4강 10번 The entrepreneurial journey brings with it ______ .

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Presentation on theme: "4강 10번 The entrepreneurial journey brings with it ______ ."— Presentation transcript:

1 4강 10번 The entrepreneurial journey brings with it ______ .
When you work for an established organization / you are used to certain things. You know / how much money / you will bring home each month; how many hours / you are expected to work. You are entitled to a certain number of paid holidays / and your employer may make contributions / toward healthcare costs and pension plans.

2 4강 10번 Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, work(1) around the clock / and at least in the early years / cannot expect(2) the same kind of security. These are just some of the challenges / that many aspiring entrepreneurs are not tuned into. Since everything is down to you (and your co-founders if this is applicable), / you have to take charge / and use tact / to solve these challenges. This journey doesn’t move forward / unless there is planning and a methodological approach.

3 4강 11번 Observation can offer ethnographers / solid evidence of demonstrated behaviors / occurring within a specific environment / at a specific time. 관찰 – 민족지학자 – 행동에 대한 증거제공 Observational skills help, for instance, /when we want to use people’s actions / to independently verify their spoken claims; describe and make sense of what is happening when no one can — or will — talk with us; and better capture higher-level patterns of behavior especially / regarding objects and environments. 관찰기술은 유용

4 4강 11번 Systematic, observation-based data / can help us / both find out what is actually going on / and justify our claims to others. 체계적인 관찰자료는 유용 But ____________ as to why things happen and the meanings actors attribute to them. 하지만 _____________ 왜 일들이 발생하고 행동자가 그 일들에 있다고 생각하는 의미와 관련하여 This is (the reason) / why direct observation should be combined / with other methods of understanding / to address most ethnographers’ problems of interest. 직접적인 관찰 + 다른 이해방법

5 4강 12번 We have entered a very exciting era / for behavioral and mental health care. 행동 건강관리와 정신 건강관리의 흥미진진한 시대 진입 Advances in artificial intelligence / make it possible to build intelligent machines / that enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of care, / while also providing entirely new capabilities. 인공지능의 발전-지능형 기계(건강관리) __ (A) , the integration of natural language processing and virtual reality / has allowed / for the creation of interactive intelligent virtual humans / that can provide training, consultation, and treatments. 자연언어처리와 가상현실의 통합-상호작용하는 지능형 가상 인간의 창출(건강관리) Artificial intelligent agent systems / can also assist / with clinical decision-making and healthcare management. 인공지능 대행시스템-임상의사결정과 건강관리경영 지원

6 4강 12번 Advances in sensing technologies and affective computing / have enabled machines / to detect(1), assess(2), and respond(3) to emotional states. 감지기술과 감성적 컴퓨팅의 발달-감정상태 파악, 진단, 대응 가능(건강관리) Robots / capable of patient and medical provider interaction / are now commercially available / for use / in the home and medical settings. 환자와 의료공급자 상호작용 가능한 로봇이 이용가능 (B) , / the use of machine learning and pattern recognition / is improving public health surveillance, / while brain mapping initiatives / now underway / provide opportunities/ to model(1) behavior / and better understand(2) normal and abnormal functions of the brain. 기계학습 패턴인식의 이용/ 뇌 지도계획

7 Quiz You are e______ to a certain number of paid holidays and your employer may make c________ toward healthcare costs and pension plans. Observation can offer ethnographers solid evidence of demonstrated behaviors (occur / occurring) within a specific environment at a specific time. Advances in artificial intelligence / make ____ possible ____ build intelligent machines ____ enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of care, while also providing entirely new capabilities.

8 대학가서 영어발표 잘해~~~~ 인공지능의 발전은 지능형 기계를 만드는 것을 가능하게 한다 건강관리의 질, 접근 가능성, 효율을 향상시켜주는 Advances in artificial intelligence / make it possible to build intelligent machines / that enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of care

9 자신의 발전을 위해 마음을 내어 노력하는 행동이 예쁘지 말입니다.

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