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