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2. 요약문에 다양한 관용어구가 나올 수 있으므로 주의! 3. 결국 요약문도 중심생각 질문 – 문장 별로 무슨 내용일까 생각

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Presentation on theme: "2. 요약문에 다양한 관용어구가 나올 수 있으므로 주의! 3. 결국 요약문도 중심생각 질문 – 문장 별로 무슨 내용일까 생각"— Presentation transcript:

1 2. 요약문에 다양한 관용어구가 나올 수 있으므로 주의! 3. 결국 요약문도 중심생각 질문 – 문장 별로 무슨 내용일까 생각
7강 요약! 요약문을 보고 무엇에 중점을 두고 읽어야 할지 생각한다 Ex) Young people are sometimes considered (A) society, but it is the older generation who is to blame for (B) what the youth do and need. : (A) 젊은 사람들과 사회의 관계 (B) 젊은 사람들이 해야하고 필요한 일에 대한 어떤 책임이 기성세대의 탓인가? 2. 요약문에 다양한 관용어구가 나올 수 있으므로 주의! 3. 결국 요약문도 중심생각 질문 – 문장 별로 무슨 내용일까 생각

2 7강 요약 –1. When we talk about young people not caring about politics, not knowing about anything beyond their own lives, we are often wrong. * young people = not caring about politics, not knowing about anything beyond their own lives = we talk about young people “INDIFFERENT” to society = we are often wrong Low voter-turnout rates are often taken as indicators of indifference, as proof <that young people care only about themselves>, but perhaps it is politics that fails young people and creates distance. * Low voter-turnout rates are often taken : 받아들여짐! (수동) - as indicators of indifference, - as proof <that young people care only about themselves>, but perhaps it is politics that fails young people and creates distance.

3 7강 요약 – 1. * we talk about young people “INDIFFERENT” to society
= we are often wrong * perhaps it is politics that fails young people and creates distance. Alienation, or the feeling of disconnection from others and from society, is a central adult fear, but is a condition that the youth-blaming discourse itself often serves to create. * Alienation = the feeling of disconnection from others/society = a central adult fear but is a condition <that the youth-blaming discourse itself often serves to create ●>. * 젊은 사람들을 사회에 무관심하다고 간주 * 낮은 투표율이 무관심이 표시 * 소외감은 어른들의 주된 두려움 ⇒ 모두 다 잘못된 인식! 만들어낸 말일 뿐이다!

4 7강 요약 – 1. There is no evidence that young people today are any more alienated than previous generations were, nor that they are more likely to turn alienation into violence. Youth culture does not create alienation. On the contrary, it frequently creates connections for those who feel outside of the mainstream. * any more ~ than ---- :---보다 조금 더 ~~한 * no evidence <that young people today are any more alienated than previous generations were> nor <that they are more likely to turn alienation into violence> * 이전 세대보다 더 소외되었거나 소외감을 폭력으로 전환시킨 증거 없음 = 즉, 젊은이의 문화가 소외감을 만들어내지는 않음! On the contrary it (=youth culture) frequently creates connections for those <who ● feel outside of the mainstream> * 소외감과 폭력을 만드는 집단이 아닌, 주류와의 연결에 힘씀

5 7강 요약 – 1. * 젊은이의 집단은 소외감과 폭력을 만드는 집단이 아닌, 주류와의 연결에 힘씀
It is adult-run institutions, like politics, that exclude and caricature youth and fail to meet the needs of many young people. * It is adult-run institutions, like politics, that exclude and caricature youth and fail to meet the needs of many young people. = Adult-run institutions, like politics, exclude and caricature youth and fail to meet the needs of many young people.

6 7강 요약 – 1. Young people are sometimes considered (A) society,
but it is the older generation who is to blame for (B) what the youth do and need. A B 1 burdensome upon justifying 2 dangerous to dictating 3 neglecting 4 disconnected from 5

7 7강 요약 – 1. 01. [핵심정리] 1. 소재 : 젊은이들에 대한 기성세대의 비판 정치, 사회에 무관심하다고 비판하지만
그것은 기성세대들의 잘못이다 2. 핵심 문장 : [요약문] Young people are sometimes considered disconnected from society, but it is the older generation who is to blame for neglecting what the youth do and need. 3. 핵심 내용 : 어른들이 젊은이들의 낮은 투표율 등을 근거로 제시하면서 젊은이들이 사회에 무관심하고 사회로부터 단절되었다고 비난하지만 실제로 젊은이들은 주류 바깥에 있는 사람들을 위해 관계를 유지하며, 젊은이들의 기대와 필요에 부응하지 못하는 것은 오히려 정치와 같은 어른들이 운영하는 제도이다

8 7강 요약 – 2. Owing to (A) issues, beginning doctors have been forced to give priority to striving for (B) . (A) 이유 때문에 신진 의사들이 (B)를 얻으려고 노력하는데 우선권을 주도록 강요 받음 Many budding physicians undergo extremely hard training because they are interested in the intellectual challenges of medicine, or because they want to ease pain and suffering and cure the sick, or both. * 의사들이 극도로 어려운 훈련을 받는 이유 - 의학의 지적 도전에 관심 - 통증과 고통을 줄여주고 아픈 사람 치료 But the financial pressure hits home early. - hit home : 상당한 영향을 끼치다 - 이제 무슨 이야기가 나올까?

9 7강 요약 – But the financial pressure hits home early.
Medical school education, though heavily supported by various types of federal granting agencies, is still incredibly expensive. The average private medical school bill was about $50,000 in The typical medical school graduate begins practice with a six-figure debt. The annual cost of malpractice insurance can exceed $100,000. Medical associations estimate that in order to meet debt payments and various overhead expenses, many doctors will have to be earning more than $200,000 a year within five years of starting practice. * 의과대학 교육 – 여전히 믿을 수 없을 만큼 비쌈 = 평균 사립의대 청구서 – 2009년에 약 5만 달러 = 평균적인 의대 졸업생 : 6자리의 빚을 가지고 의사를 시작 (100,000 달러 = 십만) * 의료과실 일년비용 = 10만 달러 초과 가능 * 의학협회 ; 시작 5년 이내에 일년에 20만 달러 이상을 벌어야 함

10 7강 요약 – 2. Such pressure can't help but shift moneymaking to a more central place in a doctor's decision-making. * can't help but R = can't help Ring ~= has no choice but to R * Such pressure ⇒ shift moneymaking to a more central place : 경제적 / 재정적 압박! Owing to (A) issues, beginning doctors have been forced to give priority to striving for (B) . A B 1 ethical Stability 2 Justice 3 professional Promotion 4 financial Profit 5 fame

11 7강 요약 – 2. 1. 소재 : 재정적 압박이 신진 의사들에게 끼치는 영향 돈벌이를 최우선으로~ 2. 핵심 문장 :
Owing to financial issues, beginning doctors have been forced to give priority to striving for profit. 3. 핵심 내용 : 비용이 많이 드는 의과 대학 교육으로 인한 채무와 의료 과실 보험 비용을 포함한 일반 경비 때문에 신진 의사들이 재정적 압박을 받게 되면서 돈을 버는 것을 선택의 중심부로 가져올 수밖에 없게 된다

12 7강 요약 – 3. (A) leads to higher performance and improved self-worth,
while helping increase (B) attitudes toward others. : 높은 성취와 향상된 자아존중감을 이끄는 (A) 더불어 타인에게 어떠한 태도를 갖도록 도와주나? The programs <that ●most successfully bring groups together> involve person-to-person interaction. * 그룹 결속에 있어 중요한 것은? 개인간 상호작용! A good example is Eliot Aronson's jigsaw classroom. In this program, students work together in mixed-race groups where each member of the group is an expert on one aspect of the assignment. * 좋은 예 : 학생들은 혼합된 인종 집단에서 함께 수업 <그룹의 각 구성원이 과제의 한 분야의 전문가> in mixed-race groups <where each member of the group is an expert /on one aspect of the assignment>

13 7강 요약 – 3. *jigsaw classroom-in mixed-race groups <where each member of the group is an expert on one aspect of the assignment> For instance, when studying Mexico, one group member might study its geography, another its history, and so on. The geography experts from each group get together and master the material. They then return to their own groups and teach the material to team members. Thus each group member cooperates not only with members of other groups but also within the group. * topic : Mexico 1. Original Group : geography/ history/ and so on 2. Transformed Group : Grouping with same topics 3. Original Group : teach the material to team members * each group member cooperates not only with members of other groups but also within the group. Studies of the jigsaw classroom have demonstrated that it leads to more positive attitudes toward other racial groups and that students learn the material better and perform at higher levels. According to Aronson, children in jigsaw classrooms grow to like each other more and develop higher self-esteem than do children in traditional classrooms. 󰀻 (A) leads to higher performance and improved self-worth, while helping increase (B) attitudes toward others.

14 7강 요약 – 3. *jigsaw classroom : each group member cooperates
not only with members of other groups but also within the group

15 *jigsaw classroom : each group member cooperates
7강 요약 – 3. *jigsaw classroom : each group member cooperates not only with members of other groups but also within the group Studies of the jigsaw classroom have demonstrated 1)that it leads to more positive attitudes toward other racial groups 2) that students learn the material better & perform at higher levels * jigsaw수업에 대한 연구 - 1) 다른 인종의 그룹에 대한 좀 더 긍정적인 태도를 이끔 - 2) 자료를 더 잘 배우고, 높은 수준으로 수행한다 According to Aronson, children in jigsaw classrooms grow to like each other more and develop higher self-esteem than do children in traditional classrooms.

16 7강 요약 – 3. (A) leads to higher performance and improved self-worth,
while helping increase (B) attitudes toward others. A B 1 Cooperative learning constant 2 favorable 3 Increased motivation 4 liberal 5 Voluntary participation

17 7강 요약 – 3. 1. 소재 : jigsaw 교실을 통해서 본 협동 학습의 효과 - 구성원들의 성취도와 자아 존중감이 높아짐
2. 핵심 문장 : Cooperative learning leads to higher performance and improved self-worth, while helping increase favorable attitudes toward others. 3. 핵심 내용 : 집단을 이루어 협동하여 학습하는 환경에서 학생들의 수행 수준이 더 높았고 집단 구성원들을 더 좋아하게 되었다고 했다. Eliot Aronson의 jigsaw 교실에서 혼합 인종 집단을 만들었고 협동 학습의 결과로 구성원들의 성취도와 자아 존중감이 높아졌으며, 다른 인종 집단 출신의 구성원들에 대한 태도도 더 좋아졌다는 것

18 7강 요약 – 4. In a counselling session, silence is (A) between client and counsellor /since it leads to (B) on both sides. * 상담시간 동안, 침묵은 의뢰인과 상담자 사이에서 (A)하다. 왜냐하면 양쪽 모두를 ==== 하기 때문이다. Silence is recognised as a critical element of psychotherapeutic counselling, with studies suggesting <that the most successful sessions are those /with significant periods of silence / occurring between client and therapist>. * silence = 심리치료 상담의 중요한 요소 = the most successful sessions are those (=sessions) /with significant periods of silence /occurring between client and therapist

19 7강 요약 – 4. * silence = a critical element of psychotherapeutic counselling When speech dominates, the counselling is notably less effective, presumably because less thinking is taking place on each side: thinking and silence are symbiotically connected. * 말이 지배하면 ⇒ 각각에게 생각할 시간 감소 : 생각 ⇆ 침묵 Counselling in general has now recognised the importance of leaving space for thought, as in the increasingly influential practice of 'coaching' in the business world. * 상담 = <the importance of leaving space for thought> 인식 = 사업에서 ‘coaching’이 점점 영향력을 더해 실행되는 것처럼

20 7강 요약 – 4. * 말이 지배하면 ⇒ 각각에게 생각할 시간 감소 : 생각 ⇆ 침묵
<the importance of leaving space for thought> = silence In the words of one recent study in this area: 'It is within an attentive silence that managers come to know their internal emotional states and their ways of processing experiences.... As a colleague used to say, "Ask an open question, and then zip the lip"'. Another observes, 'effective coach/mentors create golden moments by looking for and recognising when silence is better than asking yet another question'. * 'It is within an attentive silence that managers come to know their internal emotional states and their ways of processing experiences.... * "Ask an open question, and then zip the lip"'. * 'effective coach/mentors create golden moments by looking for and recognising when silence is better than asking yet another question 󰀻 In a counselling session, silence is (A) between client and counsellor since it leads to (B) on both sides.

21 7강 요약 – 4. In a counseling session, silence is (A) between client and counselor /since it leads to (B) on both sides. A B 1 avoided distrust 2 tension 3 approved relaxation 4 reflection 5 reinforced appreciation

22 7강 요약 – 4. 1. 소재 : 상담에서 침묵의 효용성 숙고의 시간을 제공 → 긍정적인 역할을 한다
2. 핵심 문장 : [요약문] In a counselling session, silence is approved between client and counsellor / since it leads to reflection on both sides. 3. 핵심 내용 ⇒ : 상담에서 침묵이 상담자와 내담자 모두에게 생각을 위한 여지를 주어 숙고하도록 하는 긍정적인 역할을 한다

23 7강 요약 – 5. According to the above studies, parents showed (A) bias
/ when making (B) about their child's performance / in a subject like math. 부모는 (A) 편견을 보여준다. / 수학과 같은 과목에서의 자녀의 성적에 대해서 (B)를 찾을 때 In a study of junior high school students and their parents, two University of Michigan psychologists investigated how parents perceived their child's math performance. In general, parents were fairly accurate in their assessment of the level of their children's math achievement. However, parents gave significantly different explanations for the performance of sons and daughters. * 연구의 주제와 연구의 결과를 찾아봅시다! * 주제 : how parents perceived their child's math performance * 결과 : parents gave significantly different explanations for the performance of sons and daughters

24 7강 요약 – 5. * 결과 : parents gave significantly different explanations
for the performance of sons and daughters. For example, parents credited a son's success more than a daughter's to talent; parents attributed a daughter's success more than a son's to effort. In this way, well-meaning parents may unintentionally discourage their talented daughters from pursuing the study of math by indirectly communicating that the girl is hardworking rather than gifted. * credit A to B : A를 B의 공이라고 말하다 * attribute A to B : A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다. (A는 B때문/ A ⇐ B) * parents 1) credited a son's success more than a daughter's to talent; 2) attributed a daughter's success more than a son's to effort 1) 아들의 성공 = talent! - 2) 딸의 성공 = effort! * <딸은 재능보다는 열심히>라고 간접적으로 말함 - 수학을 공부하려는 재능있는 딸의 의도를 본의아니게 꺽게 됨

25 7강 요약 – 5. * 결과 : parents gave significantly different explanations
for the performance of sons and daughters. 아들의 성공 = talent! - 2) 딸의 성공 = effort! According to the above studies, parents showed (A) bias when making (B) about their child's performance in a subject like math. A B 1 age-based attributions 2 gender-based 3 predictions 4 ability-based excuses 5

26 7강 요약 – 5. 1. 소재 : 자녀의 성적과 관련한 성적(性的) 편견 남자아이는 재능에서
여자아이는 노력에서 좋은 수학성적의 원인을 찾는다 2. 핵심 문장 : [요약문] According to the above studies, parents showed gender-based bias when making attributions about their child's performance in a subject like math. 3. 핵심 내용 : Michigan 대학 심리학자들의 연구와 핀란드 심리학자 그룹의 연구에 의하면 부모들은 아들의 성적이 좋은 것은 재능 때문으로, 딸의 성적이 좋은 것은 노력에 의한 것이라고 여기는 경향이 있었다

27 7강 요약 – 6. In his essay The Philosophy of Composition, Poe dismissed the notion of artistic (A) , and argued that writing is (B) , not spontaneous, with the composition of his own poem The Raven as an example. * Poe : 예술적 (A)를 묵살하고, 글쓰기는 (B)해야 한다고 주장! In 1845 Edgar Allan Poe published The Raven. One year later, Poe published the critical essay The Philosophy of Composition, which described the process by which this poem emerged. We might have expected Poe, as a poet in the Romantic age, to describe the flash of inspiration by which the entire poem appeared at once. * The Raven – the critical essay The Philosophy of Composition, which ● described the process <by which this poem emerged> * the flash of inspiration <by which the entire poem appeared at once> * Poe에 대한 우리의 기대 = 낭만주의 시인 : 시 전체를 한 번에 떠오르게 하는 영감!

28 7강 요약 – 6. As Poe put it, "Most writers - poets in especial - prefer having it understood that they compose by a species of fine frenzy - an ecstatic intuition." * Most writers - poets in especial - prefer having it understood that they compose by a species of fine frenzy - an ecstatic intuition : 그들이 엄청난 흥분 상태에 의해 –무아지경의 직관- 글을 쓰는 것으로 이해되는 것을 선호한다. Yet Poe always prided himself on his analytic powers. As a result, Poe chose to present the origination of The Raven in a contrary light. * Poe에 대한 기대 : 낭만파-시를 한 번에 떠오르는 영감으로 씀 * Poe 자신 : 자신의 분석능력 자랑스러워함 = 그래서 상반되는 관점에서 The Raven의 창작을 보여주기로

29 7강 요약 – 6. * Poe에 대한 기대 : 낭만파-시를 한 번에 떠오르는 영감으로 씀
= 그래서 상반되는 관점에서 The Raven의 창작을 보여주기로 함 "It is my design to render it manifest <that no one point in its composition/ is referable either to accident or intuition - that the work proceeded, step by step, to its completion with the precision and rigid consequence of a mathematical problem." * It = 가주어 = to render ~~~~~ * it = 가목적어 = <that~~~~ = that ~~~~~> He emphasized <that logic dictated every choice, from the poem's length and themes down to single words and images>. * 논리가 모든 선택을 좌우한다! 시의 길이와 주제에서부터 하나의 단어와 이미지까지! * 시는 영감 받아 한 번에 쓰나? 논리적으로 단계적으로 쓰나? 󰀻

30 7강 요약 – 6. In his essay The Philosophy of Composition,
Poe dismissed the notion of artistic (A) , and argued that writing is (B) , not spontaneous, with the composition of his own poem The Raven as an example. A B 1 style artificial 2 value 3 purity experimental 4 intuition analytical 5 tradition

31 7강 요약 – 6. 1. 소재 : 시 창작에 대한 Poe의 생각 - not an ecstatic intuition but analytic powers 2. 핵심 문장 : [요약문] In his essay The Philosophy of Composition, Poe dismissed the notion of artistic intuition and argued that writing is analytical, not spontaneous, with the composition of his own poem The Raven as an example. 3. 핵심 내용 : The Philosophy of Composition 에서 Poe는 자작시 ‘The Raven'이 직관과 무관하고 수학 문제를 푸는 것처럼 정확하게 정밀하게 단계적으로 완성되었음을 설명함으로써 글이 번뜩이는 영감에 의해 창작된다는 관념과 상반되는 관점을 피력하고 있다

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