윤리경영: 2007년 주요 이슈와 글로벌기업의 전략 제10차 기업윤리학교 2007.3.29(목) 국민대학교 노한균.

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Presentation on theme: "윤리경영: 2007년 주요 이슈와 글로벌기업의 전략 제10차 기업윤리학교 2007.3.29(목) 국민대학교 노한균."— Presentation transcript:

1 윤리경영: 2007년 주요 이슈와 글로벌기업의 전략 제10차 기업윤리학교 (목) 국민대학교 노한균

2 발표순서 2007년 주요 이슈 글로벌기업의 전략 해외 동향 국내 동향 선정기준 BT Group Marks & Spencer
National Grid

3 해외 동향 3rd Annual Corporate Citizenship through CSI & CR Strategies & Reporting 2007 ( ) CERES Conference 2007 ( ) Responsible Entrepreneurship Exchange (5.3) 5th ISO/SR Plenary Meeting (11.5-9)

4 국내 동향 ‘2007년도 투명사회협약 경제계 실천계획(안)’ 발표 (3.22) GRI G3 가이드라인 설명회(3.29)
Global Compact Network의 구성 ISO 26000에 대한 인식 확산 사회책임투자의 움직임 클린 KOSDAQ 운동

5 글로벌기업의 전략 선정기준 Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Ethical Performance Business in the Community (BITC) FTSE4Good index

6 BT Group 민영화된 영국의 통신사업자 영국에서만 2,500백만 회선 관리
170개국 이상에서 사업하고 1/3 정도의 수입이 Global Services에서 나옴

7 BT’s View on CSR

8 BT’s KPI


10 Marks & Spencer 영국의 유통업체 해외 34개국에서 영업 수입 (2006) : £7.798 billion
Clothing, food, household items, coffee shop, furniture, technology 해외 34개국에서 영업 수입 (2006) : £7.798 billion 순수입 (2006) : £0.521 billion

11 3 Principles of CSR Principle 1: Products Principle 2: People
Principle 3: Places

12 M&S Principle(1): Products
Quality Management Systems Global Sourcing Principles Ethical trading Animal Welfare Responsible products Sustainable Sourcing

13 M&S Principle(2): People
Workplace Global Sourcing Principles Ethical Trading Community

14 M&S Principle(3): Place
Energy, water and waste Transport

15 National Grid 잉글랜드와 웨일즈 지방의 고전압 송전시스템을 보유 영국 전역의 송전시스템 운영
영국 내 고압가스 시스템을 보유, 운영 동북부 미국에서 송전시스템을 보유

16 Our Framework is based on three business goals, which comprise a number of underlying values:
Sustainable Growth. Profits with Responsibility. Investing in the Future.

17 Sustainable Growth Contribute to the economic growth of the countries in which we operate through the way in which we manage and invest in our business. Act with honesty and integrity as we undertake and develop our business. Protect the future of our business by proactively managing existing and future non-financial and environmental risks.

18 Value our employees through inclusion.
Employ the right number of people with the right skills for the work we have to do. Treat our employees fairly. Act in accordance with all laws and regulations. Respect human rights.

19 Profits with Responsibility
Improve our efficiency without compromising the reliability and integrity of our operations. Maintain a sound system of internal financial control. Be efficient in our use of natural resources. Keep our waste to a minimum and increase the economic value of any waste we produce. Help protect the environment for future generations, including making our contribution to minimising climate change.

20 Safeguard each other and those who work with us by operating an injury-free and healthy workplace and protect the safety of the public through the integrity of our operations. Help our employees balance work with their other commitments. Respect our customers and suppliers by conducting our business in a professional manner. Be open and constructive in the dialogue we have with our stakeholders.

21 Investing in the Future
Seek to deliver progressively increasing returns for our shareholders. Enable others to contribute to economic growth by providing high-quality dependable services. Improve, where we can, the environmental status of the land on which we operate. Contribute to the development of new laws and initiatives aimed at improving the environment and the quality of life.

22 Develop our employees so that they can add value to the company, to themselves and to society.
Recognise and reward our employees for the contribution they make. Encourage and support investment in the community through both the activities of our employees and our financial contributions, with an emphasis on developing partnerships.

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