by taking our punishment, he made us completely well."

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Presentation on theme: "by taking our punishment, he made us completely well.""— Presentation transcript:

1 by taking our punishment, he made us completely well."
English Chapel  "그가 찔림은 우리의 허물 때문이요 그가 상함은 우리의 죄악 때문이라 그가 징계를 받으므로 우리는 평화를 누리고 그가 채찍에 맞으므로 우리는 나음을 받았도다."   (이사야 53장 5절) "He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment,  he made us completely well."  (Isaiah 53:5) 

2 Standing on the Promises
Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Through eternal ages let His praises ring,

3 Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God

4 Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God

5 Standing on the promises
Verse 4 Standing on the promises I cannot fall, Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call

6 as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God
Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God

7 Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God

8 Standing on the Promises
Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Through eternal ages let His praises ring,

9 I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God

10 Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God

11 I Will Worship You Perfect you are my God Righteous and holy in all of Your ways We willing your glory in all that You do All men will worship You

12 I will worship You I will praise Your name For You are
the only Lord and king

13 I will worship You I will praise Your name My desire is
to honor You Lord

14 완전하신 나의 주 의의 길로 날 인도하소서 행하신 모든 일 주님의 영광 다 경배합니다
예배합니다 완전하신 나의 주 의의 길로 날 인도하소서 행하신 모든 일 주님의 영광 다 경배합니다

15 예배합니다 찬양합니다 주님만 날 다스리소서

16 예배합니다 찬양합니다 주님 홀로 높임 받으소서
예배합니다 찬양합니다 주님 홀로 높임 받으소서

17 I will worship You I will praise Your name For You are
the only Lord and king

18 I will worship You I will praise Your name My desire is to honor You Lord

19 Pray

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